Upgrading or renewing the Control-Command and Signalling Track-side Subsystem may concern any or all of the following:
Train protection
Radio communication
Train detection
These different parts of the Control-Command and Signalling Track-side Subsystem may therefore be upgraded or renewed separately if interoperability is not jeopardised. The work involved will concern:
GSM-R functions and interfaces
ERTMS/ETCS functions and interfaces
Train detection system compatibility with rolling stock
See Chapter 4.1 (Introduction) for the definition of the basic parameters for each part.
Member States shall ensure that the functionality of the legacy systems and their interfaces remains unchanged, except where modifications are needed to mitigate safety-related flaws in these systems.
If lines that fall within the scope of this TSI are not equipped with Class A train protection systems, the Member State shall make every effort to ensure the availability of an external Specific Transmission Module (STM) for its legacy Class B train protection system or systems.
In this context, due regard is to be given to ensuring an open market for STMs under fair commercial conditions. If, for technical or commercial reasons(1) the availability of an STM cannot be ensured, the Member State concerned shall inform the Committee of the underlying reasons for the problem and of the mitigation measures that it intends to put into place in order to allow operators — and in particular foreign operators — access to its infrastructure.
On a line equipped with ERTMS/ETCS and/or GSM-R, additional Class B equipment may be installed in order to allow the operation of rolling stock not compatible with Class A during the migration phase. Class B equipment may be used on-board as a fallback arrangement for a Class A system. However an infrastructure manager is not entitled to require the interoperable trains running on such a line to have Class B systems on board.
In addition, track-side shall support transitions between Class A and Class B without imposing on the Control-Command and Signalling On-board Subsystem requirements additional to those specified in this TSI.
Rolling stock may be equipped with both Class A and Class B systems to enable operation on several lines.
The Member State concerned may restrict the use of an on-board Class B system on lines where the corresponding system is not installed track-side.
When running on a line which is equipped with both Class A and Class B systems, a train that is also equipped with both Class A and Class B systems may use the Class B systems as a fallback arrangement. This cannot be a requirement for interoperability.
The Class B train protection systems may be implemented:
using an STM operating via the standard interface (‘external STM’); or
integrated within the ERTMS/ETCS equipment or connected via a non-standard interface; or
independently from the ERTMS/ETCS equipment, for example via a system that enables switching between equipment. The Railway Undertaking must then ensure that the transitions between Class A and Class B train protection are carried out in conformity with the requirements of this TSI and with the national rules for the Class B system.
Depending on the characteristics of the Control-Command and Signalling Track-side Sub-system and its interfaces with other sub-systems, some track-side functionalities not classified as mandatory may necessarily have to be implemented in certain applications to comply with the essential requirements.
The track-side implementation of national or optional-functions must not prevent the use of that infrastructure by a train that complies only with the mandatory requirements of the On-board Class A system except as required for the following on-board optional functions:
an ETCS Level 3 Track-side application requires train integrity supervision on board,
an ETCS Level 1 Track-side application with in-fill requires corresponding in-fill functionality on board if the release speed is set to zero for safety reasons (e.g. protection of danger points),
when ETCS requires data transmission by radio, the data transmission services of GSM-R must fulfil the ETCS data transmission requirements,
an on-board assembly, which incorporates a KER STM, may make it necessary to implement the K-interface.
The fitting of GSM-R is mandatory when:
installing for the first time the radio part of a Control-Command and Signalling Track-side Subsystem;
upgrading the radio part of a Control-Command and Signalling Track-side Subsystem already in service in such a way that it changes the functions or the performance of the subsystem. This does not include the modifications deemed necessary to mitigate safety-related defects in the legacy installation.
The fitting of GSM-R in rolling stock intended for use on a line including at least one section equipped with Class A interfaces (even if superimposed to a Class B system), is mandatory when:
installing for the first time the radio part of a Control-Command and Signalling On-board Subsystem;
upgrading the radio part of a Control-Command and Signalling On-board Subsystem already in service in such a way that it changes the functions or the performance of the subsystem. This does not apply to modifications deemed necessary to mitigate safety-related defects in the legacy installation.
In the context of this TSI, train detection system means the equipment installed track-side, which detects the presence or absence of vehicles either on an entire line of route or on a local section of it.
Track-side systems (e.g. interlocking or level crossing control systems) which use information from detection equipment are not considered parts of the train detection system.
This TSI specifies the requirements for the interface with rolling stock only to the extent necessary to ensure compatibility between TSI-compliant rolling stock and the infrastructure.
Implementing a train detection system that is compliant with the requirements of the Control-Command and Signalling Subsystems TSI can be done independently of the installation of ERTMS/ETCS or GSM-R, but can be dependent on the Class B signalling systems or on special requirements, e.g. for level crossing equipment.
The requirements of this TSI relating to train detection systems shall be respected when:
upgrading the train detection system;
renewing the train detection system, provided that respecting the requirements of this TSI does not imply unwanted modifications or upgrades of other track-side or on-board systems;
renewing the train detection system, where this is required by the upgrade or renewal of track-side systems that use information from the train detection system;
removing Class B train protection systems (where the train detection and train protection systems are integrated).
In the migration phase care shall be taken to ensure that installing a TSI compliant train detection system has a minimal negative impact on the existing non-TSI compliant rolling stock.
To achieve this, it is recommended that the Infrastructure Manager selects a TSI compliant train detection system that, at the same time, is compatible with the non-TSI compliant rolling stock already operating on that infrastructure.
The following special provisions are permitted in the specific cases below.
These specific cases belong to two categories: the provisions apply either permanently (case ‘P’) or temporarily (case ‘T’).
In this TSI, temporary case ‘T3’ is defined as temporary cases which will still exist after 2020.
The specific cases set out in Sections to should be read in conjunction with the relevant sections of Chapter 4 and/or specifications referenced there.
The specific cases replace the corresponding requirements set out in Chapter 4.
Where the requirements set out in the relevant section of Chapter 4 are not subject to a specific case, those requirements have not been duplicated in Sections to and continue to apply unmodified.
E.g. the feasibility of the external STM concept cannot be technically guaranteed or potential issues relating to the ownership of the intellectual property rights of the Class B systems prevent the timely development of an STM product.