Commission Decision of 11 February 2011 relating to the clearance of the accounts presented by Romania for the expenditure financed under the special accession programme for agriculture and rural development (Sapard) in 2007 (notified under document C(2011) 759) (Only the Romanian text is authentic) (2011/96/EU)


Clearance of the Romanian Sapard Agency's accounts

Financial year 2007

Expenditure and funding received from the EU in respect of the financial year 2007 as stated at 31 December 2007

This amount represents the adjustments made by the Romanian authorities in the declared expenditure to the Commission for the FY 2007 during the subsequent periods, due to recovered amounts for the measure 3.3.


This amount represents the mathematical difference between the amount cleared and that reimbursed for the financial year 2007, without taking into account the advances paid in the previous years.The Commission services do not commit to recover or pay any amount at the date of this decision.


The difference of (EUR -97 342,5) is the mathematical result of (EUR 97 452,16) representing expenditure declared but not reimbursed by the Commission following the appraisal of the reperformance reports for the measure 3.3, of (EUR – 92,69) representing corrections made by the Romanian authorities in 2007 for D1 2006, of (EUR – 18,36) triggered by the use of an incorrect exchange rate for three recoveries as explained by the CB, and of (EUR 1,39) due to rounding.

(all amounts in euro)
Beneficiary CountryDeclaration D2EU-contributionFinancial year 2007EU-contribution cleared with this decisionEU-contribution disjoined with this decisionTotal b + cAdjustmentsaFunding received from the EU (D1)Difference to berecovered or paidFinancial year 2007b
abcdefg = d - e - f
Romania260 601 503,2260 601 503,20,0260 601 503,239 204,26260 464 956,4497 342,5c
Assets held by the Beneficiary Countries on behalf of the EU on 31 December 2007

The amounts do not take into account the interests accrued on debts.

(all amounts in euro)
Beneficiary CountryEURO ACCOUNTbalance cleared with this decisionEURO ACCOUNTbalance disjoined with this decisionDEBTORScleared with this decisionDEBTORSdisjoined with this decision
Romania815 476,50,02 735 476,31a0,0