xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
  1. Introductory Text

  2. Article 1.Subject matter

  3. Article 2. Trade in semen of animals of the equine species

  4. Article 3. Trade in ova and embryos of animals of the equine species

  5. Article 4.Trade in semen of animals of the ovine and caprine species

  6. Article 5.Trade in ova and embryos of animals of the ovine and caprine species

  7. Article 6.Trade in ova and embryos of the porcine species

  8. Article 7.Repeals

  9. Article 8.Applicability

  10. Article 9.Addressees

    1. ANNEX I

      Model health certificates for trade in the union in consignments of semen of animals of the equine species

      1. PART A Model health certificate IA for trade in the Union in...

      2. PART B Model health certificate IB for trade in the Union in...

      3. PART C Model health certificate IC for trade in the Union in...

      4. PART D Model health certificate ID for trade in the Union in...

    2. ANNEX II

      Model health certificates for trade in the union in consignments of ova and embryos of animals of the equine species

      1. PART A Model health certificate IIA for trade in the Union in...

      2. PART B Model health certificate IIB for trade in the Union in...

      3. PART C Model health certificate IIC for trade in the Union in...

    3. ANNEX III

      Model health certificates for trade in consigments of semen of animals of the ovine and caprine species

      1. PART A Model health certificate IIIA for trade within the Union in...

      2. PART B Model health certificate IIIB for trade within the Union in...

      3. PART C Model health certificate IIIC for trade within the Union in...

    4. ANNEX IV

      Model health certificates for trade within the Union in consigments of ova/embryos of animals of the ovine and caprine species

      1. PART A Model health certificate IVA for trade within the Union in...

      2. PART B Model health certificate IVB for trade within the Union in...

    5. ANNEX V

      Model health certificates for trade within the Union in consigments of ova/embryos of animals of the porcine species

      1. PART A Model health certificate VA for trade within the Union in...

      2. PART B Model health certificate VB for trade within the Union in...