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(K) Information on measures (Articles 13 and 14) U.K.
(1)Code(s) of exceedance situation (link to G)U.K.
(2)Code of air quality plan (link to H)U.K.
(3)Code of evaluation scenario (link to J)U.K.
(4)Measure: codeU.K.
(5)Measure: nameU.K.
(6)Measure: descriptionU.K.
(7)Measure: classificationU.K.
(8)Measure: typeU.K.
(9)Measure: administrative levelU.K.
(10)Measure: time scaleU.K.
(11)Measure: affected source sectorU.K.
(12)Measure: spatial scaleU.K.
(13)Estimated implementation costs (where available)U.K.
(14)Planned implementation: start and end dateU.K.
(15)Date when the measure is planned to take full effectU.K.
(16)Other key implementation datesU.K.
(17)Indicator for monitoring progressU.K.
(18)Reduction in annual emissions due to applied measureU.K.
(19)Expected impact in level of concentrations in the projection year (where available)U.K.
(20)Expected impact in number of exceedances in the projection year (where available)U.K.