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[F1Article 1 U.K. Mission

1. The Union shall conduct a military training mission (EUTM Somalia), in order to contribute to the building up and strengthening of the Somali National Armed Forces (SNAF) accountable to the Somali National Government, consistent with Somali needs and priorities and to support the implementation of the Somali Transition Plan for the transfer of security responsibilities to the Somali authorities.

2. In order to achieve the objectives set out in paragraph 1, the EU military mission shall be deployed in Somalia in order to address both institutional building in the defence sector through strategic advice as well as direct support to SNAF through training, advice and mentoring.

3. From 2021 onwards, EUTM Somalia shall, in particular, support the development of the Somali-owned Training System with a view to gradually handing over, in principle, training to SNAF by the end of 2022. EUTM Somalia shall provide mentoring for Somali-owned and Somali-provided training and establish a capacity to track and assess units it has trained. EUTM Somalia shall also provide support, as necessary and within its means and capabilities, to other Union actors in the implementation of their respective mandates in the security and defence area in Somalia, notably to EUCAP Somalia with regard to the interoperability between SNAF and the Somali police force, and to the African Peace Facility support package, or to any future Union support to the Somali Security Forces.

4. Subject to approval by the Political and Security Committee and within its means and capabilities, EUTM Somalia shall plan and conduct decentralised activities in support of SNAF regional Headquarters.

5. The implementation of the mandated activities in Somalia shall depend on the security conditions in Somalia and political guidance by the Political and Security Committee.]