Article 3Material scope

The specific control and inspection programme shall cover the following activities:

  1. 1.

    all fishing activities, including by-catches, by fishing vessels and traps, including joint fishing operations;

  2. 2.

    F1all catches, landings, transfers, transhipments and caging operations, including implemented pilot studies on how better estimate both the number and weight of bluefin tuna at the point of capture and caging, including through the use of stereoscopical systems and the programme using stereoscopical cameras systems or alternative techniques that provide the equivalent precision, which shall cover 100 % of all caging operations in order to refine the number and weight of the fish in each caging operation;

  3. 3.

    all related activities of farms and operators engaged in caging, fattening, farming, harvesting or processing of bluefin tuna and/or in trade of bluefin tuna products, including domestic trade, importation, exportation and re-exportation, transport and storage;

  4. 4.

    sport and recreational fisheries.