The objectives of data collection are to enable the NCBs and the ECB to monitor the relevant activities of cash handlers and to oversee developments in the cash cycle.
2.General principles
2.1.Data on banknote handling machines are only reported when the machines are used for recirculation.
2.2.Cash handlers regularly provide the NCB of their Member State with the following:
information on establishments where cash is handled such as branch offices, and
information on banknote handling machines and cash dispensers.
2.3.In addition, cash handlers that recirculate euro banknotes via banknote handling machines and cash dispensers regularly provide the NCB of their Member State with the following:
information on the volume of cash operations (number of euro banknotes processed) involving banknote handling machines and cash dispensers,
information on remote branches of credit institutions with a low level of cash operations where fitness checks are carried out manually.
3.Type of data and reporting requirements
3.1.Depending on its nature, the data collected are divided into master data and operational data.
Master data
3.2.Master data cover information on: (a) the individual cash handlers and their banknote handling machines and cash dispensers in operation; and (b) remote branches of credit institutions.
3.3.Master data are provided to the NCB at the date of application of this Decision and every six months thereafter. The data specified in the template set out in Appendix 1 must be provided, although the NCB may require them to be provided in a different format. NCBs may for a transitional period ask for monthly reporting, if this was their practice prior to this Decision entering into force, or for quarterly reporting.
3.4.An NCB may decide, for monitoring reasons, to collect the data at local level, such as at branch offices.
3.5.An NCB may decide to exclude from the scope of the reporting requirements euro banknote handling machines only used to process euro banknotes distributed over the counter.
3.6.Data on remote branches specified in the template set out in Appendix 3 must be provided, although the NCB may require them to be provided in a different format.
Operational data
3.7.Data originating from the processing and recirculation of euro banknotes by cash handlers are classified as operational data.
3.8.An NCB may decide to exclude other economic agents, as referred to in Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1338/2001, from the obligation to report operational data if the number of euro banknotes they recirculate via cash dispensers is below a threshold determined by the NCB.
3.9.Data are provided on a six-monthly basis. The data are reported to the NCB at the latest two months after the relevant reporting period, i.e. end-February and end-August. Data may be provided using the template set out in Appendix 2. NCBs may for a transitional period ask for monthly reporting, if this was their practice prior to this Decision entering into force, or for quarterly reporting.
3.10.Data are provided by cash handlers which physically handle euro banknotes. If a cash handler has outsourced the checking for authenticity and fitness to another cash handler, the data are provided by the cash handler designated in accordance with Article 3(2).
3.11.Data are reported by cash handlers in terms of pieces (volume), aggregated at national level and broken down by euro banknote denomination. For remote branches of credit institutions, operational data is reported separately.
3.12.An NCB may decide, for monitoring reasons, to collect the data at local level, such as at branch offices.
3.13.An NCB may decide to exclude from the scope of the reporting requirements euro banknotes that are processed on euro banknote handling machines and distributed over the counter.
3.14.Cash handlers which have outsourced authenticity and fitness checking to other cash handlers may be requested to provide detailed information to the NCB on the latter.
3.15.Data on remote branches specified in the template set out in Appendix 3 must be provided, although the NCB may require them to be provided in a different format and may agree with cash handlers to collect more extensive data.
4.Confidentiality and publication of data
4.1.Both master data and operational data are treated as confidential.
4.2.The NCBs and the ECB may decide to publish reports or statistics using data acquired under this Annex. Any such publication is aggregated in such a way that no data can be attributed to single reporting entities.
Master data
This information is to be provided to:
[Name of NCB; contact details for queries; address]
1.Cash handler information
Cash handler’s name:
Headquarters address:
Zip/postal code:
Type of company:
Credit institution
Bureau de change
Cash in transit company which is not a payment institution
Trader (retailer)
Other, including payment institutions where not already categorised as one of the above (specify)
Contact persons:
Telephone Nos:
Telefax Nos:
E-mail addresses:
Outsourcing partner (if relevant)
Zip/postal code:
2.Customer-operated machines
Type | Manufacturer | Machine name | Identification(detector system/software versions) | Total number in operation |
CIMs | | | | |
CRMs | | | | |
CCMs | | | | |
COMs | | | | |
TARMs | | | | |
TAMs | | | | |
3.Staff-operated machines
Type | Manufacturer | Machine name | Identification(detector system/software versions) | Total number in operation |
BPMs | | | | |
BAMs | | | | |
TARMs | | | | |
TAMs | | | | |
4.Cash dispensers
Type | Total number in operation |
ATMs | |
SCoTs | |
Others | |
Operational data
1.Cash handler information
Cash handler’s name | |
Reporting period | |
Please provide data aggregated at national or regional level, as decided by the NCB — excluding remote branches.
| Total number of euro banknotes processed | Of which sorted as unfit | Of which recirculated |
EUR 5 | | | |
EUR 10 | | | |
EUR 20 | | | |
EUR 50 | | | |
EUR 100 | | | |
EUR 200 | | | |
EUR 500 | | | |
Number of euro banknotes distributed via customer operated machines and cash dispensers | |
These data are mandatory for credit institutions.
This information is provided only by credit institutions which have remote branches as referred to in Article 7(1).
1.Credit institution information
Credit institution’s name | |
Reporting period | |
Name of remote branch | Address | Number of euro banknotes distributed via customer-operated machines and cash dispensers |
| | |