Council Decision

of 3 December 2012

on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on the protection of geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs



Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular the first subparagraph of 207(4), in conjunction with Article 218(6)(a)(v) and Article 218(7) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,

Having regard to the consent of the European Parliament,


(1) The Commission has negotiated, on behalf of the Union, an Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on the protection of geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs (the ‘Agreement’).

(2) The Agreement will allow the reciprocal protection of the geographical indications of the Union and the Republic of Moldova, as well as contribute to the approximation of legislation among the neighbouring countries of the Union.

(3) In accordance with Council Decision 2012/292/EU of 31 May 2012(1), the Agreement was signed on 26 June 2012, subject to its conclusion.

(4) Certain tasks for implementation of the Agreement have been attributed to the Joint Committee set up pursuant to Article 11 thereof, including the power to amend certain technical aspects of the Agreement as well as certain Annexes thereto.

(5) The internal procedure for establishing the Union's position in that Joint Committee on matters relating to the Agreement should be defined.

(6) The Agreement should be approved,


Article 1

The Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on the protection of geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs (the ‘Agreement’) and the Declaration attached thereto are hereby approved on behalf of the Union.

Article 2

The Commission shall represent the Union in the Joint Committee set up pursuant to Article 11 of the Agreement (the ‘Joint Committee’).

Modifications to the Agreement through decisions of the Joint Committee shall be approved by the Commission on behalf of the Union.

Where interested parties cannot reach a common position following objections relating to a geographical indication, the Commission shall adopt such a position in accordance with the examination procedure laid down in Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission's exercise of implementing powers(2). In doing so, the Commission shall be assisted by either of the following, depending on the products covered by the geographical indications concerned:


the Standing Committee on Protected Geographical Indications and Protected Designations of Origin established by Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 of 20 March 2006 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs(3);


the Management Committee for the Common Organisation of Agricultural Markets established by Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation)(4); or


the Committee for Spirit Drinks established by Regulation (EC) No 110/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2008 on the definition, description, presentation, labelling and the protection of spirit drinks(5).

Article 3

The President of the Council shall designate the person(s) empowered to give, on behalf of the Union, the notification provided for in Article 14 of the Agreement.

Article 4

This Decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption.

Done at Brussels, 3 December 2012.

For the Council

The President

N. Sylikiotis


between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on the protection of geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs


of the one part,



of the other part,

Hereinafter referred to as the "Contracting Parties",

HAVING IN MIND the objectives of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement and the corresponding Action Plan to ensure a level of protection for intellectual property rights similar to that in the EU, including effective means of enforcement,

HAVING IN MIND the objectives of the Association Agreement, particularly under the provisions of the possible future Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, to ensure a level of protection for intellectual property rights similar to that in the EU, including effective means of enforcement,

CONSIDERING that the Contracting Parties agree to promote between them a harmonious development of the geographical indications as defined in Article 22(1) of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and to foster the trade of the agricultural products and foodstuff originating in the territories of the Contracting Parties,


Article 1Scope

1.This Agreement applies to the recognition and protection of geographical indications which are originating in the territories of the Contracting Parties.

2.In order for a geographical indication of a Contracting Party to be protected by the other Contracting Party, it shall cover products within the scope of the legislation of that Contracting Party referred to in Article 2.

3."Geographical indication" shall mean an indication as defined in Article 22(1) of the WTO-TRIPs Agreement, which also includes "designations of origin".

Article 2Established geographical indications

1.Having examined the legislation of the Republic of Moldova on the protection of geographical indications, listed in Part A of Annex I, the European Union concludes that that legislation meets the elements laid down in Part C of Annex I.

2.Having examined the legislation of the European Union on the protection of geographical indications, listed in Part B of Annex I, the Government of the Republic of Moldova concludes that that legislation meets the elements laid down in Part C of Annex I.

3.Having completed an objection procedure in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex II, and having examined the geographical indications of the European Union listed in Annex III and the wines, aromatised wines and spirit drinks corresponding to the geographical indications of the European Union listed in Annex IV, which have been registered by the European Union under the legislation referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, the Government of the Republic of Moldova shall protect those geographical indications according to the level of protection laid down in this Agreement.

4.Having completed an objection procedure in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex II, and having examined the agricultural products and foodstuffs corresponding to the geographical indications of Moldova listed in Annex III and the wines, aromatised wines and spirit drinks corresponding to the geographical indications of the Republic of Moldova listed in Annex IV which have been registered by the Republic of Moldova under the legislation referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the European Union shall protect those geographical indications according to the level of protection laid down in this Agreement.

Article 3Addition of new geographical indications

1.The Contracting Parties agree on the possibility to add in Annexes III and IV new geographical indications to be protected, in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 11(3) after having completed the objection procedure and after having examined the geographical indications as referred to in Articles 2(3) and 2(4) to the satisfaction of both Contracting Parties.

2.A Contracting Party shall not be required to protect as a geographical indication a name that conflicts with the name of a plant variety, including a wine grape variety, or an animal breed and as a result is likely to mislead the consumer as to the true origin of the product.

Article 4Scope of protection of geographical indications

1.The geographical indications listed in Annexes III and IV, as well as those added pursuant to Article 3(1), shall be protected against:

(a)any direct or indirect commercial use of a protected name:

  • (a)for comparable products not compliant with the product specification of the protected name, or

  • in so far as such use exploits the reputation of a geographical indication;

(b)any misuse, imitation or evocation(6), even if the true origin of the product is indicated or if the protected name is translated, transcribed, transliterated, or accompanied by an expression such as "style", "type", "method", "as produced in", "imitation", "flavour", "like" or similar;

(c)any other false or misleading indication as to the provenance, origin, nature or essential qualities of the product, on the inner or outer packaging, advertising material or documents relating to the product concerned, and the packing of the product in a container liable to convey a false impression as to its origin;

(d)any other practice liable to mislead the consumer as to the true origin of the product.

2.If geographical indications are wholly or partially homonymous, protection shall be granted to each indication provided that it has been used in good faith and with due regard for local and traditional usage and the actual risk of confusion. Without prejudice to Article 23 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), the Contracting Parties shall mutually decide the practical conditions of use under which the homonymous geographical indications will be differentiated from each other, taking into account the need to ensure equitable treatment of the producers concerned and that consumers are not misled. A homonymous name which misleads the consumer into believing that products come from another territory shall not be registered even if the name is accurate as far as the actual territory, region or place of origin of the product in question is concerned.

3.Where a Contracting Party, in the context of negotiations with a third country, proposes to protect a geographical indication of that third country, and the name is homonymous with a geographical indication of the other Contracting Party the latter shall be consulted and be given the opportunity to comment before the name is protected.

4.Nothing in this Agreement shall oblige a Contracting Party to protect a geographical indication of the other Contracting Party which is not, or ceases to be, protected in its country of origin. The Contracting Parties shall notify each other if a geographical indication ceases to be protected in its country of origin.

5.The provisions of this Agreement shall in no way prejudice the right of any person to use, in the course of trade, that person's name or the name of that person's predecessor in business, except where such name is used in such a manner as to mislead consumers.

Article 5Right of use of geographical indications

1.A name protected under this Agreement may be used by any operator marketing, producing, processing or preparing agricultural products, foodstuffs, wines, aromatised wines or spirit drinks which conform to the corresponding product specification.

2.Once a geographical indication is protected under this Agreement, the use of such protected name shall not be subject to any registration of users or further charges.

Article 6Enforcement of protection

The Contracting Parties shall enforce the protection provided for in Articles 2 to 7 by appropriate administrative actions or legal proceedings, as appropriate, including at the customs border (export and import), in order to prevent and stop any unlawful use of the protected geographical indications. They shall also enforce such protection at the request of an interested party.

Article 7Specific provision

Without prejudice to previous commitments of the Republic of Moldova to grant protection for the EU geographical indications derived from international agreements on the protection of geographical indications and the enforcement thereof, including the commitments undertaken in the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration, and in accordance with Article 6 of this Agreement, the Republic of Moldova shall benefit from a transitional period of 5 years from the date of entry into force of this Agreement to put in place all complementary actions necessary to stop any unlawful use of the protected geographical indications, in particular the measures at the custom border.

Article 8Relationship with trade marks

1.The Contracting Parties shall refuse to register or shall invalidate, ex officio or at the request of any interested party in conformity with the legislation of each Party, a trade mark that corresponds to any of the situations referred to in Article 4(1) in relation to a protected geographical indication for like products, provided an application to register the trade mark is submitted after the date of application for protection of the geographical indication in the territory concerned.

2.For geographical indications referred to in Article 2, the date of application for protection shall be the date of entry into force of this Agreement.

3.For geographical indications referred to in Article 3, the date of application for protection shall be the date of the transmission of a request to the other Contracting Party to protect a geographical indication.

4.For geographical indications referred to in Article 3, the Contracting Parties shall have no obligation to protect a geographical indication where, in the light of a reputed or well-known trade mark, protection is liable to mislead consumers as to the true identity of the product.

5.Without prejudice to paragraph 4, the Contracting Parties shall protect geographical indications also where a prior trade mark exists. A prior trade mark shall mean a trade mark the use of which corresponds to one of the situations referred to in Article 4(1), which has been applied for, registered or established by use, if that possibility is provided for by the legislation concerned, in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties before the date on which the application for protection of the geographical indication is submitted by the other Contracting Party under this Agreement. Such trade mark may continue to be used and renewed notwithstanding the protection of the geographical indication, provided that no grounds for the trade mark's invalidity or revocation exist in the legislation on trade marks of the Contracting Parties.

Article 9General rules

1.This Agreement shall apply without prejudice to the rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties under the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization done on 15 April 1994.

2.Notwithstanding Article 7, import, export and marketing of any product referred to in Articles 2 and 3 shall be conducted in compliance with the laws and regulations applying in the territory of the importing Contracting Party.

3.Any matter arising from technical specifications of registered names shall be dealt with in the Joint Committee established pursuant to Article 11.

4.Geographical indications protected under this Agreement may only be cancelled by the Contracting Party in which the product originates.

5.A product specification referred to in this Agreement shall be that approved, including any amendments also approved, by the authorities of the Contracting Party in the territory of which the product originates.

Article 10Cooperation and transparency

1.The Contracting Parties shall, either directly or through the Joint Committee established pursuant to Article 11, maintain contact on all matters relating to implementation and functioning of this Agreement. In particular, a Contracting Party may request from the other Contracting Party information relating to products specifications and their modification, and contact points for control provisions.

2.Each Contracting Party may make publicly available the product specifications or a summary thereof and contact points for control provisions corresponding to geographical indications of the other Contracting Party protected pursuant to this Agreement.

Article 11Joint Committee

1.Both Contracting Parties agree to set up a Joint Committee consisting of representatives of the Contracting Parties with the purpose of monitoring the development of this Agreement and of intensifying their co-operation and dialogue on geographical indications.

2.The Joint Committee adopts its decisions by consensus. It shall determine its own rules of procedure. It shall meet at least once a year and at the request of either of the Contracting Parties, alternatively in the European Union and in the Republic of Moldova, at a time and a place and in a manner (which may include by videoconference) mutually determined by the Contracting Parties, but no later than 90 days after the request.

3.The Joint Committee shall also see to the proper functioning of this Agreement and may consider any matter related to its implementation and operation. In particular, it shall be responsible for:

(a)amending Parts A and B of Annex I, as regards the references to the law applicable in the Contracting Parties,

(b)modifying Annexes III and IV as regards geographical indications,

(c)exchanging information on legislative and policy developments on geographical indications and any other matter of mutual interest in the area of geographical indications,

(d)exchanging information on geographical indications for the purpose of considering their protection in accordance with this Agreement,

(e)monitoring the latest developments regarding the enforcement of the protection of the geographical indications listed in Annexes III and IV.

Article 12Territorial scope

This Agreement shall apply, on the one hand, to the territories in which the Treaty on European Union is applied and under the conditions laid down in that Treaty and, on the other hand, to the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

Article 13Authentic languages

1.This Agreement is drawn up in duplicate in the official languages of both Contracting Parties.

2.In the event of inconsistencies of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.

Article 14Final provisions

1.This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date on which the Contracting Parties have notified each other in writing that their respective procedures for the entry into force of this Agreement have been completed.

2.Either Contracting Party may terminate this Agreement by giving one year's written notice to the other Contracting Party.

Съставено в Брюксел на двадесет и шести юни две хиляди и дванадесета година.

Hecho en Bruselas, el veintiseis de junio de dos mil doce.

V Bruselu dne dvacátého šestého června dva tisíce dvanáct.

Udfærdiget i Bruxelles den seksogtyvende juni to tusind og tolv.

Geschehen zu Brüssel am sechsundzwanzigsten Juni zweitausendzwölf.

Kahe tuhande kaheteistkümnenda aasta juunikuu kahekümne kuuendal päeval Brüsselis.

Έγινε στις Βρυξέλλες, στις είκοσι έξι Ιουνίου δύο χιλιάδες δώδεκα.

Done at Brussels on the twenty-sixth day of June in the year two thousand and twelve.

Fait à Bruxelles, le vingt-six juin deux mille douze.

Fatto a Bruxelles, addì ventisei giugno duemiladodici.

Briselē, divi tūkstoši divpadsmitā gada divdesmit sestajā jūnijā.

Priimta du tūkstančiai dvyliktų metų birželio dvidešimt šeštą dieną Briuselyje.

Kelt Brüsszelben, a kétezer-tizenkettedik év június havának huszonhatodik napján.

Magħmul fi Brussell, fis-sitta u għoxrin jum ta’ Ġunju tas-sena elfejn u tnax.

Gedaan te Brussel, de zesentwintigste juni tweeduizend twaalf.

Sporządzono w Brukseli dnia dwudziestego szóstego czerwca roku dwa tysiące dwunastego.

Feito em Bruxelas, em vinte e seis de junho de dois mil e doze.

Întocmit la Bruxelles la douăzeci și șase iunie două mii doisprezece.

V Bruseli dvadsiateho šiesteho júna dvetisícdvanásť.

V Bruslju, dne šestindvajsetega junija leta dva tisoč dvanajst.

Tehty Brysselissä kahdentenakymmenentenäkuudentena päivänä kesäkuuta vuonna kaksituhattakaksitoista.

Som skedde i Bryssel den tjugosjätte juni tjugohundratolv.

Întocmit la Bruxelles la douăzeci și șase iunie două mii doisprezece.

За Европейския съюз

Por la Unión Europea

Za Evropskou unii

For Den Europæiske Union

Für die Europäische Union

Euroopa Liidu nimel

Για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση

For the European Union

Pour l'Union européenne

Per l'Unione europea

Eiropas Savienības vārdā –

Europos Sąjungos vardu

Az Európai Unió részéről

Għall-Unjoni Ewropea

Voor de Europese Unie

W imieniu Unii Europejskiej

Pela União Europeia

Pentru Uniunea Europeană

Za Európsku úniu

Za Evropsko unijo

Euroopan unionin puolesta

För Europeiska unionen

Pentru Uniunea Europeană

За Република Молдова

Por la República de Moldavia

Za Moldavskou republiku

For Republikken Moldova

Für die Republik Moldau

Moldova Vabariigi nimel

Για τη Δημοκρατία της Μολδαβίας

For the Republic of Moldova

Pour la République de Moldavie

Per la Repubblica moldova

Moldovas Republikas vārdā –

Moldovos Respublikos vardu

A Moldovai Köztársaság részéről

Għar-Repubblika tal-Moldova

Voor de Republiek Moldavië

W imieniu Republiki Mołdawii

Pela República da Moldova

Pentru Republica Moldova

Za Moldavskú republiku

Za Republiko Moldavijo

Moldovan tasavallan puolesta

För Republiken Moldavien

Pentru Republica Moldova



Law on the Protection of Geographical Indications, Designations of Origin and Traditional Specialties Guaranteed, No. 66-XVI of 27.3.2008 and its implementing rules, for the procedure of filing, examination and registration of geographical indications, designations of origin and traditional specialties guaranteed in the Republic of Moldova.


1.Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 of 20 March 2006 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs(7), with its implementing rules, for the registration, control, and the protection of geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs in the European Union

2.Part II, Title II, Chapter I, Section 1a of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of the Council of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation)(8), with its implementing rules

3.Regulation (EC) No 110/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2008 on the definition, description, presentation, labelling and the protection of geographical indications of spirit drinks(9), with its implementing rules.

4.Council Regulation (EEC) No 1601/91 of 10 June 1991 laying down general rules on the definition, description and presentation of aromatized wines, aromatized wine- based drinks and aromatized wine-product cocktails(10), with its implementing rules


1.A register listing geographical indications protected in the territory

2.An administrative process verifying that geographical indications identify a good as originating in a territory, region or locality of one or more states, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin

3.A requirement that a registered name shall correspond to a specific product or products for which a product specification is laid down, which can only be amended by due administrative process

4.Control provisions applying to production

5.An objection procedure that allows the legitimate interests of prior users of names, whether those names are protected as a form of intellectual property or not, to be taken into account

6.A rule that protected names may not become generic

7.Provisions concerning the registration, which may include refusal of registration, of terms homonymous or partly homonymous with registered terms, terms customary in common language as the common name for goods, terms comprising or including the names of plant varieties and animal breeds. Such provisions shall take into account the legitimate interests of all parties concerned


1.List of name(s) with, where applicable, the corresponding transcription into Latin characters.

2.Information about the product class.

3.Invitation to any Member State, in the case of the European Union, or third country or any natural or legal persons having a legitimate interest, established or resident in a Member State in the case of the European Union, in the Republic of Moldova or in a third country to submit objections to such protection by lodging a duly substantiated statement.

4.Statements of objection must reach the European Commission or the Moldovan Government within 2 months from the date of the publication of the information notice.

5.Statements of objection shall be admissible only if they are received within the time-limit set out in point 4 and if they show that the protection of the name proposed would:

  • conflict with the name of a plant variety, including a wine grape variety or an animal breed and as a result is likely to mislead the consumer as to the true origin of the product;

  • conflict with a homonymous name which would mislead the consumer into believing that products come from another territory;

  • in the light of a trade mark's reputation and renown and the length of time it has been used, be liable to mislead the consumer as to the true identity of the product;

  • jeopardise the existence of an entirely or partly identical name or of a trade mark or the existence of products which have been legally on the market for at least five years preceding the date of the publication of the information notice;

  • conflict with a name that is considered generic.

6.The criteria referred to in point 5 shall be evaluated in relation to the territory of the European Union, which in the case of intellectual property rights refers only to the territory or territories where the rights are protected, or the territory of the Republic of Moldova.


Agricultural products and foodstuffs others than wines, spirits and aromatised wines of the European Union to be protected in the Republic of Moldova

EU Member StateName to be protectedType of productLatin Equivalent
ATGailtaler SpeckMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ATTiroler SpeckMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ATGailtaler AlmkäseCheeses
ATTiroler Almkäse; Tiroler AlpkäseCheeses
ATTiroler BergkäseCheeses
ATTiroler GraukäseCheeses
ATVorarlberger AlpkäseCheeses
ATVorarlberger BergkäseCheeses
ATSteirisches KübiskernölOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ATMarchfeldspargelFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ATSteirischer KrenFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ATWachauer MarilleFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ATWaldviertler GraumohnFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
BEJambon d'ArdenneMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
BEFromage de HerveCheeses
BEBeurre d'ArdenneOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
BEBrussels grondwitloofFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
BEVlaams - Brabantse TafeldruifFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
BEPâté gaumaisOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
BEGeraardsbergse MattentaartBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
BEGentse azaleaFlowers and ornamental plants
CYΛουκούμι ΓεροσκήπουBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers waresLoukoumi Geroskipou
CZNošovické kysané zelíFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
CZVšestarská cibuleFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
CZPohořelický kaprFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
CZTřeboňský kaprFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
CZČeský kmínOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
CZChamomilla bohemicaOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
CZŽatecký chmelOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
CZBrněnské pivo; Starobrněnské pivoBeers
CZBřeznický ležákBeers
CZBudějovické pivoBeers
CZBudějovický měšťanský varBeers
CZČeské pivoBeers
CZČerná HoraBeers
CZČeskobudějovické pivoBeers
CZChodské pivoBeers
CZZnojemské pivoBeers
CZHořické trubičkyBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
CZKarlovarský sucharBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
CZLomnické sucharyBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
CZMariánskolázeňské oplatkyBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
CZPardubický perníkBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
CZŠtramberské ušiBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
CZJihočeská NivaCheeses
CZJihočeská Zlatá NivaCheeses
DEDiepholzer MoorschnuckeFresh meat (and offal)
DELüneburger HeidschnuckeFresh meat (and offal)
DESchwäbisch-Hällisches QualitätsschweinefleischFresh meat (and offal)
DEAmmerländer Dielenrauchschinken; Ammerländer KatenschinkenMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
DEAmmerländer Schinken; Ammerländer KnochenschinkenMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
DEGreußener SalamiMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
DENürnberger Bratwürste; Nürnberger RostbratwürsteMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
DESchwarzwälder SchinkenMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
DEThüringer LeberwurstMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
DEThüringer RostbratwurstMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
DEThüringer RotwurstMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
DEAllgäuer BergkäseCheeses
DEAllgäuer EmmentalerCheeses
DEAltenburger ZiegenkäseCheeses
DEOdenwälder FrühstückskäseCheeses
DELausitzer LeinölOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
DEBayerischer Meerrettich; Bayerischer KrenFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
DEFeldsalate von der Insel ReichenauFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
DEGurken von der Insel ReichenauFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
DESalate von der Insel ReichenauFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
DESpreewälder GurkenFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
DESpreewälder MeerrettichFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
DETomaten von der Insel ReichenauFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
DEHolsteiner KarpfenFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
DEOberpfälzer KarpfenFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
DESchwarzwaldforelleFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
DEBayerisches BierBeers
DEBremer BierBeers
DEDortmunder BierBeers
DEHofer BierBeers
DEKulmbacher BierBeers
DEMainfranken BierBeers
DEMünchener BierBeers
DEReuther BierBeers
DEWernesgrüner BierBeers
DEAachener PrintenBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
DELübecker MarzipanBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
DEMeißner FummelBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
DENürnberger LebkuchenBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
DESchwäbische Maultaschen; Schwäbische SuppenmaultaschenPasta
DEHopfen aus der HallertauOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
DKLammefjordsgulerodFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ELΓραβιέρα ΑγράφωνCheesesGraviera Agrafon
ELΓραβιέρα ΚρήτηςCheesesGraviera Kritis
ELΓραβιέρα ΝάξουCheesesGraviera Naxou
ELΚαλαθάκι ΛήμνουCheesesKalathaki Limnou
ELΚατίκι ΔομοκούCheesesKatiki Domokou
ELΛαδοτύρι ΜυτιλήνηςCheesesLadotyri Mytilinis
ELΞινομυζήθρα ΚρήτηςCheesesXinomyzithra Kritis
ELΠηχτόγαλο ΧανίωνCheesesPichtogalo Chanion
ELΣαν ΜιχάληCheesesSan Michali
ELΦορμαέλα Αράχωβας ΠαρνασσούCheesesFormaela Arachovas Parnassou
ELΆγιος Ματθαίος ΚέρκυραςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Agios Mattheos Kerkyras
ELΑποκόρωνας Χανίων ΚρήτηςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Apokoronas Chanion Kritis
ELΑρχάνες Ηρακλείου ΚρήτηςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Arxanes Irakliou Kritis
ELΒιάννος Ηρακλείου ΚρήτηςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Viannos Irakliou Kritis
ELΒόρειος Μυλοπόταμος Ρεθύμνης ΚρήτηςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Vorios Mylopotamos Rethymnis Kritis
ELΕξαιρετικό παρθένο ελαιόλαδο «Τροιζηνία»Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Exeretiko partheno eleolado "Trizinia"
ELΕξαιρετικό παρθένο ελαιόλαδο ΘραψανόOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Exeretiko partheno eleolado Thrapsano
ELΖάκυνθοςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Zakynthos
ELΘάσοςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Thassos
ELΚαλαμάταOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Kalamata
ELΚεφαλονιάOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Kefalonia
ELΚολυμβάρι Χανίων ΚρήτηςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Kolymvari Chanion Kritis
ELΚρανίδι ΑργολίδαςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Kranidi Argolidas
ELΚροκεές ΛακωνίαςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Krokees Lakonias
ELΛακωνίαOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Lakonia
ELΛέσβος; MυτιλήνηOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Lesvos; Mytilini
ELΛυγουριό ΑσκληπιείουOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Lygourio Asklipiiou
ELΟλυμπίαOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Olympia
ELΠεζά Ηρακλείου ΚρήτηςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Peza Irakliou Kritis
ELΠέτρινα ΛακωνίαςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Petrina Lakonias
ELΠρέβεζαOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Preveza
ELΡόδοςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Rodos
ELΣάμοςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Samos
ELΣητεία Λασιθίου ΚρήτηςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Sitia Lasithiou Kritis
ELΦοινίκι ΛακωνίαςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Finiki Lakonias
ELΧανιά ΚρήτηςOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)Chania Kritis
ELΑκτινίδιο ΠιερίαςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedAktinidio Pierias
ELΑκτινίδιο ΣπερχειούFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedAktinidio Sperchiou
ELΕλιά ΚαλαμάταςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedElia Kalamatas
ELΘρούμπα Αμπαδιάς Ρεθύμνης ΚρήτηςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedThroumpa Ampadias Rethymnis Kritis
ELΘρούμπα ΘάσουFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedThroumpa Thassou
ELΘρούμπα ΧίουFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedThroumpa Chiou
ELΚελυφωτό φιστίκι ΦθιώτιδαςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedKelifoto fistiki Fthiotidas
ELΚεράσια τραγανά ΡοδοχωρίουFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedKerassia tragana Rodochoriou
ELΚονσερβολιά ΑμφίσσηςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedKonservolia Amfissis
ELΚονσερβολιά ΆρταςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedKonservolia Artas
ELΚονσερβολιά ΑταλάντηςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedKonservolia Atalantis
ELΚονσερβολιά Πηλίου ΒόλουFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedKonservolia Piliou Volou
ELΚονσερβολιά ΡοβίωνFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedKonservolia Rovion
ELΚονσερβολιά ΣτυλίδαςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedKonservolia Stylidas
ELΚορινθιακή σταφίδα ΒοστίτσαFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedKorinthiaki stafida Vostitsa
ELΚουμ κουάτ ΚέρκυραςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedKoum kouat Kerkyras
ELΜήλα Ζαγοράς ΠηλίουFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedMila Zagoras Piliou
ELΜήλα Ντελίσιους Πιλαφά ΤριπόλεωςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedMila Delicious Pilafa Tripoleos
ELΜήλο ΚαστοριάςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedMilo Kastorias
ELΞερά σύκα ΚύμηςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedXera syka Kymis
ELΠατάτα Κάτω ΝευροκοπίουFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedPatata Kato Nevrokopiou
ELΠορτοκάλια Μάλεμε Χανίων ΚρήτηςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedPortokalia Maleme Chanion Kritis
ELΡοδάκινα ΝάουσαςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedRodakina Naoussas
ELΣταφίδα ΖακύνθουFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedStafida Zakynthou
ELΣύκα Βραβρώνας Μαρκοπούλου ΜεσογείωνFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedSyka Vravronas Markopoulou Messongion
ELΤσακώνικη μελιτζάνα ΛεωνιδίουFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedTsakoniki melitzana Leonidiou
ELΦασόλια (Γίγαντες Ελέφαντες) Πρεσπών ΦλώριναςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedFassolia Gigantes Elefantes Prespon Florinas
ELΦασόλια (πλακέ μεγαλόσπερμα) Πρεσπών ΦλώριναςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedFassolia (plake megalosperma) Prespon Florinas
ELΦασόλια γίγαντες — ελέφαντες ΚαστοριάςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedFassolia Gigantes-Elefantes Kastorias
ELΦασόλια γίγαντες ελέφαντες Κάτω ΝευροκοπίουFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedFassolia Gigantes Elefantes Kato Nevrokopiou
ELΦασόλια κοινά μεσόσπερμα Κάτω ΝευροκοπίοuFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedFassolia kina Messosperma Kato Nevrokopiou
ELΦιστίκι ΑίγιναςFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedFistiki Eginas
ELΦιστίκι ΜεγάρωνFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processedFistiki Megaron
ELΑυγοτάραχο ΜεσολογγίουFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from themAvgotaracho Messolongiou
ELΚρόκος ΚοζάνηςOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)Krokos Kozanis
ELΜέλι ελάτης Μαινάλου βανίλιαOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)Meli elatis Menalou vanilia
ELΚρητικό παξιμάδιBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers waresKritiko paximadi
ELΜαστίχα ΧίουNatural gums and resinesMasticha Chiou
ELΤσίχλα ΧίουNatural gums and resinesTsikla Chiou
ELΜαστιχέλαιο ΧίουEssential oilsMastichelaio Chiou
ESCarne de ÁvilaFresh meat (and offal)
ESCarne de CantabriaFresh meat (and offal)
ESCarne de la Sierra de GuadarramaFresh meat (and offal)
ESCarne de Morucha de SalamancaFresh meat (and offal)
ESCarne de Vacuno del País Vasco; Euskal OkelaFresh meat (and offal)
ESCordero de Navarra; Nafarroako ArkumeaFresh meat (and offal)
ESCordero ManchegoFresh meat (and offal)
ESLacón GallegoFresh meat (and offal)
ESLechazo de Castilla y LeónFresh meat (and offal)
ESPollo y Capón del PratFresh meat (and offal)
ESTernasco de AragónFresh meat (and offal)
ESTernera AsturianaFresh meat (and offal)
ESTernera de ExtremaduraFresh meat (and offal)
ESTernera de Navarra; Nafarroako AratxeaFresh meat (and offal)
ESTernera GallegaFresh meat (and offal)
ESBotillo del BierzoMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ESCecina de LeónMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ESChorizo RiojanoMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ESDehesa de ExtremaduraMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ESGuijueloMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ESJamón de HuelvaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ESJamón de TeruelMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ESJamón de TrevélezMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ESSalchichón de Vic; Llonganissa de VicMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ESSobrasada de MallorcaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ESAfuega'l PituCheeses
ESGamoneu; GamonedoCheeses
ESPicón Bejes-TresvisoCheeses
ESQueso de La SerenaCheeses
ESQueso de l'Alt Urgell y la CerdanyaCheeses
ESQueso de MurciaCheeses
ESQueso de Murcia al vinoCheeses
ESQueso de ValdeónCheeses
ESQueso IboresCheeses
ESQueso MajoreroCheeses
ESQueso ManchegoCheeses
ESQueso Nata de CantabriaCheeses
ESQueso Palmero; Queso de la PalmaCheeses
ESQueso TetillaCheeses
ESQueso ZamoranoCheeses
ESQuesucos de LiébanaCheeses
ESSan Simón da CostaCheeses
ESTorta del CasarCheeses
ESMiel de Galicia; Mel de GaliciaOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
ESMiel de GranadaOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
ESMiel de La AlcarriaOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
ESAceite de La AlcarriaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESAceite de la RiojaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESAceite de Mallorca; Aceite mallorquín; Oli de Mallorca; Oli mallorquíOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESAceite de Terra Alta; Oli de Terra AltaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESAceite del Baix Ebre-Montsià; Oli del Baix Ebre-MontsiàOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESAceite del Bajo AragónOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESAceite MonterrubioOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESAntequeraOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESBaenaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESGata-HurdesOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESLes GarriguesOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESMantequilla de l'Alt Urgell y la Cerdanya; Mantega de l'Alt Urgell i la CerdanyaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESMantequilla de SoriaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESMontes de GranadaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESMontes de ToledoOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESPoniente de GranadaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESPriego de CórdobaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESSierra de CadizOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESSierra de CazorlaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESSierra de SeguraOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESSierra MáginaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESSiuranaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ESAjo Morado de las PedroñerasFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESAlcachofa de Benicarló; Carxofa de BenicarlóFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESAlcachofa de TudelaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESAlubia de La Bañeza-LeónFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESArroz de Valencia; Arròs de ValènciaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESArroz del Delta del Ebro; Arròs del Delta de l'EbreFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESAvellana de ReusFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESBerenjena de AlmagroFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESCalasparraFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESCalçot de VallsFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESCereza del JerteFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESCerezas de la Montaña de AlicanteFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESChirimoya de la Costa tropical de Granada-MálagaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESCítricos Valencianos; Cítrics ValenciansFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESClementinas de las Tierras del Ebro; Clementines de les Terres de l'EbreFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESColiflor de CalahorraFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESEspárrago de Huétor-TájarFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESEspárrago de NavarraFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESFaba AsturianaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESFaba de LourenzáFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESGarbanzo de FuentesaúcoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESJudías de El Barco de ÁvilaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESKaki Ribera del XúquerFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESLenteja de La ArmuñaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESLenteja Pardina de Tierra de CamposFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESManzana de Girona; Poma de GironaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESManzana Reineta del BierzoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESMelocotón de CalandaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESNísperos Callosa d'En SarriáFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESPataca de Galicia; Patata de GaliciaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESPatatas de Prades; Patates de PradesFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESPera de JumillaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESPeras de Rincón de SotoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESPimiento Asado del BierzoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESPimiento RiojanoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESPimientos del Piquillo de LodosaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESUva de mesa embolsada "Vinalopó"Fruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ESCaballa de AndaluciaFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
ESMejillón de Galicia; Mexillón de GaliciaFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
ESMelva de AndaluciaFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
ESAzafrán de la ManchaOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
ESChufa de ValenciaOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
ESPimentón de la VeraOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
ESPimentón de MurciaOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
ESPemento do CoutoOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
ESSidra de Asturias; Sidra d'AsturiesOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
ESAlfajor de Medina SidoniaBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
ESEnsaimada de Mallorca; Ensaimada mallorquinaBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
ESJijonaBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
ESMantecadas de AstorgaBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
ESMazapán de ToledoBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
ESPan de CeaBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
ESPan de Cruz de Ciudad RealBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
ESTarta de SantiagoBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
ESTurrón de Agramunt; Torró d'AgramuntBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
ESTurrón de AlicanteBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
FILapin Poron lihaFresh meat (and offal)
FILapin PuikulaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FIKainuun rönttönenBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
FRAgneau de l'AveyronFresh meat (and offal)
FRAgneau de LozèreFresh meat (and offal)
FRAgneau de PauillacFresh meat (and offal)
FRAgneau de SisteronFresh meat (and offal)
FRAgneau du BourbonnaisFresh meat (and offal)
FRAgneau du LimousinFresh meat (and offal)
FRAgneau du Poitou-CharentesFresh meat (and offal)
FRAgneau du QuercyFresh meat (and offal)
FRBarèges-GavarnieFresh meat (and offal)
FRBœuf charolais du BourbonnaisFresh meat (and offal)
FRBoeuf de BazasFresh meat (and offal)
FRBœuf de ChalosseFresh meat (and offal)
FRBœuf du MaineFresh meat (and offal)
FRDinde de BresseFresh meat (and offal)
FRPintadeau de la DromeFresh meat (and offal)
FRPorc de la SartheFresh meat (and offal)
FRPorc de NormandieFresh meat (and offal)
FRPorc de VendéeFresh meat (and offal)
FRPorc du LimousinFresh meat (and offal)
FRTaureau de CamargueFresh meat (and offal)
FRVeau de l'Aveyron et du SégalaFresh meat (and offal)
FRVeau du LimousinFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles d'AlsaceFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles d'AncenisFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles d'AuvergneFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de BourgogneFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de BresseFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de BretagneFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de ChallansFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de CholetFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de GascogneFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de HoudanFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de JanzéFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de la ChampagneFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de la DrômeFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de l'AinFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de LicquesFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de l'OrléanaisFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de LouéFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de NormandieFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles de VendéeFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles des LandesFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles du BéarnFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles du BerryFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles du CharolaisFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles du ForezFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles du GatinaisFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles du GersFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles du LanguedocFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles du LauragaisFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles du MaineFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles du plateau de LangresFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles du Val de SèvresFresh meat (and offal)
FRVolailles du VelayFresh meat (and offal)
FRBoudin blanc de RethelMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
FRCanard à foie gras du Sud-Ouest (Chalosse, Gascogne, Gers, Landes, Périgord, Quercy)Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
FRJambon de BayonneMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
FRJambon sec et noix de jambon sec des ArdennesMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
FRBleu d'AuvergneCheeses
FRBleu de Gex Haut-Jura; Bleu de SeptmoncelCheeses
FRBleu des CaussesCheeses
FRBleu du Vercors-SassenageCheeses
FRBrie de MeauxCheeses
FRBrie de MelunCheeses
FRBrocciu Corse; BrocciuCheeses
FRCamembert de NormandieCheeses
FRCantal; Fourme de Cantal; CantaletCheeses
FRChabichou du PoitouCheeses
FRCrottin de Chavignol; ChavignolCheeses
FREmmental de SavoieCheeses
FREmmental français est-centralCheeses
FRFourme d'Ambert; Fourme de MontbrisonCheeses
FRMaroilles; MarollesCheeses
FRMont d'or; Vacherin du Haut-DoubsCheeses
FRMunster; Munster-GéroméCheeses
FRPicodon de l'Ardèche; Picodon de la DrômeCheeses
FRReblochon; Reblochon de SavoieCheeses
FRSainte-Maure de TouraineCheeses
FRTome des BaugesCheeses
FRTomme de SavoieCheeses
FRTomme des PyrénéesCheeses
FRCrème d'IsignyOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
FRCrème fraîche fluide d'AlsaceOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
FRMiel d'AlsaceOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
FRMiel de Corse; Mele di CorsicaOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
FRMiel de ProvenceOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
FRMiel de sapin des VosgesOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
FRŒufs de LouéOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
FRBeurre Charentes-Poitou; Beurre des Charentes; Beurre des Deux-SèvresOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
FRBeurre d'IsignyOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
FRHuile d'olive d'Aix-en-ProvenceOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
FRHuile d'olive de Corse; Huile d'olive de Corse-Oliu di CorsicaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
FRHuile d'olive de Haute-ProvenceOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
FRHuile d'olive de la Vallée des Baux-de-ProvenceOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
FRHuile d'olive de NiceOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
FRHuile d'olive de NîmesOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
FRHuile d'olive de NyonsOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
FRHuile essentielle de lavande de Haute-ProvenceOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
FRAil blanc de LomagneFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRAil de la DrômeFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRAil rose de LautrecFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRAsperge des sables des LandesFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRChasselas de MoissacFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRClémentine de CorseFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRCoco de PaimpolFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRFraise du PérigordFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRHaricot tarbaisFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRKiwi de l'AdourFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRLentilles vertes du PuyFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRLentilles vertes du BerryFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRLingot du NordFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRMâche nantaiseFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRMelon du Haut-PoitouFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRMelon du QuercyFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRMirabelles de LorraineFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRMuscat du VentouxFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRNoix de GrenobleFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRNoix du PérigordFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FROignon doux des CévennesFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FROlive de NiceFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FROlives cassées de la Vallée des Baux-de-ProvenceFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FROlives noires de la Vallée des Baux de ProvenceFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FROlives noires de NyonsFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRPetit Épeautre de Haute-ProvenceFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRPoireaux de CréancesFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRPomme de terre de l'Île de RéFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRPomme du LimousinFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRPommes de terre de MervilleFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRPommes et poires de SavoieFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRPommes des Alpes de Haute-DuranceFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRPruneaux d'Agen; Pruneaux d'Agen mi-cuitsFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRRiz de CamargueFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
FRAnchois de CollioureFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
FRCoquille Saint-Jacques des Côtes d'ArmorFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
FRCidre de Bretagne; Cidre bretonOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
FRCidre de Normandie; Cidre normandOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
FRCornouailleOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
FRDomfrontOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
FRFarine de Petit Épeautre de Haute-ProvenceOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
FRHuîtres Marennes OléronOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
FRPays d'Auge; Pays d'Auge-CambremerOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
FRPiment d'Espelette; Piment d'Espelette - Ezpeletako BiperraOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
FRBergamote(s) de NancyBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
FRBrioche vendéenneBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
FRPâtes d'AlsacePasta
FRRaviole du DauphinéPasta
FRFoin de CrauHay
HUBudapesti téliszalámiMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
HUSzegedi szalámi; Szegedi téliszalámiMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
HUHajdúsági tormaFruit, vegetables and cereals fresh or processed
IEConnemara Hill lamb; Uain Sléibhe ChonamaraFresh meat (and offal)
IETimoleague Brown PuddingMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
IEImokilly RegatoCheeses
IEClare Island SalmonFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
ITAbbacchio RomanoFresh meat (and offal)
ITAgnello di SardegnaFresh meat (and offal)
ITMortadella BolognaFresh meat (and offal)
ITProsciutto di S. DanieleFresh meat (and offal)
ITVitellone bianco dell'Appennino CentraleFresh meat (and offal)
ITBresaola della ValtellinaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITCapocollo di CalabriaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITCiauscoloMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITCoppa PiacentinaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITCotechino ModenaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITCulatello di ZibelloMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITLardo di ColonnataMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITPancetta di CalabriaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITPancetta PiacentinaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITProsciutto di CarpegnaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITProsciutto di ModenaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITProsciutto di NorciaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITProsciutto di ParmaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITProsciutto ToscanoMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITProsciutto Veneto Berico-EuganeoMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITProsciutto di SaurisMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITSalame BrianzaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITSalame CremonaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITSalame di VarziMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITSalame d'oca di MortaraMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITSalame PiacentinoMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITSalame S. AngeloMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITSalamini italiani alla cacciatoraMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITSalsiccia di CalabriaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITSoppressata di CalabriaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITSoprèssa VicentinaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITSpeck dell'Alto Adige; Südtiroler Markenspeck; Südtiroler SpeckMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITValle d'Aosta Jambon de BossesMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITValle d'Aosta Lard d'ArnadMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITZampone ModenaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
ITCaciocavallo SilanoCheeses
ITCanestrato PuglieseCheeses
ITCasatella TrevigianaCheeses
ITCasciotta d'UrbinoCheeses
ITFiore SardoCheeses
ITFormai de Mut dell'Alta Valle BrembanaCheeses
ITGrana PadanoCheeses
ITMonte VeroneseCheeses
ITMozzarella di Bufala CampanaCheeses
ITParmigiano ReggianoCheeses
ITPecorino di FilianoCheeses
ITPecorino RomanoCheeses
ITPecorino SardoCheeses
ITPecorino SicilianoCheeses
ITPecorino ToscanoCheeses
ITProvolone ValpadanaCheeses
ITProvolone del MonacoCheeses
ITQuartirolo LombardoCheeses
ITRicotta RomanaCheeses
ITRobiola di RoccaveranoCheeses
ITSpressa delle GiudicarieCheeses
ITStelvio; StilfserCheeses
ITToma PiemonteseCheeses
ITValle d'Aosta FromadzoCheeses
ITValtellina CaseraCheeses
ITMiele della LunigianaOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
ITAlto CrotoneseOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITAprutino PescareseOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITBrisighellaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITBruzioOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITCaninoOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITCartocetoOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITChianti ClassicoOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITCilentoOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITCollina di BrindisiOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITColline di RomagnaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITColline SalernitaneOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITColline TeatineOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITColline PontineOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITDaunoOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITGardaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITIrpinia - Colline dell'UfitaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITLaghi LombardiOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITLametiaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITLuccaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITMoliseOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITMonte EtnaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITMonti IbleiOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITPenisola SorrentinaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITPretuziano delle Colline TeramaneOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITRiviera LigureOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITSabinaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITSardegnaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITTergesteOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITTerra di BariOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITTerra d'OtrantoOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITTerre di SienaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITTerre TarentineOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITToscanoOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITTusciaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITUmbriaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITVal di MazaraOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITValdemoneOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITValle del BeliceOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITValli TrapanesiOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITVeneto Valpolicella, Veneto Euganei e Berici, Veneto del GrappaOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
ITArancia del GarganoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITArancia Rossa di SiciliaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITAsparago Bianco di BassanoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITAsparago bianco di CimadolmoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITAsparago verde di AltedoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITBasilico GenoveseFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITCappero di PantelleriaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITCarciofo di PaestumFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITCarciofo Romanesco del LazioFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITCarota dell'Altopiano del FucinoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITCastagna CuneoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITCastagna del Monte AmiataFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITCastagna di MontellaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITCastagna di ValleranoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITCiliegia di MarosticaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITCipolla Rossa di Tropea CalabriaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITCipollotto NocerinoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITClementine del Golfo di TarantoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITClementine di CalabriaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITCrudo di CuneoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITFagiolo di Lamon della Vallata BelluneseFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITFagiolo di SarconiFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITFagiolo di SoranaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITFarina di Neccio della GarfagnanaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITFarro della GarfagnanaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITFico Bianco del CilentoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITFicodindia dell'EtnaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITFungo di BorgotaroFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITKiwi LatinaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITLa Bella della DauniaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITLenticchia di Castelluccio di NorciaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITLimone Costa d'AmalfiFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITLimone di SorrentoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITLimone Femminello del GarganoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITMarrone del MugelloFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITMarrone di Castel del RioFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITMarrone di RoccadaspideFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITMarrone di San ZenoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITMarrone di Caprese MichelangeloFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITMela Alto Adige; Südtiroler ApfelFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITMela Val di NonFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITMela di ValtellinaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITMelannurca CampanaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITNocciola RomanaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITNocciola del Piemonte; Nocciola PiemonteFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITNocciola di GiffoniFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITNocellara del BeliceFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITOliva Ascolana del PicenoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITPatata di BolognaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITPeperone di SeniseFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITPera dell'Emilia RomagnaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITPera mantovanaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITPesca di VeronaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITPesca e nettarina di RomagnaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITPistacchio Verde di BronteFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITPomodorino del Piennolo del VesuvioFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITPomodoro di PachinoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITPomodoro S. Marzano dell'Agro Sarnese-NocerinoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITRadicchio di ChioggiaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITRadicchio di VeronaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITRadicchio Rosso di TrevisoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITRadicchio Variegato di CastelfrancoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITRiso di Baraggia Biellese e VercelleseFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITRiso Nano Vialone VeroneseFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITScalogno di RomagnaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITSedano Bianco di SperlongaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITUva da tavola di CanicattìFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITUva da tavola di MazzarroneFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
ITAcciughe Sotto Sale del Mar LigureFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
ITTinca Gobba Dorata del Pianalto di PoirinoFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
ITZafferano di SardegnaOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
ITAceto Balsamico di ModenaOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
ITAceto balsamico tradizionale di ModenaOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
ITAceto balsamico tradizionale di Reggio EmiliaOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
ITZafferano dell'AquilaOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
ITZafferano di San GimignanoOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
ITCoppia FerrareseBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
ITPagnotta del DittainoBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
ITPane casareccio di GenzanoBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
ITPane di AltamuraBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
ITPane di MateraBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
ITRicciarelli di SienaBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
ITBergamotto di Reggio Calabria - Olio essenzialeEssential oils
LUViande de porc, marque nationale grand-duché de LuxembourgFresh meat (and offal)
LUSalaisons fumées, marque nationale grand-duché de LuxembourgMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
LUMiel - Marque nationale du Grand-Duché de LuxembourgOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
LUBeurre rose - Marque nationale du Grand-Duché de LuxembourgOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
NLBoeren-Leidse met sleutelsCheeses
NLKanterkaas; Kanternagelkaas; KanterkomijnekaasCheeses
NLNoord-Hollandse EdammerCheeses
NLNoord-Hollandse GoudaCheeses
NLOpperdoezer RondeFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
NLWestlandse druifFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PLBryndza podhalańskaCheeses
PLWielkopolski ser smażonyCheeses
PLMiód wrzosowy z Borów DolnośląskichOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
PLAndruty kaliskieBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
PLRogal świętomarcińskiBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
PLWiśnia nadwiślankaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTBorrego da BeiraFresh meat (and offal)
PTBorrego de Montemor-o-NovoFresh meat (and offal)
PTBorrego do Baixo AlentejoFresh meat (and offal)
PTBorrego do Nordeste AlentejanoFresh meat (and offal)
PTBorrego Serra da EstrelaFresh meat (and offal)
PTBorrego TerrinchoFresh meat (and offal)
PTCabrito da BeiraFresh meat (and offal)
PTCabrito da GralheiraFresh meat (and offal)
PTCabrito das Terras Altas do MinhoFresh meat (and offal)
PTCabrito de BarrosoFresh meat (and offal)
PTCabrito TransmontanoFresh meat (and offal)
PTCarnalentejanaFresh meat (and offal)
PTCarne ArouquesaFresh meat (and offal)
PTCarne BarrosãFresh meat (and offal)
PTCarne Cachena da PenedaFresh meat (and offal)
PTCarne da CharnecaFresh meat (and offal)
PTCarne de Bísaro Transmontano; Carne de Porco TransmontanoFresh meat (and offal)
PTCarne de Bovino Cruzado dos Lameiros do BarrosoFresh meat (and offal)
PTCarne de Porco AlentejanoFresh meat (and offal)
PTCarne dos AçoresFresh meat (and offal)
PTCarne MarinhoaFresh meat (and offal)
PTCarne MaronesaFresh meat (and offal)
PTCarne MertolengaFresh meat (and offal)
PTCarne MirandesaFresh meat (and offal)
PTCordeiro BragançanoFresh meat (and offal)
PTCordeiro de Barroso; Anho de Barroso; Cordeiro de leite de BarrosoFresh meat (and offal)
PTVitela de LafõesFresh meat (and offal)
PTAlheira de Barroso-MontalegreMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTAlheira de VinhaisMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTButelo de Vinhais; Bucho de Vinhais; Chouriço de Ossos de VinhaisMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTCacholeira Branca de PortalegreMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTChouriça de carne de Barroso-MontalegreMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTChouriça de Carne de Vinhais; Linguiça de VinhaisMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTChouriça doce de VinhaisMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTChouriço azedo de Vinhais; Azedo de Vinhais; Chouriço de Pão de VinhaisMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTChouriço de Abóbora de Barroso-MontalegreMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTChouriço de Carne de Estremoz e BorbaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTChouriço de PortalegreMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTChouriço grosso de Estremoz e BorbaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTChouriço Mouro de PortalegreMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTFarinheira de Estremoz e BorbaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTFarinheira de PortalegreMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTLinguiça de PortalegreMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTLinguíça do Baixo Alentejo; Chouriço de carne do Baixo AlentejoMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTLombo Branco de PortalegreMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTLombo Enguitado de PortalegreMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTMorcela de Assar de PortalegreMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTMorcela de Cozer de PortalegreMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTMorcela de Estremoz e BorbaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTPaia de Estremoz e BorbaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTPaia de Lombo de Estremoz e BorbaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTPaia de Toucinho de Estremoz e BorbaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTPainho de PortalegreMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTPaio de BejaMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTPresunto de BarrancosMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTPresunto de BarrosoMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTPresunto de Camp Maior e Elvas; Paleta de Campo Maior e ElvasMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTPresunto de Santana da Serra; Paleta de Santana da SerraMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTPresunto de Vinhais / Presunto Bísaro de VinhaisMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTPresunto do Alentejo; Paleta do AlentejoMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTSalpicão de Barroso-MontalegreMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTSalpicão de VinhaisMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTSangueira de Barroso-MontalegreMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
PTQueijo de AzeitãoCheeses
PTQueijo de cabra TransmontanoCheeses
PTQueijo de NisaCheeses
PTQueijo do PicoCheeses
PTQueijo mestiço de TolosaCheeses
PTQueijo RabaçalCheeses
PTQueijo S. JorgeCheeses
PTQueijo SerpaCheeses
PTQueijo Serra da EstrelaCheeses
PTQueijo TerrinchoCheeses
PTQueijos da Beira Baixa (Queijo de Castelo Branco, Queijo Amarelo da Beira Baixa, Queijo Picante da Beira Baixa)Cheeses
PTAzeite do Alentejo InteriorOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
PTMel da Serra da LousãOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
PTMel da Serra de MonchiqueOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
PTMel da Terra QuenteOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
PTMel das Terras Altas do MinhoOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
PTMel de BarrosoOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
PTMel do AlentejoOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
PTMel do Parque de MontezinhoOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
PTMel do Ribatejo Norte (Serra d'Aire, Albufeira de Castelo de Bode, Bairro, Alto NabãoOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
PTMel dos AçoresOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
PTRequeijão Serra da EstrelaOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
PTAzeite de MouraOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
PTAzeite de Trás-os-MontesOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
PTAzeites da Beira Interior (Azeite da Beira Alta, Azeite da Beira Baixa)Oils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
PTAzeites do Norte AlentejanoOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
PTAzeites do RibatejoOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
PTQueijo de ÉvoraOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
PTAmeixa d'ElvasFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTAmêndoa DouroFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTAnanás dos Açores/São MiguelFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTAnona da MadeiraFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTArroz Carolino Lezírias RibatejanasFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTAzeitona de conserva Negrinha de FreixoFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTAzeitonas de Conserva de Elvas e Campo MaiorFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTBatata Doce de AljezurFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTBatata de Trás-os-MontesFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTCastanha da Terra FriaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTCastanha de PadrelaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTCastanha dos Soutos da LapaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTCastanha Marvão-PortalegreFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTCereja da Cova da BeiraFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTCereja de São Julião-PortalegreFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTCitrinos do AlgarveFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTMaçã Bravo de EsmolfeFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTMaçã da Beira AltaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTMaçã da Cova da BeiraFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTMaçã de AlcobaçaFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTMaçã de PortalegreFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTMaracujá dos Açores/S. MiguelFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTPera Rocha do OesteFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTPêssego da Cova da BeiraFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
PTOvos moles de AveiroBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
SESkånsk spettkakaBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
SIEkstra deviško oljčno olje Slovenske IstreOils and fats (butter, margarine, oil, etc.)
SKSlovenská bryndzaCheeses
SKSlovenská parenicaCheeses
SKSlovenský oštiepokCheeses
SKSkalický trdelníkBread, pastry, cakes, confectionnery, biscuits and other bakers wares
UKIsle of Man Manx Loaghtan LambFresh meat (and offal)
UKOrkney beefFresh meat (and offal)
UKOrkney lambFresh meat (and offal)
UKScotch BeefFresh meat (and offal)
UKScotch LambFresh meat (and offal)
UKShetland LambFresh meat (and offal)
UKWelsh BeefFresh meat (and offal)
UKWelsh lambFresh meat (and offal)
UKBeacon Fell traditional Lancashire cheeseCheeses
UKBonchester cheeseCheeses
UKBuxton blueCheeses
UKDorset Blue CheeseCheeses
UKDovedale cheeseCheeses
UKExmoor Blue CheeseCheeses
UKSingle GloucesterCheeses
UKStaffordshire CheeseCheeses
UKSwaledale cheese; Swaledale ewes' cheeseCheeses
UKTeviotdale CheeseCheeses
UKWest Country farmhouse Cheddar cheeseCheeses
UKWhite Stilton cheese; Blue Stilton cheeseCheeses
UKMelton Mowbray Pork PieMeat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.)
UKCornish Clotted CreamOther products of animal origin (eggs, honey, various dairy products except butter, etc.)
UKYorkshire Forced RhubarbFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
UKJersey Royal potatoesFruit, vegetables, cereales, fresh or processed
UKArbroath SmokiesFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
UKScottish Farmed SalmonFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
UKWhitstable oystersFresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived from them
UKGloucestershire cider/perryOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
UKHerefordshire cider/perryOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
UKWorcestershire cider/perryOther products of Annex I to the Treaty (spices, etc.)
UKKentish ale and Kentish strong aleBeers
UKRutland BitterBeers

Agricultural products and foodstuffs others than wines, spirits and aromatised wines of the Republic of Moldova to be protected in the European Union




Wines of the European Union to be protected in the Republic of Moldova

EU-Member StateName to be protected
BECôtes de Sambre et MeuseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
BEHagelandse wijnWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
BEHaspengouwse WijnWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
BEHeuvellandse WijnWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
BEVlaamse mousserende kwaliteitswijnWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
BECrémant de WallonieWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
BEVin mousseux de qualite de WallonieWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
BEVin de pays des Jardins de WallonieWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
BEVlaamse landwijnWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Асеновград followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Asenovgrad

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Болярово followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Bolyarovo

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Брестник followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Brestnik

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Варна followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Varna

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Велики Преслав followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Veliki Preslav

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Видин followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Vidin

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Враца followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Vratsa

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Върбица followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Varbitsa

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Долината на Струма followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Struma valley

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Драгоево followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Dragoevo

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Евксиноград followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Evksinograd

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Ивайловград followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Ivaylovgrad

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Карлово followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Karlovo

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Карнобат followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Karnobat

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Ловеч followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Lovech

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Лозицa followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Lozitsa

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Лом followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Lom

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Любимец followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Lyubimets

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Лясковец followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Lyaskovets

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Мелник followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Melnik

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Монтана followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Montana

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Нова Загора followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Nova Zagora

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Нови Пазар followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Novi Pazar

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Ново село followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Novo Selo

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Оряховица followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Oryahovitsa

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Павликени followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Pavlikeni

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Пазарджик followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Pazardjik

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Перущица followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Perushtitsa

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Плевен followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Pleven

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Пловдив followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Plovdiv

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Поморие followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Pomorie

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Русе followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Ruse

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Сакар followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Sakar

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Сандански followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Sandanski

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Свищов followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Svishtov

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Септември followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Septemvri

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Славянци followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Slavyantsi

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Сливен followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Sliven

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Стамболово followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Stambolovo

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Стара Загора followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Stara Zagora

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Сунгурларе followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Sungurlare

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Сухиндол followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Suhindol

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Търговище followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Targovishte

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Хан Крум followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Han Krum

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Хасково followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Haskovo

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Хисаря followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Hisarya

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Хърсово followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Harsovo

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Черноморски followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Black Sea

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Шивачево followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Shivachevo

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Шумен followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Shumen

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Ямбол followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Yambol

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Южно Черноморие followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Southern Black Sea Coast

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Дунавска равнина

Equivalent term: Danube Plain

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Тракийска низина

Equivalent term: Thracian Lowlands

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
CZČechy whether or not followed by LitoměřickáWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
CZČechy whether or not followed by MělnickáWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
CZMorava whether or not followed by MikulovskáWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
CZMorava whether or not followed by SlováckáWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
CZMorava whether or not followed by VelkopavlovickáWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
CZMorava whether or not followed by ZnojemskáWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
CZČeskéWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
CZMoravskéWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DEAhr whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
DEBaden whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
DEFranken whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
DEHessische Bergstraße whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
DEMittelrhein whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Mosel-Saar-Ruwer whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Mosel

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
DENahe whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
DEPfalz whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
DERheingau whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
DERheinhessen whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
DESaale-Unstrut whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
DESachsen whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
DEWürttemberg whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
DEAhrtalerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DEBadischerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DEBayerischer BodenseeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DEMoselWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DERuwerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DESaarWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DEMainWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DEMecklenburgerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DEMitteldeutscherWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DENahegauerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DEPfälzerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DERegensburgerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DERheinburgenWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DERheingauerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DERheinischerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DESaarländischerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DESächsischerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DESchwäbischerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DEStarkenburgerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DETaubertälerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DEBrandenburgerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DENeckarWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DEOberrheinWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DERheinWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DERhein-NeckarWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
DESchleswig-HolsteinischerWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Anchialos

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Amynteo

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Archanes

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Goumenissa

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Dafnes

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Zitsa

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Lemnos

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Mantinia

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Μαυροδάφνη Κεφαλληνίας

Equivalent term: Mavrodaphne of Cephalonia

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Μαυροδάφνη Πατρών

Equivalent term: Mavrodaphne of Patras

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Messenikola

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Μοσχάτος Κεφαλληνίας

Equivalent term: Cephalonia Muscatel

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Μοσχάτος Λήμνου

Equivalent term: Lemnos Muscatel

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Μοσχάτος Πατρών

Equivalent term: Patras Muscatel

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Μοσχάτος Ρίου Πατρών

Equivalent term: Muscat of Rio Patras

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Μοσχάτος Ρόδου

Equivalent term: Rhodes Muscatel

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Naoussa

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Nemea

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Paros

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Patras

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Peza

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Πλαγιές Μελίτωνα

Equivalent term: Cotes de Meliton

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Rapsani

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Rhodes

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Ρομπόλα Κεφαλληνίας

Equivalent term: Robola of Cephalonia

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Samos

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Santorini

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Sitia

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Avdira

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Άγιο Όρος

Equivalent term: Mount Athos / Holly Mountain

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Epirus

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Ilion

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Ismaros

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Agora

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Adriani

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Αιγαίο Πέλαγος

Equivalent term: Aegean Sea

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Anavyssos

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Argolida

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Arkadia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Atalanti

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Attiki

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Αchaia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Vilitsa

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Velventos

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Βερντέα Ονομασία κατά παράδοση Ζακύνθου

Equivalent term: Verdea Onomasia kata paradosi Zakinthou

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Gerania

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Grevena

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Drama

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Dodekanese

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Epanomi

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Evia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Ilia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Imathia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Heraklion

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Thebes

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Thapsana

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Thessalia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Thessaloniki

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Thrace

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Ikaria

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Ioannina

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Karystos

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Corfu

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Kissamos

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Karditsa

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Kastoria

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Kitherona

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Klimenti

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Knimida

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Kozani

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Koropi

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Crete

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Krania

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Krannona

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Cyclades

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Κοs

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Korinthos

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Lakonia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Lasithi

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Letrines

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Lefkada

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ληλάντιο Πεδίο

Equivalent term: Lilantio Pedio

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Metsovo

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Magnissia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Macedonia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Mantzavinata

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Markopoulo

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Μartino

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Messinia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Meteora

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Metaxata

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Monemvasia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Νέα Μεσημβρία

Equivalent term: Nea Messimvria

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Οπούντια Λοκρίδος

Equivalent term: Opountia Lokridos

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Pella

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Pangeon

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Peanea

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Pallini

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Parnasos

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Peloponnese

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Pieria

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Pisatis

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Πλαγιές Αιγιαλείας

Equivalent term: Slopes of Egialia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Πλαγιές Πάικου

Equivalent term: Slopes of Paiko

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Πλαγιές Αμπέλου

Equivalent term: Slopes of Ambelos

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Πλαγιές Βερτίσκου

Equivalent term: Slopes of Vertiskos

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Πλαγιές Πάρνηθας

Equivalent term: Slopes of Parnitha

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Πλαγιές Πεντελικού

Equivalent term: Slopes of Pendeliko

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Πλαγιές Πετρωτού

Equivalent term: Slopes of Petroto

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Πλαγιές του Αίνου

Equivalent term: Slopes of Enos

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Pylia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ρετσίνα Αττικής may be accompanied by the name of a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Retsina of Attiki

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ρετσίνα Βοιωτίας may be accompanied by the name of a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Retsina of Viotia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ρετσίνα Γιάλτρων whether or not accompanied by Εύβοια

Equivalent term: Retsina of Gialtra (Evvia)

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ρετσίνα Ευβοίας may be accompanied by the name of a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Retsina of Evvia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ρετσίνα Θηβών whether or not accompanied by Βοιωτία

Equivalent term: Retsina of Thebes (Viotia)

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ρετσίνα Καρύστου whether or not accompanied by Εύβοια

Equivalent term: Retsina of Karystos (Evvia)

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ρετσίνα Κρωπίας oror Ρετσίνα Κορωπίου whether or not accompanied by Αττική

Equivalent term: Retsina of Kropia or Retsina of Koropi (Attika)

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ρετσίνα Μαρκοπούλου whether or not accompanied by Αττική

Equivalent term: Retsina of Markopoulo (Attika)

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ρετσίνα Μεγάρων whether or not accompanied by Αττική

Equivalent term: Retsina of Megara (Attika)

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ρετσίνα Μεσογείων whether or not accompanied by Αττική

Equivalent term: Retsina of Mesogia (Attika)

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ρετσίνα Παιανίας oror Ρετσίνα Λιοπεσίου whether or not accompanied by Αττική

Equivalent term: Retsina of Peania or Retsina of Liopesi (Attika)

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ρετσίνα Παλλήνης whether or not accompanied by Αττική

Equivalent term: Retsina of Pallini (Attika)

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ρετσίνα Πικερμίου whether or not accompanied by Αττική

Equivalent term: Retsina of Pikermi (Attika)

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ρετσίνα Σπάτων whether or not accompanied by Αττική

Equivalent term: Retsina of Spata (Attika)

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Ρετσίνα Χαλκίδας whether or not accompanied by Εύβοια

Equivalent term: Retsina of Halkida (Evvia)

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Ritsona

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Serres

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Siatista

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Sithonia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Spata

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Στερεά Ελλάδα

Equivalent term: Sterea Ellada

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Syros

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Tegea

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Trifilia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Tyrnavos

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Florina

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Halikouna

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Halkidiki

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRAjaccioWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAloxe-CortonWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Alsace whether or not followed by a name of a vine variety and/or by the name of a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Vin d'Alsace

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by Altenberg de BergbietenWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by Altenberg de BergheimWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by Altenberg de WolxheimWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by BrandWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by BruderthalWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by EichbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by EngelbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by FlorimontWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by FranksteinWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by FroehnWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by FurstentumWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by GeisbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by GloeckelbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by GoldertWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by HatschbourgWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by HengstWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by KanzlerbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by KastelbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by KesslerWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by Kirchberg de BarrWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by Kirchberg de RibeauvilléWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by KitterléWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by MambourgWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by MandelbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by MarckrainWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by MoenchbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by MuenchbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by OllwillerWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by OsterbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by PfersigbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by PfingstbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by PraelatenbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by RangenWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by SaeringWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by SchlossbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by SchoenenbourgWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by SommerbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by SonnenglanzWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by SpiegelWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by SporenWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by SteinenWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by SteingrublerWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by SteinklotzWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by VorbourgWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by WiebelsbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by Wineck-SchlossbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by WinzenbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by ZinnkoepfléWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru followed by ZotzenbergWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAlsace Grand Cru preceded by RosackerWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAnjou whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAnjou Coteaux de la Loire whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAnjou Villages whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAnjou-Villages Brissac whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRArbois whether or not followed by Pupillin whether or not followed by "mousseux"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAuxey-Duresses whether or not followed by "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Vin de Bandol

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBanyuls whether or not followed by "Grand Cru" and /or "Rancio"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBarsacWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBâtard-MontrachetWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBéarn whether or not followed by BellocqWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBeaujolais whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit whether or not followed by "Villages" whether or not followed by "Supérieur"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBeauneWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Vin de Bellet

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBergerac whether or not followed by "sec"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBienvenues-Bâtard-MontrachetWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBlagny whether or not followed by Côte de Beaune / Côte de Beaune-VillagesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBlanquette de LimouxWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBlanquette méthode ancestraleWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBlayeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBonnes-maresWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBonnezeaux whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBordeaux whether or not followed by "Clairet", "Rosé", "Mousseux" or "supérieur"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBordeaux Côtes de FrancsWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBordeaux Haut-BenaugeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Côtes de Bourg / Bourgeais

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne whether or not followed by "Clairet", "Rosé" or by the name of a smaller geographical unit ChitryWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne whether or not followed by "Clairet", "Rosé" or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Côte ChalonnaiseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne whether or not followed by "Clairet", "Rosé" or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Côte Saint-JacquesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne whether or not followed by "Clairet", "Rosé" or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Côtes d'AuxerreWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne whether or not followed by "Clairet", "Rosé" or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Côtes du CouchoisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne whether or not followed by "Clairet", "Rosé" or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Coulanges-la-VineuseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne whether or not followed by "Clairet", "Rosé" or by the name of a smaller geographical unit ÉpineuilWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne whether or not followed by "Clairet", "Rosé" or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Hautes Côtes de BeauneWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne whether or not followed by "Clairet", "Rosé" or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Hautes Côtes de NuitsWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne whether or not followed by "Clairet", "Rosé" or by the name of a smaller geographical unit La Chapelle Notre-DameWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne whether or not followed by "Clairet", "Rosé" or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Le ChapitreWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne whether or not followed by "Clairet", "Rosé" or by the name of a smaller geographical unit Montrecul / Montre-cul / En Montre-CulWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne whether or not followed by "Clairet", "Rosé" or by the name of a smaller geographical unit VézelayWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne whether or not followed by "Clairet", "Rosé", "ordinaire" or "grand ordinaire"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne aligotéWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgogne passe-tout-grainsWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBourgueilWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBouzeronWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBrouillyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBugey whether or not followed by Cerdon whether or not preceded by "Vins du", "Mousseux du", "Pétillant" or "Roussette du" or followed by "Mousseux" or "Pétillant" whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRBuzetWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCabardèsWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCabernet d'Anjou whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCabernet de Saumur whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCadillacWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCahorsWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCassisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCéronsWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Beauroy whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Berdiot whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by BeugnonsWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Butteaux whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Chapelot whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Chatains whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Chaume de Talvat whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Côte de Bréchain whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Côte de CuissyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Côte de Fontenay whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Côte de Jouan whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Côte de Léchet whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Côte de Savant whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Côte de Vaubarousse whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Côte des Prés Girots whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Forêts whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Fourchaume whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by L'Homme mort whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Les Beauregards whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Les Épinottes whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Les Fourneaux whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Les Lys whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Mélinots whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Mont de Milieu whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Montée de TonnerreWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Montmains whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Morein whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Pied d'Aloup whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Roncières whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Sécher whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Troesmes whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Vaillons whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Vau de Vey whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Vau Ligneau whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Vaucoupin whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Vaugiraut whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Vaulorent whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Vaupulent whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Vaux-Ragons whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis whether or not followed by Vosgros whether or not followed by "premier cru"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis grand cru whether or not followed by BlanchotWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis grand cru whether or not followed by BougrosWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis grand cru whether or not followed by GrenouillesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis grand cru whether or not followed by Les ClosWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis grand cru whether or not followed by PreusesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis grand cru whether or not followed by ValmurWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChablis grand cru whether or not followed by VaudésirWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChambertinWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChambertin-Clos-de-BèzeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChambolle-MusignyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChampagneWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChapelle-ChambertinWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCharlemagneWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCharmes-ChambertinWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChassagne-Montrachet whether or not followed by Côte de Beaune / Côtes de Beaune-VillagesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChâteau GrilletWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChâteau-ChalonWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChâteaumeillantWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChâteauneuf-du-PapeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChâtillon-en-DioisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChaume - Premier Cru des coteaux du LayonWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChenasWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChevalier-MontrachetWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChevernyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChinonWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChiroublesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRChorey-les-Beaune whether or not followed by Côte de Beaune / Côte de Beaune-VillagesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRClairette de BellegardeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRClairette de DieWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRClairette de Languedoc whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRClos de la RocheWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRClos de TartWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRClos de VougeotWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRClos des LambraysWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRClos Saint-DenisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCollioureWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCondrieuWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCorbièresWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCornasWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCorse whether or not followed by Calvi whether or not preceded by "Vin de"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCorse whether or not followed by Coteaux du Cap Corse whether or not preceded by "Vin de"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCorse whether or not followed by Figari whether or not preceded by "Vin de"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCorse whether or not followed by Porto-Vecchio whether or not preceded by "Vin de"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCorse whether or not followed by Sartène whether or not preceded by "Vin de"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCorse whether or not preceded by "Vin de"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCortonWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCorton-CharlemagneWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCostières de NîmesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôte de Beaune preceded by the name of a smaller geographic unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôte de Beaune-VillagesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôte de BrouillyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôte de Nuits-villagesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôte roannaiseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôte RôtieWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux champenois whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux d'Aix-en-ProvenceWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux d'Ancenis followed by the name of the vine varietyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux de DieWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux de l'Aubance whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux de PierrevertWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux de Saumur whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du GiennoisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by CabrièresWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Coteaux de la Méjanelle / La MéjanelleWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Coteaux de Saint-Christol / Saint-ChristolWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Coteaux de Vérargues / VérarguesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Grès de MontpellierWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by La ClapeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by MontpeyrouxWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Pic-Saint-LoupWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by QuatourzeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Saint-DrézéryWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Saint-Georges-d'OrquesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Saint-SaturninWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Languedoc whether or not followed by Picpoul-de-PinetWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Layon whether or not followed by Val de Loire whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Layon Chaume whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Loir whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du LyonnaisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du QuercyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du TricastinWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux du Vendômois whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCoteaux varoisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Côtes Canon Fronsac

Equivalent term: Canon Fronsac

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes d'Auvergne whether or not followed by BoudesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes d'Auvergne whether or not followed by ChanturgueWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes d'Auvergne whether or not followed by ChâteaugayWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes d'Auvergne whether or not followed by CorentWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes d'Auvergne whether or not followed by MadargueWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes de BergeracWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes de BlayeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes de Bordeaux Saint-MacaireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes de CastillonWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes de DurasWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes de MillauWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes de MontravelWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes de ProvenceWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes de Saint-MontWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes de ToulWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes du BrulhoisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes du ForezWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes du Jura whether or not followed by "mousseux"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes du LubéronWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes du MarmandaisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes du RhôneWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes du RoussillonWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes du Roussillon Villages whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes du VentouxWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCôtes du VivaraisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCour-Cheverny whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCrémant d'AlsaceWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCrémant de BordeauxWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCrémant de BourgogneWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCrémant de DieWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCrémant de LimouxWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCrémant de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCrémant du JuraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCrépyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRCriots-Bâtard-MontrachetWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Crozes-Ermitage

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRÉchezeauxWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FREntre-Deux-MersWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FREntre-Deux-Mers-Haut-BenaugeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRFaugèresWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRFiefs Vendéens whether or not followed by BremWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRFiefs Vendéens whether or not followed by MareuilWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRFiefs Vendéens whether or not followed by PissotteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRFiefs Vendéens whether or not followed by VixWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRFitouWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRFixinWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRFleurieWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRFloc de GascogneWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRFronsacWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRFrontignan whether or not preceded by "Muscat de" or "Vin de"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRFrontonWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRGaillac whether or not followed by "mousseux"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRGaillac premières côtesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRGevrey-ChambertinWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRGigondasWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRGivryWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRGrand Roussillon whether or not followed by "Rancio"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRGrand-ÉchezeauxWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRGraves whether or not followed by "supérieures"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRGraves de VayresWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRGriotte-ChambertinWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRGros plant du Pays nantaisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRHaut-MédocWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRHaut-MontravelWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRHaut-PoitouWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: l'Hermitage / Ermitage / l'Ermitage

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRIrancyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRIrouléguyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRJasnières whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRJuliénasWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRJurançon whether or not followed by "sec"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRL'Étoile whether or not followed by "mousseux"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRLa Grande RueWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRLadoix whether or not followed by "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRLalande de PomerolWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRLatricières-ChambertinWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRLes Baux de ProvenceWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRLimouxWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRLiracWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRListrac-MédocWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRLoupiacWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRLussac-Saint-ÉmilionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Mâcon whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit whether or not followed by "Supérieur" or "Villages"

Equivalent term: Pinot-Chardonnay-Mâcon

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMacvin du JuraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMadiranWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMalepèreWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMaranges whether or not followed by Clos de la BoutièreWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMaranges whether or not followed by La Croix MoinesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMaranges whether or not followed by La FussièreWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMaranges whether or not followed by Le Clos des LoyèresWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMaranges whether or not followed by Le Clos des RoisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMaranges whether or not followed by Les Clos RoussotsWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMaranges whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMaranges whether or not followed by "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMarcillacWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMargauxWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMarsannay whether or not followed by "rosé"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMaury whether or not followed by "Rancio"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMazis-ChambertinWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMazoyères-ChambertinWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMédocWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMenetou-Salon whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMercureyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMeursault whether or not followed by "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMinervoisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMinervois-La-LivinièreWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMonbazillacWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMontagne Saint-ÉmilionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMontagnyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMonthélie whether or not followed by "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMontlouis-sur-Loire whether or not followed by Val de Loire whether or not followed by "mousseux" or "pétillant"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMontrachetWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMontravelWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMorey-Saint-DenisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMorgonWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMoselleWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMoulin-à-VentWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Moulis-en-Médoc

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMuscadet whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMuscadet-Coteaux de la Loire whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMuscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMuscadet-Sèvre et Maine whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMuscat de Beaumes-de-VeniseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMuscat de LunelWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMuscat de MirevalWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMuscat de Saint-Jean-de-MinvervoisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMuscat du Cap CorseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRMusignyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRNéacWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Nuits-Saint-Georges

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FROrléans whether or not followed by CléryWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPacherenc du Vic-Bilh whether or not followed by "sec"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPaletteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPatrimonioWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPauillacWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPécharmantWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPernand-Vergelesses whether or not followed by "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPessac-LéognanWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPetit Chablis whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Pineau des Charentes

Equivalent term: Pineau Charentais

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPomerolWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPommardWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPouilly-FuisséWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPouilly-LochéWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Pouilly-sur-Loire whether or not followed by Val de Loire

Equivalent term: Blanc Fumé de Pouilly / Pouilly-Fumé

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPouilly-VinzellesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPremières Côtes de BlayeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPremières Côtes de Bordeaux whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPuisseguin-Saint-ÉmilionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRPuligny-Montrachet whether or not followed by "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRQuarts de Chaume whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRQuincy whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRRasteau whether or not followed by "Rancio"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRRégniéWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRReuilly whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRRichebourgWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRRivesaltes whether or not followed by "Rancio" whether or not preceded by "Muscat"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRRomanée (La)Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRRomanée ContieWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRRomanée Saint-VivantWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRRosé de Loire whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRRosé des RiceysWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRRosetteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRRosé d'AnjouWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRRoussette de Savoie whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRRuchottes-ChambertinWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRRullyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-SardosWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-AmourWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-Aubin whether or not followed by "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-BrisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-ChinianWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-ÉmilionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-Émilion Grand CruWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-EstèpheWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-Georges-Saint-ÉmilionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-JosephWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-JulienWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint MontWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-Nicolas-de-Bourgueil whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-Péray whether or not followed by "mousseux"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-PourçainWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-Romain whether or not followed by "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaint-VéranWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSainte-Croix du MontWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSainte-Foy BordeauxWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSancerreWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSantenay whether or not followed by "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaumur whether or not followed by Val de Loire whether or not followed by "mousseux" or "pétillant"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaumur-Champigny whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSaussignacWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSauternesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSavennières whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSavennières-Coulée de Serrant whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSavennières-Roche-aux-Moines whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Savigny-les-Beaune whether or not followed by "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"

Equivalent term: Savigny

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRSeyssel whether or not followed by "mousseux"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRTâche (La)Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRTavelWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRTouraine whether or not followed by Val de Loire whether or not followed by "mousseux" or "pétillant"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRTouraine Amboise whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRTouraine Azay-le-Rideau whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRTouraine Mestand whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRTouraine Noble Joué whether or not followed by Val de LoireWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRTursanWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRVacqueyrasWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRValençayWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRVin d'Entraygues et du FelWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRVin d'EstaingWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRVin de LavilledieuWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRVin de Savoie whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unit whether or not followed by "mousseux" or "pétillant"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRVins du ThouarsaisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRVins Fins de la Côte de NuitsWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRViré-ClesséWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRVolnayWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRVolnay SantenotsWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRVosnes RomanéeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRVougeotWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRVouvray whether or not followed by Val de Loire whether or not followed by "mousseux" or "pétillant"Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
FRAgenaisWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRAiguesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRAinWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRAllierWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRAllobrogieWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRAlpes de Haute ProvenceWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRAlpes MaritimesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRAlpillesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRArdècheWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRArgensWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRAriègeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRAudeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRAveyronWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRBalmes DauphinoisesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRBénovieWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRBérangeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRBessanWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRBigorreWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRBouches du RhôneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRBourbonnaisWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCalvadosWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCassanWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCathareWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCauxWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCessenonWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCévennes whether or not followed by Mont BouquetWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCharentais whether or not followed by Ile d'OléronWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCharentais whether or not followed by Ile de RéWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCharentais whether or not followed by Saint SorninWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCharenteWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCharentes MaritimesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCherWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCité de CarcassonneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCollines de la MoureWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCollines RhodaniennesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRComté de GrignanWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRComté TolosanWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRComtés RhodaniensWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCorrèzeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCôte VermeilleWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux CharitoisWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux de BessillesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux de CèzeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux de CoiffyWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux de FontcaudeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux de GlanesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux de l'ArdècheWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux de la CabrerisseWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux de LaurensWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux de l'AuxoisWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux de MiramontWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux de MontélimarWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux de MurvielWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux de NarbonneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux de PeyriacWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux de TannayWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux des BaronniesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux du Cher et de l'ArnonWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux du GrésivaudanWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux du LibronWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux du Littoral AudoisWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux du Pont du GardWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux du SalagouWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux du VerdonWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux d'EnseruneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux et Terrasses de MontaubanWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCoteaux FlaviensWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCôtes CatalanesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCôtes de CeressouWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCôtes de GascogneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCôtes de LastoursWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCôtes de MeuseWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCôtes de MontestrucWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCôtes de PérignanWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCôtes de ProuilheWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCôtes de ThauWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCôtes de ThongueWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCôtes du BrianWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCôtes du CondomoisWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCôtes du TarnWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCôtes du VidourleWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCreuseWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRCucugnanWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRDeux-SèvresWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRDordogneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRDoubsWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRDrômeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRDuché d'UzèsWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRFranche-Comté whether or not followed by Coteaux de ChamplitteWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRGardWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRGersWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRHaute Vallée de l'OrbWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRHaute Vallée de l'AudeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRHaute-GaronneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRHaute-MarneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRHaute-SaôneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRHaute-VienneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRHauterive whether or not followed by Coteaux du TermenèsWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRHauterive whether or not followed by Côtes de LézignanWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRHauterive whether or not followed by Val d'OrbieuWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRHautes-AlpesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRHautes-PyrénéesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRHauts de BadensWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRHéraultWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRÎle de BeautéWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRIndreWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRIndre et LoireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRIsèreWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRLandesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRLoir et CherWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRLoire-AtlantiqueWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRLoiretWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRLotWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRLot et GaronneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRMaine et LoireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRMauresWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRMéditerranéeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRMeuseWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRMont BaudileWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRMont-CaumeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRMonts de la GrageWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRNièvreWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FROcWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRPérigord whether or not followed by Vin de DommeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRPetite CrauWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRPrincipauté d'OrangeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRPuy de DômeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRPyrénées OrientalesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRPyrénées-AtlantiquesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRSables du Golfe du LionWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRSaint-Guilhem-le-DésertWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRSainte BaumeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRSainte Marie la BlancheWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRSaône et LoireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRSartheWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRSeine et MarneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRTarnWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRTarn et GaronneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRTerroirs Landais whether or not followed by Coteaux de ChalosseWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRTerroirs Landais whether or not followed by Côtes de L'AdourWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRTerroirs Landais whether or not followed by Sables de l'OcéanWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRTerroirs Landais whether or not followed by Sables FauvesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRThézac-PerricardWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRTorganWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRUrféWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRVal de CesseWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRVal de DagneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRVal de LoireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRVal de MontferrandWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRVallée du ParadisWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRVarWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRVaucluseWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRVaunageWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRVendéeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRVicomté d'AumelasWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRVienneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRVistrenqueWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
FRYonneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Aglianico del Taburno

Equivalent term: Taburno

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITAglianico del VultureWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITAlbana di RomagnaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITAlbugnanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITAlcamoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITAleatico di GradoliWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITAleatico di PugliaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITAlezioWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITAlgheroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITAlta LangaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Alto Adige followed by Colli di Bolzano

Equivalent term: Südtiroler Bozner Leiten

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Alto Adige followed by Meranese di collina

Equivalent term: Alto Adige Meranese / Südtirol Meraner Hügel / Südtirol Meraner

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Alto Adige followed by Santa Maddalena

Equivalent term: Südtiroler St.Magdalener

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Alto Adige followed by Terlano

Equivalent term: Südtirol Terlaner

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Alto Adige followed by Valle Isarco

Equivalent term: Südtiroler Eisacktal / Eisacktaler

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Alto Adige followed by Valle Venosta

Equivalent term: Südtirol Vinschgau

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Alto Adige

Equivalent term: dell'Alto Adige / Südtirol / Südtiroler

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Alto Adige or dell'Alto Adige whether or not followed by Bressanone

Equivalent term: dell'Alto Adige Südtirol or Südtiroler Brixner

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Alto Adige or dell'Alto Adige whether or not followed by Burgraviato

Equivalent term: dell'Alto Adige Südtirol or Südtiroler Buggrafler

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITAnsonica Costa dell'ArgentarioWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITApriliaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITArboreaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITArcoleWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITAssisiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITAsti whether or not followed by "spumante" or preceded by "Moscato d"'Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITAtinaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITAversaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Bagnoli di Sopra

Equivalent term: Bagnoli

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBarbarescoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBarbera d'AlbaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBarbera d'Asti whether or not followed by Colli Astiani o AstianoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBarbera d'Asti whether or not followed by NizzaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBarbera d'Asti whether or not followed by TinellaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBarbera del MonferratoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBarbera del Monferrato SuperioreWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Barco Reale di Carmignano

Equivalent term: Rosato di Carmignano / Vin santo di Carmignano / Vin Santo di Carmignano occhio di pernice

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBardolinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBardolino SuperioreWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBaroloWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBianchello del MetauroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBianco CapenaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBianco dell'EmpoleseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBianco della ValdinievoleWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Bianco di Custoza

Equivalent term: Custoza

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBianco di PitiglianoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBianco Pisano di San TorpèWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBifernoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBivongiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBocaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBolgheri whether or not followed by SassicaiaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBosco EliceoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBotticinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Brachetto d'Acqui

Equivalent term: Acqui

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBramaterraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBreganzeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBrindisiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITBrunello di MontalcinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCacc'e' mmitte di LuceraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCagnina di RomagnaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCampi FlegreiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Campidano di Terralba

Equivalent term: Terralba

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCanaveseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCandia dei Colli ApuaniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCannonau di Sardegna whether or not followed by Capo FerratoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCannonau di Sardegna whether or not followed by JerzuWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCannonau di Sardegna whether or not followed by Oliena / Nepente di OlienaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCapalbioWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCapriWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCapriano del ColleWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCaremaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCarignano del SulcisWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCarmignanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCarsoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCastel del MonteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCastel San LorenzoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCastellerWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCastelli RomaniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCellaticaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCerasuolo di VittoriaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCerveteriWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Cesanese del Piglio

Equivalent term: Piglio

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Cesanese di Affile

Equivalent term: Affile

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Cesanese di Olevano Romano

Equivalent term: Olevano Romano

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITChianti whether or not followed by Colli AretiniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITChianti whether or not followed by Colli FiorentiniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITChianti whether or not followed by Colli SenesiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITChianti whether or not followed by Colline PisaneWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITChianti whether or not followed by MontalbanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITChianti whether or not followed by MontespertoliWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITChianti whether or not followed by RufinaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITChianti ClassicoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCilentoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Cinque Terre whether or not followed by Costa da Posa

Equivalent term: Cinque Terre Sciacchetrà

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Cinque Terre whether or not followed by Costa de Campu

Equivalent term: Cinque Terre Sciacchetrà

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Cinque Terre whether or not followed by Costa de Sera

Equivalent term: Cinque Terre Sciacchetrà

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCirceoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCiròWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCisterna d'AstiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli AlbaniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli AltotiberiniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli AmeriniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Colli Asolani - Prosecco

Equivalent term: Asolo- Prosecco

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli BericiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Bolognesi whether or not followed by Colline di OlivetoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Bolognesi whether or not followed by Colline di RiostoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Bolognesi whether or not followed by Colline MarconianeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Bolognesi whether or not followed by Monte San PietroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Bolognesi whether or not followed by SerravalleWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Bolognesi whether or not followed by Terre di MontebudelloWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Bolognesi whether or not followed by Zola PredosaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Bolognesi whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Bolognesi Classico - PignolettoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli d'ImolaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Colli del Trasimeno

Equivalent term: Trasimeno

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli dell'Etruria CentraleWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli della SabinaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli di Conegliano whether or not followed by FregonaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli di Conegliano whether or not followed by RefrontoloWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli di FaenzaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli di LuniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli di ParmaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli di RiminiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli di Scandiano e di CanossaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Etruschi ViterbesiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli EuganeiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli LanuviniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli MaceratesiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli MartaniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Orientali del Friuli whether or not followed by CiallaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Orientali del Friuli whether or not followed by RosazzoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Orientali del Friuli whether or not followed by Schiopettino di PrepottoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Orientali del Friuli Picolit whether or not followed by CiallaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli PeruginiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Pesaresi whether or not followed by FocaraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Pesaresi whether or not followed by RoncagliaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Piacentini whether or not followed by GutturnioWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Piacentini whether or not followed by Monterosso Val d'ArdaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Piacentini whether or not followed by Val TrebbiaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Piacentini whether or not followed by ValnureWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Piacentini whether or not followed by VigolenoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli Romagna centraleWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColli TortonesiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCollina TorineseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColline di LevantoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColline Joniche TarantineWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColline LucchesiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColline NovaresiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITColline SaluzzesiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Collio Goriziano

Equivalent term: Collio

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Conegliano - Valdobbiadene whether or not followed by Cartizze

Equivalent term: Conegliano or Valdobbiadene

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCòneroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITContea di SclafaniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITContessa EntellinaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITControguerraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCopertinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCoriWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCortese dell'Alto MonferratoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCorti Benedettine del PadovanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCortonaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCosta d'Amalfi whether or not followed by FuroreWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCosta d'Amalfi whether or not followed by RavelloWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCosta d'Amalfi whether or not followed by TramontiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCoste della SesiaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITCurtefrancaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITDelia NivolelliWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITDolcetto d'AcquiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITDolcetto d'AlbaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITDolcetto d'AstiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITDolcetto delle Langhe MonregalesiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Dolcetto di Diano d'Alba

Equivalent term: Diano d'Alba

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITDolcetto di DoglianiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Dolcetto di Dogliani Superiore

Equivalent term: Dogliani

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Dolcetto di Ovada

Equivalent term: Dolcetto d'Ovada

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITDolcetto di Ovada Superiore or OvadaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITDonniciWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITElbaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITEloro whether or not followed by PachinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Erbaluce di Caluso

Equivalent term: Caluso

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITEriceWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITEsinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITEst!Est!!Est!!! di MontefiasconeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITEtnaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Falerio dei Colli Ascolani

Equivalent term: Falerio

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITFalerno del MassicoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITFaraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITFaroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITFiano di AvellinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITFranciacortaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITFrascatiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITFreisa d'AstiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITFreisa di ChieriWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITFriuli AnniaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITFriuli AquileiaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITFriuli GraveWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Friuli Isonzo

Equivalent term: Isonzo del Friuli

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITFriuli LatisanaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGabianoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGalatinaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGalluccioWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGambellaraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGardaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGarda Colli MantovaniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGattinaraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Cortese di Gavi

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGenazzanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGhemmeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGioia del ColleWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGirò di CagliariWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGolfo del TigullioWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGravinaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGreco di BiancoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGreco di TufoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGrignolino d'AstiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITGrignolino del Monferrato CasaleseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Guardia Sanframondi

Equivalent term: Guardiolo

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITI Terreni di San SeverinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITIrpinia whether or not followed by Campi TaurasiniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITIschiaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Lacrima di Morro

Equivalent term: Lacrima di Morro d'Alba

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Lago di Caldaro

Equivalent term: Caldaro / Kalterer / Kalterersee

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITLago di CorbaraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITLambrusco di SorbaraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITLambrusco Grasparossa di CastelvetroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITLambrusco Mantovano whether or not followed by Oltre Po MantovanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITLambrusco Mantovano whether or not followed by Viadanese-SabbionetanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITLambrusco Salamino di Santa CroceWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITLameziaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITLangheWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITLessonaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITLeveranoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITLison-PramaggioreWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITLizzanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITLoazzoloWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITLocorotondoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITLuganaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMalvasia delle LipariWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMalvasia di BosaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMalvasia di CagliariWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Malvasia di Casorzo d'Asti

Equivalent term: Cosorzo / Malvasia di Cosorzo

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMalvasia di Castelnuovo Don BoscoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Mamertino di Milazzo

Equivalent term: Mamertino

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMandrolisaiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMarinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMarsalaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Martina Franca

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMatinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMelissaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMenfi whether or not followed by BoneraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMenfi whether or not followed by Feudo dei FioriWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMerlaraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: del Molise

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMonferrato whether or not followed by CasaleseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMonica di CagliariWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMonica di SardegnaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMonrealeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMontecarloWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Montecompatri / Colonna

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMontecuccoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMontefalcoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMontefalco SagrantinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMontello e Colli AsolaniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMontepulciano d'Abruzzo whether or not accompanied by Casauria /Terre di CasauriaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMontepulciano d'Abruzzo whether or not accompanied by Terre dei VestiniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMontepulciano d'Abruzzo whether or not followed by Colline TeramaneWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMonteregio di Massa MarittimaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMontescudaioWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Monti Lessini

Equivalent term: Lessini

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMorellino di ScansanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMoscadello di MontalcinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMoscato di CagliariWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Moscato di Pantelleria

Equivalent term: Passito di Pantelleria / Pantelleria

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMoscato di Sardegna whether or not followed by GalluraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMoscato di Sardegna whether or not followed by Tempio PausaniaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMoscato di Sardegna whether or not followed by TempoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMoscato di SiracusaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Moscato di Sorso-Sennori

Equivalent term: Moscato di Sorso / Moscato di Sennori

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITMoscato di TraniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITNardòWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITNasco di CagliariWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITNebbiolo d'AlbaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITNettunoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITNotoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITNuragus di CagliariWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITOffidaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITOltrepò PaveseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITOrciaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITOrta NovaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITOrvietoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITOstuniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITPagadebit di Romagna whether or not followed by BertinoroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITParrinaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITPenisola Sorrentina whether or not followed by GragnanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITPenisola Sorrentina whether or not followed by LettereWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITPenisola Sorrentina whether or not followed by SorrentoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Pentro di Isernia

Equivalent term: Pentro

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITPergolaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITPiemonteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITPietravivaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITPineroleseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITPollinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITPominoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Ormeasco di Pornassio

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITPrimitivo di ManduriaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITProseccoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRamandoloWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRecioto di GambellaraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRecioto di SoaveWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITReggianoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRenoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRiesiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRiviera del BrentaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Riviera del Garda Bresciano

Equivalent term: Garda Bresciano

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRiviera ligure di ponente whether or not followed by Albenga / AlbengaleseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRiviera ligure di ponente whether or not followed by Finale / FinaleseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRiviera ligure di ponente whether or not followed by Riviera dei FioriWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRoeroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRomagna Albana spumanteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Rossese di Dolceacqua

Equivalent term: Dolceacqua

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRosso BarlettaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRosso Canosa whether or not followed by CanusiumWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRosso ConeroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRosso di CerignolaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRosso di MontalcinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRosso di MontepulcianoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Rosso Orvietano

Equivalent term: Orvietano Rosso

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRosso PicenoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRubino di CantavennaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITRuchè di Castagnole MonferratoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSalaparutaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSalice SalentinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSambuca di SiciliaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

San Colombano al Lambro

Equivalent term: San Colombano

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSan GimignanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSan GinesioWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSan Martino della BattagliaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSan SeveroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSan Vito di LuzziWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSangiovese di RomagnaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSannioWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Sant'Agata de' Goti

Equivalent term: Sant'Agata dei Goti

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSant'Anna di Isola Capo RizzutoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSant'AntimoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSanta Margherita di BeliceWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSardegna Semidano whether or not followed by MogoroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSavutoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Moscato di Scanzo

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITScavignaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSciaccaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSerrapetronaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Sforzato di Valtellina

Equivalent term: Sfursat di Valtellina

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSizzanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSoave whether or not followed by Colli ScaligeriWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSoave SuperioreWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSolopacaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSovanaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITSquinzanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITStreviWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITTarquiniaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITTaurasiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITTeroldego RotalianoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Moscato di Terracina

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITTerratico di Bibbona whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITTerre dell'Alta Val d'AgriWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITTerre di CasoleWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Terre Tollesi

Equivalent term: Tullum

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITTorgianoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITTorgiano rosso riservaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITTrebbiano d'AbruzzoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITTrebbiano di RomagnaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITTrentino whether or not followed by Isera / d'IseraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITTrentino whether or not followed by SorniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITTrentino whether or not followed by Ziresi / dei ZiresiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITTrentoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVal d'ArbiaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVal di Cornia whether or not followed by SuveretoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVal Polcèvera whether or not followed by CoronataWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITValcalepioWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Valdadige whether or not followed by Terra dei Forti

Equivalent term: Etschtaler

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Valdadige Terradeiforti

Equivalent term: Terradeiforti Valdadige

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITValdichianaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Valle d'Aosta whether or not followed by Arnad-Montjovet

Equivalent term: Vallée d'Aoste

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Valle d'Aosta whether or not followed by Blanc de Morgex et de la Salle

Equivalent term: Vallée d'Aoste

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Valle d'Aosta whether or not followed by Chambave

Equivalent term: Vallée d'Aoste

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Valle d'Aosta whether or not followed by Donnas

Equivalent term: Vallée d'Aoste

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Valle d'Aosta whether or not followed by Enfer d'Arvier

Equivalent term: Vallée d'Aoste

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Valle d'Aosta whether or not followed by Nus

Equivalent term: Vallée d'Aoste

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Valle d'Aosta whether or not followed by Torrette

Equivalent term: Vallée d'Aoste

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITValpolicella whether or not accompanied by ValpantenaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITValsusaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITValtellina Superiore whether or not followed by GrumelloWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITValtellina Superiore whether or not followed by InfernoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITValtellina Superiore whether or not followed by MaroggiaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITValtellina Superiore whether or not followed by SassellaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITValtellina Superiore whether or not followed by ValgellaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVelletriWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVerbicaroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVerdicchio dei Castelli di JesiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVerdicchio di MatelicaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Verduno Pelaverga

Equivalent term: Verduno

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVermentino di GalluraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVermentino di SardegnaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVernaccia di OristanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVernaccia di San GimignanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVernaccia di SerrapetronaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVesuvioWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVicenzaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVignanelloWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVin Santo del ChiantiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVin Santo del Chianti ClassicoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVin Santo di MontepulcianoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Vini del Piave

Equivalent term: Piave

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVino Nobile di MontepulcianoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITVittoriaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITZagaroloWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ITAlleronaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITAlta Valle della GreveWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITAlto LivenzaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITAlto MincioWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITAlto TirinoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITArghillàWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITBarbagiaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITBasilicataWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITBenaco brescianoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITBeneventanoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITBergamascaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITBettonaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Bianco del Sillaro

Equivalent term: Sillaro

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITBianco di Castelfranco EmiliaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITCalabriaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITCamarroWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITCampaniaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITCannaraWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITCivitella d'AglianoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITColli AprutiniWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITColli CiminiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITColli del LimbaraWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITColli del SangroWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITColli della Toscana centraleWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITColli di SalernoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITColli TrevigianiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITCollina del MilaneseWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITColline di GenovesatoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITColline FrentaneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITColline PescaresiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITColline SavonesiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITColline TeatineWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITCondoleoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITConselvanoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITCosta ViolaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITDauniaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Del Vastese

Equivalent term: Histonium

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITDelle VenezieWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITDugentaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Dell'Emilia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITEpomeoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITEsaroWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITFontanarossa di CerdaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITForlìWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITFortana del TaroWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: del Frusinate

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Golfo dei Poeti La Spezia

Equivalent term: Golfo dei Poeti

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITGrottino di RoccanovaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITIsola dei NuraghiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITLazioWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITLipudaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITLocrideWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITMarca TrevigianaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITMarcheWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITMaremma ToscanaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITMarmillaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Mitterberg tra Cauria e Tel

Equivalent term: Mitterberg / Mitterberg zwischen Gfrill und Toll

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Provincia di Modena / di Modena

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITMontecastelliWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITMontenetto di BresciaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITMurgiaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITNarniWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITNurraWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITOgliastraWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Terre degli Osci

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITPaestumWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITPalizziWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITParteollaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITPellaroWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITPlanargiaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITPompeianoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITProvincia di MantovaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITProvincia di NuoroWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITProvincia di PaviaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Provincia di Verona

Equivalent term: Veronese

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITPugliaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITQuistelloWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITRavennaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITRoccamonfinaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITRomangiaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITRonchi di BresciaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITRonchi VaresiniWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITRotaeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITRubiconeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITSabbionetaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITSalemiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITSalentoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITSalinaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITScillaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITSebinoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITSibiolaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITSiciliaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITSpelloWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITTarantinoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITTerrazze Retiche di SondrioWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Terre Aquilane

Equivalent term: Terre dell'Aquila

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITTerre del VolturnoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITTerre di ChietiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITTerre di VelejaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITTerre LarianeWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITTharrosWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Toscana

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITTrexentaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITUmbriaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITVal di MagraWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITVal di NetoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITVal TidoneWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITValcamonicaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITValdamatoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITVallagarinaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITValle BeliceWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITValle d'ItriaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITValle del CratiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITValle del TirsoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITValle PelignaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITValli di Porto PinoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITVenetoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITVeneto OrientaleWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ITVenezia GiuliaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Vigneti delle Dolomiti

Equivalent term: Weinberg Dolomiten

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Βουνί Παναγιάς – Αμπελίτη

Equivalent term: Vouni Panayia - Ampelitis

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Commandaria

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Κρασοχώρια Λεμεσού whether or not followed by Αφάμης

Equivalent term: Krasohoria Lemesou - Afames

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Κρασοχώρια Λεμεσού whether or not followed by Λαόνα

Equivalent term: Krasohoria Lemesou - Laona

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Λαόνα Ακάμα

Equivalent term: Laona Akama

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Pitsilia

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Larnaka

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Lemesos

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Lefkosia

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)


Equivalent term: Pafos

Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
LUCrémant du LuxembourgWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
LUMoselle luxembourgeoise followed by Ahn / Assel / Bech-Kleinmacher / Born / Bous / Bumerange / Canach / Ehnen / Ellingen / Elvange / Erpeldingen / Gostingen / Greveldingen / Grevenmacher followed by Appellation contrôléeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
LUMoselle luxembourgeoise followed by Lenningen / Machtum / Mechtert / Moersdorf / Mondorf / Niederdonven / Oberdonven / Oberwormelding / Remich / Rolling / Rosport / Stadtbredimus followed by Appellation contrôléeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
LUMoselle luxembourgeoise followed by Remerschen / Remich / Schengen / Schwebsingen / Stadtbredimus / Trintingen / Wasserbilig / Wellenstein / Wintringen or Wormeldingen followed by Appellation contrôléeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
LUMoselle luxembourgeoise followed by the name of the vine variety followed by Appellation contrôléeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUÁszár-Neszmélyi borvidék whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUBadacsonyi whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUBalatonWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUBalaton-felvidéki whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUBalatonboglári whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUBalatonfüred-Csopaki borvidék whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUBalatoniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUBükk whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUCsongrád whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUDebrői HárslevelűWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUDunaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUEgri BikavérWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUEgri Bikavér SuperiorWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUEgr whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUEtyek-Buda whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUHajós-Baja whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUIzsáki Arany SárfehérWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUKunság whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUMátra whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUMór whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUNagy-Somló whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUPannonhalma whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUPécs whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUSomlóiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUSomlói AranyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUSomlói Nászéjszakák BoraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUSopron whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUSzekszárd whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUTokaj whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUTolna whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUVillány whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUVillányi védett eredetű classicusWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUZala whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUEgerszóláti OlaszrizlingWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUKáliWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUNeszmély whether or not followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the siteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUPannonWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUTihanyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
HUAlföldi whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
HUBalatonmelléki whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
HUDél-alföldiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
HUDél-dunántúliWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
HUDuna mellékiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
HUDuna-Tisza köziWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
HUDunántúliWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
HUÉszak-dunántúliWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
HUFelső-magyarországiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
HUNyugat-dunántúliWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
HUTisza mellékiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
HUTisza völgyiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
HUZempléniWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
MTGozoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
MTMaltaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
MTMaltese IslandsWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
NLDrentheWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
NLFlevolandWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
NLFrieslandWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
NLGelderlandWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
NLGroningenWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
NLLimburgWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
NLNoord-BrabantWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
NLNoord-HollandWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
NLOverijsselWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
NLUtrechtWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
NLZeelandWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
NLZuid-HollandWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ATBurgenland whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATCarnuntum whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATDonauland whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATKamptal whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATKärnten whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATKremstal whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATLeithaberg whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATMittelburgenland whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATNeusiedlersee whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATNeusiedlersee-Hügelland whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATNiederösterreich whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATOberösterreich whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATSalzburg whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATSteiermark whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATSüd-Oststeiermark whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATSüdburgenland whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATSüdsteiermark whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATThermenregion whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATTirol whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATTraisental whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATVorarlberg whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATWachau whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATWagram whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATWeinviertel whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATWeststeiermark whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATWien whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ATBerglandWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ATSteierlandWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ATWeinlandWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ATWienWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTAlenquerWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTAlentejo whether or not followed by BorbaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTAlentejo whether or not followed by ÉvoraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTAlentejo whether or not followed by Granja-AmarelejaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTAlentejo whether or not followed by MouraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTAlentejo whether or not followed by PortalegreWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTAlentejo whether or not followed by RedondoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTAlentejo whether or not followed by ReguengosWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTAlentejo whether or not followed by VidigueiraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTArrudaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTBairradaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTBeira Interior whether or not followed by Castelo RodrigoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTBeira Interior whether or not followed by Cova da BeiraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTBeira Interior whether or not followed by PinhelWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTBiscoitosWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTBucelasWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTCarcavelosWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTColaresWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTDão whether or not followed by AlvaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTDão whether or not followed by BesteirosWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTDão whether or not followed by CastendoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTDão whether or not followed by Serra da EstrelaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTDão whether or not followed by SilgueirosWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTDão whether or not followed by Terras de AzuraraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTDão whether or not followed by Terras de SenhorimWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTDão NobreWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Douro whether or not followed by Baixo Corgo

Equivalent term: Vinho do Douro

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Douro whether or not followed by Cima Corgo

Equivalent term: Vinho do Douro

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Douro whether or not followed by Douro Superior

Equivalent term: Vinho do Douro

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTEncostas d'Aire whether or not followed by AlcobaçaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTEncostas d'Aire whether or not followed by OurémWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTGraciosaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTLafõesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTLagoaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTLagosWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTMadeirenseWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Madera / Vinho da Madeira / Madeira Weine / Madeira Wine / Vin de Madère / Vino di Madera / Madeira Wijn

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTMoscatel de SetúbalWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTMoscatel do DouroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTÓbidosWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)


Equivalent term: Oporto / Vinho do Porto / Vin de Porto / Port / Port Wine / Portwein / Portvin / Portwijn

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTPalmelaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTPicoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTPortimãoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTRibatejo whether or not followed by AlmeirimWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTRibatejo whether or not followed by CartaxoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTRibatejo whether or not followed by ChamuscaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTRibatejo whether or not followed by CorucheWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTRibatejo whether or not followed by SantarémWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTRibatejo whether or not followed by TomarWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTSetúbalWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTSetúbal RoxoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTTaviraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTTávora-VarosaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTTorres VedrasWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTTrás-os-Montes whether or not followed by ChavesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTTrás-os-Montes whether or not followed by Planalto MirandêsWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTTrás-os-Montes whether or not followed by ValpaçosWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Vinho do Douro whether or not followed by Baixo Corgo

Equivalent term: Douro

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Vinho do Douro whether or not followed by Cima Corgo

Equivalent term: Douro

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Vinho do Douro whether or not followed by Douro Superior

Equivalent term: Douro

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTVinho Verde whether or not followed by AmaranteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTVinho Verde whether or not followed by AveWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTVinho Verde whether or not followed by BaiãoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTVinho Verde whether or not followed by BastoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTVinho Verde whether or not followed by CávadoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTVinho Verde whether or not followed by LimaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTVinho Verde whether or not followed by Monção e MelgaçoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTVinho Verde whether or not followed by PaivaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTVinho Verde whether or not followed by SousaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTVinho Verde AlvarinhoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTVinho Verde Alvarinho EspumanteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
PTLisboa whether or not followed by Alta EstremaduraWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTLisboa whether or not followed by EstremaduraWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTPenínsula de SetúbalWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTTejoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTVinho Espumante Beiras whether or not followed by Beira AltaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTVinho Espumante Beiras whether or not followed by Beira LitoralWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTVinho Espumante Beiras whether or not followed by Terras de SicóWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTVinho Licoroso AlgarveWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTVinho Regional AçoresWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTVinho Regional AlentejanoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTVinho Regional AlgarveWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTVinho Regional Beiras whether or not followed by Beira AltaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTVinho Regional Beiras whether or not followed by Beira LitoralWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTVinho Regional Beiras whether or not followed by Terras de SicóWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTVinho Regional DurienseWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTVinho Regional MinhoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTVinho Regional Terras do SadoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTVinho Regional Terras MadeirensesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
PTVinho Regional TransmontanoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ROAiud whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROAlba Iulia whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROBabadag whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROBanat whether or not followed by Dealurile TiroluluiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROBanat whether or not followed by Moldova NouăWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROBanat whether or not followed by SilagiuWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROBanu Mărăcine whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROBohotin whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROCernătești - Podgoria whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROCotești whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROCotnariWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROCrișana whether or not followed by BihariaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROCrișana whether or not followed by DiosigWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROCrișana whether or not followed by Șimleu SilvanieiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
RODealu Bujorului whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
RODealu Mare whether or not followed by BoldeștiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
RODealu Mare whether or not followed by BreazaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
RODealu Mare whether or not followed by CepturaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
RODealu Mare whether or not followed by MereiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
RODealu Mare whether or not followed by TohaniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
RODealu Mare whether or not followed by UrlațiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
RODealu Mare whether or not followed by Valea CălugăreascăWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
RODealu Mare whether or not followed by ZoreștiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
RODrăgășani whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROHuși whether or not followed by VutcaniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROIana whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROIași whether or not followed by BuciumWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROIași whether or not followed by CopouWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROIași whether or not followed by UricaniWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROLechința whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROMehedinți whether or not followed by CorcovaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROMehedinți whether or not followed by Golul DrânceiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROMehedinți whether or not followed by OrevițaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROMehedinți whether or not followed by SeverinWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROMehedinți whether or not followed by Vânju MareWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROMiniș whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROMurfatlar whether or not followed by CernavodăWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROMurfatlar whether or not followed by MedgidiaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
RONicorești whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROOdobești whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROOltina whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROPanciu whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROPietroasa whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
RORecaș whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROSâmburești whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROSarica Niculițel whether or not followed by TulceaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROSebeș - Apold whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROSegarcea whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROȘtefănești whether or not followed by CosteștiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROTârnave whether or not followed by BlajWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROTârnave whether or not followed by JidveiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROTârnave whether or not followed by MediașWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ROColinele Dobrogei whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
RODealurile Crișanei whether or not followed by the name of the sub-regionWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
RODealurile Moldovei or, according to the case Dealurile CovurluiuluiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
RODealurile Moldovei or, according to the case Dealurile HârlăuluiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
RODealurile Moldovei or, according to the case Dealurile HușilorWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
RODealurile Moldovei or, according to the case Dealurile IașilorWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
RODealurile Moldovei or, according to the case Dealurile TutoveiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
RODealurile Moldovei or, according to the case Terasele SiretuluiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
RODealurile MoldoveiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
RODealurile MuntenieiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
RODealurile OltenieiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
RODealurile SătmaruluiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
RODealurile TransilvanieiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
RODealurile VranceiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
RODealurile ZaranduluiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ROTerasele DunăriiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ROViile CarașuluiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ROViile TimișuluiWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
SIBela krajina whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estateWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SIBelokranjec whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estateWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Bizeljsko-Sremič whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate

Equivalent term: Sremič-Bizeljsko

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SIBizeljčan whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estateWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SICviček, Dolenjska whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estateWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SIDolenjska whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estateWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Goriška Brda whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate

Equivalent term: Brda

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SIKras whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estateWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SIMetliška črnina whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estateWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Prekmurje whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate

Equivalent term: Prekmurčan

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SISlovenska Istra whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estateWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SIŠtajerska Slovenija whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estateWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SITeran, Kras whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estateWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Vipavska dolina whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographic unit and/or the name of a vineyard estate

Equivalent term: Vipava, Vipavec, Vipavčan

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SIPodravje may be followed by the expression "mlado vino" the names can also be used in adjective formWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
SIPosavje may be followed by the expression "mlado vino" the names can also be used in adjective formWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
SIPrimorska may be followed by the expression "mlado vino" the names can also be used in adjective formWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
SKJužnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Dunajskostredský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKJužnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Hurbanovský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKJužnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Komárňanský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKJužnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Palárikovský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKJužnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Štúrovský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKJužnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Šamorínsky vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKJužnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKJužnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Strekovský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKJužnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Galantský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKMalokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Vrbovský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKMalokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Trnavský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKMalokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Skalický vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKMalokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Orešanský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKMalokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Hlohovecký vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKMalokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Doľanský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKMalokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKMalokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Senecký vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKMalokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Stupavský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKMalokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Modranský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKMalokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Bratislavský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKMalokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Pezinský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKMalokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Záhorský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKNitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Pukanecký vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKNitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Žitavský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKNitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Želiezovský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKNitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKNitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Nitriansky vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKNitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Vrábeľský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKNitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Tekovský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKNitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Zlatomoravský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKNitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Šintavský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKNitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Radošinský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKStredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKStredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Fil'akovský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKStredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Gemerský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKStredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Hontiansky vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKStredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Ipeľský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKStredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Vinický vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKStredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Tornaľský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKStredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Modrokamencký vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKVinohradnícka oblasť Tokajoblasť whether or not followed by ViničkyWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKVinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj whether or not followed by the name of a smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKVinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj whether or not followed by Veľká TŕňaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKVinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj whether or not followed by Malá TŕňaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKVinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj whether or not followed by ČerhovWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKVinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj whether or not followed by Slovenské Nové MestoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKVinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj whether or not followed by ČernochovWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKVinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj whether or not followed by BaraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKVýchodoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Michalovský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKVýchodoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť followed or not by sub-region and/or smaller geographical unitWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKVýchodoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Kráľovskochlmecký vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKVýchodoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Moldavský vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKVýchodoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť whether or not followed by Sobranecký vinohradnícky rajónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
SKJužnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť may be accompanied by the term "oblastné víno"Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
SKMalokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť may be accompanied by the term "oblastné víno"Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
SKNitrianska vinohradnícka oblasť may be accompanied by the term "oblastné víno"Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
SKStredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť may be accompanied by the term "oblastné víno"Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
SKVýchodoslovenská vinohradnícka oblasť may be accompanied by the term "oblastné víno"Wine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESAbonaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESAlellaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESAlicante whether or not followed by Marina AltaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESAlmansaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESAmpurdán-Costa BravaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Arabako Txakolina

Equivalent term: Txakolí de Álava

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESArlanzaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESArribesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESBierzoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESBinissalemWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Bizkaiko Txakolina

Equivalent term: Chacolí de Bizkaia

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESBullasWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESCalatayudWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESCampo de BorjaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESCampo de la GuardiaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESCangasWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESCariñenaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESCataluñaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESCavaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Chacolí de Bizkaia

Equivalent term: Bizkaiko Txakolina

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Chacolí de Getaria

Equivalent term: Getariako Txakolina

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESCigalesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESConca de BarberáWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESCondado de HuelvaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESCosters del Segre whether or not followed by ArtesaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESCosters del Segre whether or not followed by Les GarriguesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESCosters del Segre whether or not followed by RaimatWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESCosters del Segre whether or not followed by Valls de Riu CorbWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESDehesa del CarrizalWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESDominio de ValdepusaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESEl HierroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESEmpordáWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESGuijozoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Getariako Txakolina

Equivalent term: Chacolí de Getaria

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESGran CanariaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESGranadaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESGuijosoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESJerez/Xérès/SherryWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESJumillaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESLa GomeraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESLa ManchaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESLa Palma whether or not followed by FuencalienteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESLa Palma whether or not followed by Hoyo de MazoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESLa Palma whether or not followed by Norte de la PalmaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESLanzaroteWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESLebrijaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESMálagaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESManchuelaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESManzanilla Sanlúcar de BarramedaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESMéntridaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESMondéjarWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESMonterrei whether or not followed by Ladera de MonterreiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESMonterrei whether or not followed by Val de MonterreiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESMontilla-MorilesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESMontsantWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESNavarra whether or not followed by Baja MontañaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESNavarra whether or not followed by Ribera AltaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESNavarra whether or not followed by Ribera BajaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESNavarra whether or not followed by Tierra EstellaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESNavarra whether or not followed by ValdizarbeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESPago FlorentinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Pago de Arínzano

Equivalent term: Vino de pago de Arinzano

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESPago de OtazuWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESPenedésWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESPla de BagesWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESPla i LlevantWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESPrado de IracheWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESPrioratWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRías Baixas whether or not followed by Condado do TeaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRías Baixas whether or not followed by O RosalWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRías Baixas whether or not followed by Ribeira do UllaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRías Baixas whether or not followed by SoutomaiorWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRías Baixas whether or not followed by Val do SalnésWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRibeira Sacra whether or not followed by AmandiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRibeira Sacra whether or not followed by ChantadaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRibeira Sacra whether or not followed by Quiroga-BibeiWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRibeira Sacra whether or not followed by Ribeiras do MiñoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRibeira Sacra whether or not followed by Ribeiras do SilWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRibeiroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRibera del DueroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRibera del Guadiana whether or not followed by CañameroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRibera del Guadiana whether or not followed by MatanegraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRibera del Guadiana whether or not followed by MontánchezWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRibera del Guadiana whether or not followed by Ribera AltaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRibera del Guadiana whether or not followed by Ribera BajaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRibera del Guadiana whether or not followed by Tierra de BarrosWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRibera del JúcarWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRioja whether or not followed by Rioja AlavesaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRioja whether or not followed by Rioja AltaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRioja whether or not followed by Rioja BajaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESRuedaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESSierras de Málaga whether or not followed by Serranía de RondaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESSomontanoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESTacoronte-Acentejo whether or not followed by AnagaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESTarragonaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESTerra AltaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESTierra de LeónWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESTierra del Vino de ZamoraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESToroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)

Txakolí de Álava

Equivalent term: Arabako Txakolina

Wine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESUclésWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESUtiel-RequenaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESValdeorrasWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESValdepeñasWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESValencia whether or not followed by Alto TuriaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESValencia whether or not followed by ClarianoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESValencia whether or not followed by Moscatel de ValenciaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESValencia whether or not followed by ValentinoWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESValle de GüímarWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESValle de la OrotavaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESValles de BenaventeWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESVino de Calidad de ValtiendasWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESVinos de Madrid whether or not followed by ArgandaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESVinos de Madrid whether or not followed by NavalcarneroWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESVinos de Madrid whether or not followed by San Martín de ValdeiglesiasWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESYcoden-Daute-IsoraWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ESYeclaWine with a protected designation of origin (PDO)
ES3 RiberasWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESAbanillaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESAltiplano de Sierra NevadaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESBajo AragónWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESRibera del Gállego-Cinco VillasWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESRibera del JilocaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESValdejalónWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESValle del CincaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESBailénWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESBarbanza e IriaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESBetanzosWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESCádizWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESCampo de CartagenaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESCangasWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESCastellóWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESCastillaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESCastilla y LeónWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESContraviesa-AlpujarraWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESCórdobaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESCosta de CantabriaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESCumbres de GuadalfeoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESDesierto de AlmeríaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESEl TerrerazoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESExtremaduraWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESFormenteraWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESGálvezWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESGranada Sur-OesteWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESIbizaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESIlles BalearsWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESIsla de MenorcaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESLaujar-AlpujarraWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESLaderas del GenilWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESLiébanaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESLos PalaciosWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESMallorcaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESMurciaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESNorte de AlmeríaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESNorte de GranadaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESPozohondoWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESRibera del AndaraxWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESRibera del QueilesWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESSerra de Tramuntana-Costa NordWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESSierra de Las Estancias y Los FilabresWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESSierra Norte de SevillaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESSierra Sur de JaénWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESTorreperogilWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESValle del Miño-OurenseWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESValles de SadaciaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
ESVillaviciosa de CórdobaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEnglish VineyardsWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKWelsh VineyardsWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by BerkshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by BuckinghamshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by CheshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by CornwallWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by DerbyshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by DevonWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by DorsetWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by East AngliaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by GloucestershireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by HampshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by HerefordshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by Isle of WightWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by Isles of ScillyWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by KentWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by LancashireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by LeicestershireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by LincolnshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by NorthamptonshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by NottinghamshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by OxfordshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by RutlandWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by ShropshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by SomersetWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by StaffordshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by SurreyWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by SussexWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by WarwickshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by West MidlandsWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by WiltshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by WorcestershireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKEngland whether or not substituted by YorkshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKWales whether or not substituted by CardiffWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKWales whether or not substituted by CardiganshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKWales whether or not substituted by CarmarthenshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKWales whether or not substituted by DenbighshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKWales whether or not substituted by GwyneddWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKWales whether or not substituted by MonmouthshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKWales whether or not substituted by NewportWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKWales whether or not substituted by PembrokeshireWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKWales whether or not substituted by Rhondda Cynon TafWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKWales whether or not substituted by SwanseaWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKWales whether or not substituted by The Vale of GlamorganWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)
UKWales whether or not substituted by WrexhamWine with a protected geographical indication (PGI)

Wines of the Republic of Moldova to be protected in the European Union




Spirit drinks of the European Union to be protected in the Republic of Moldova

EU-Member StateName to be protectedProduct Type
FRRhum de la MartiniqueRum
FRRhum de la GuadeloupeRum
FRRhum de la RéunionRum
FRRhum de la GuyaneRum
FRRhum de sucrerie de la Baie du GalionRum
FRRhum des Antilles françaisesRum
FRRhum des départements français d'outre-merRum
ESRon de MálagaRum
ESRon de GranadaRum
PTRum da MadeiraRum
UK (Scotland)Scotch WhiskyWhiskey/Whisky
IEIrish Whiskey / Uisce Beatha Eireannach / Irish WhiskyWhiskey/Whisky
ESWhisky españolWhiskey/Whisky
FRWhisky breton / Whisky de BretagneWhiskey/Whisky
FRWhisky alsacien / Whisky d'AlsaceWhiskey/Whisky
LUEau-de-vie de seigle de marque nationale luxembourgeoiseGrain Spirit
DE, AT, BE (German-speaking Community)Korn / KornbrandGrain Spirit
DEMünsterländer Korn / KornbrandGrain Spirit
DESendenhorster Korn / KornbrandGrain Spirit
DEBergischer Korn / KornbrandGrain Spirit
DEEmsländer Korn / KornbrandGrain Spirit
DEHaselünner Korn / KornbrandGrain Spirit
DEHasetaler Korn / KornbrandGrain Spirit
LTSamanėGrain Spirit
FREau-de-vie de CognacWine Spirit
FREau-de-vie des CharentesWine Spirit
FREau-de-vie de JuraWine Spirit


(The denomination "Cognac" may be supplemented by the following terms:

  • Fine

  • Grande Fine Champagne

  • Grande Champagne

  • Petite Fine Champagne

  • Petite Champagne

  • Fine Champagne

  • Borderies

  • Fins Bois

  • Bons Bois)

Wine Spirit
FRFine BordeauxWine Spirit
FRFine de BourgogneWine Spirit
FRArmagnacWine Spirit
FRBas-ArmagnacWine Spirit
FRHaut-ArmagnacWine Spirit
FRArmagnac-TénarèzeWine Spirit
FRBlanche ArmagnacWine Spirit
FREau-de-vie de vin de la MarneWine Spirit
FREau-de-vie de vin originaire d'AquitaineWine Spirit
FREau-de-vie de vin de BourgogneWine Spirit
FREau-de-vie de vin originaire du Centre-EstWine Spirit
FREau-de-vie de vin originaire de Franche-ComtéWine Spirit
FREau-de-vie de vin originaire du BugeyWine Spirit
FREau-de-vie de vin de SavoieWine Spirit
FREau-de-vie de vin originaire des Coteaux de la LoireWine Spirit
FREau-de-vie de vin des Côtes-du-RhôneWine Spirit
FREau-de-vie de vin originaire de ProvenceWine Spirit
FREau-de-vie de Faugères / FaugèresWine Spirit
FREau-de-vie de vin originaire du LanguedocWine Spirit
PTAguardente de Vinho DouroWine Spirit
PTAguardente de Vinho RibatejoWine Spirit
PTAguardente de Vinho AlentejoWine Spirit
PTAguardente de Vinho da Região dos Vinhos VerdesWine Spirit
PTAguardente de Vinho da Região dos Vinhos Verdes de AlvarinhoWine Spirit
PTAguardente de Vinho LourinhãWine Spirit
BGСунгурларска гроздова ракия / Гроздова ракия от Сунгурларе / Sungurlarska grozdova rakya / Grozdova rakya from SungurlareWine Spirit
BGСливенска перла (Сливенска гроздова ракия / Гроздова ракия от Сливен) /Slivenska perla (Slivenska grozdova rakya / Grozdova rakya from Sliven)Wine Spirit
BGСтралджанска мускатова ракия / Мускатова ракия от Стралджа / Straldjanska Muscatova rakya / Muscatova rakya from StraldjaWine Spirit
BGПоморийска гроздова ракия / Гроздова ракия от Поморие / Pomoriyska grozdova rakya / Grozdova rakya from PomorieWine Spirit
BGРусенска бисерна гроздова ракия / Бисерна гроздова ракия от Русе / Russenska biserna grozdova rakya / Biserna grozdova rakya from RusseWine Spirit
BGБургаска мускатова ракия / Мускатова ракия от Бургас / Bourgaska Muscatova rakya / Muscatova rakya from BourgasWine Spirit
BGДобруджанска мускатова ракия / Мускатова ракия от Добруджа / Dobrudjanska muscatova rakya / muscatova rakya from DobrudjaWine Spirit
BGСухиндолска гроздова ракия / Гроздова ракия от Сухиндол / Suhindolska grozdova rakya / Grozdova rakya from SuhindolWine Spirit
BGКарловска гроздова ракия / Гроздова ракия от Карлово / Karlovska grozdova rakya / Grozdova Rakya from KarlovoWine Spirit
ROVinars TârnaveWine Spirit
ROVinars VasluiWine Spirit
ROVinars MurfatlarWine Spirit
ROVinars VranceaWine Spirit
ROVinars SegarceaWine Spirit
ESBrandy de JerezBrandy/Weinbrand
ESBrandy del PenedésBrandy/Weinbrand
ITBrandy italianoBrandy/Weinbrand
GRBrandy Αττικής / Brandy of AtticaBrandy/Weinbrand
GRBrandy Πελοποννήσου / Brandy of the PeloponneseBrandy/Weinbrand
GRBrandy Κεντρικής Ελλάδας / Brandy of central GreeceBrandy/Weinbrand
DEDeutscher WeinbrandBrandy/Weinbrand
ATWachauer WeinbrandBrandy/Weinbrand
ATWeinbrand DürnsteinBrandy/Weinbrand
DEPfälzer WeinbrandBrandy/Weinbrand
SKKarpatské brandy špeciálBrandy/Weinbrand
FRBrandy français / Brandy de FranceBrandy/Weinbrand
FRMarc de Champagne / Eau-de-vie de marc de ChampagneGrape Marc Spirit
FRMarc d'Aquitaine / Eau-de-vie de marc originaire d'AquitaineGrape Marc Spirit
FRMarc de Bourgogne / Eau-de-vie de marc de BourgogneGrape Marc Spirit
FRMarc du Centre-Est / Eau-de-vie de marc originaire du Centre-EstGrape Marc Spirit
FRMarc de Franche-Comté /Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Franche-ComtéGrape Marc Spirit
FRMarc du Bugey / Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de BugeyGrape Marc Spirit
FRMarc de Savoie / Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de SavoieGrape Marc Spirit
FRMarc des Côteaux de la Loire / Eau-de-vie de marc originaire des Coteaux de la LoireGrape Marc Spirit
FRMarc des Côtes-du-Rhône / Eau-de-vie de marc des Côtes du RhôneGrape Marc Spirit
FRMarc de Provence / Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de ProvenceGrape Marc Spirit
FRMarc du Languedoc / Eau-de-vie de marc originaire du LanguedocGrape Marc Spirit
FRMarc d'Alsace GewürztraminerGrape Marc Spirit
FRMarc de LorraineGrape Marc Spirit
FRMarc d'AuvergneGrape Marc Spirit
FRMarc du JuraGrape Marc Spirit
PTAguardente Bagaceira BairradaGrape Marc Spirit
PTAguardente Bagaceira AlentejoGrape Marc Spirit
PTAguardente Bagaceira da Região dos Vinhos VerdesGrape Marc Spirit
PTAguardente Bagaceira da Região dos Vinhos Verdes de AlvarinhoGrape Marc Spirit
ESOrujo de GaliciaGrape Marc Spirit
ITGrappaGrape Marc Spirit
ITGrappa di BaroloGrape Marc Spirit
ITGrappa piemontese / Grappa del PiemonteGrape Marc Spirit
ITGrappa lombarda / Grappa di LombardiaGrape Marc Spirit
ITGrappa trentina / Grappa del TrentinoGrape Marc Spirit
ITGrappa friulana / Grappa del FriuliGrape Marc Spirit
ITGrappa veneta / Grappa del VenetoGrape Marc Spirit
ITSüdtiroler Grappa / Grappa dell'Alto AdigeGrape Marc Spirit
ITGrappa Siciliana / Grappa di SiciliaGrape Marc Spirit
ITGrappa di MarsalaGrape Marc Spirit
GRΤσικουδιά / TsikoudiaGrape Marc Spirit
GRΤσικουδιά Κρήτης / Tsikoudia of CreteGrape Marc Spirit
GRΤσίπουρο / TsipouroGrape Marc Spirit
GRΤσίπουρο Μακεδονίας/ Tsipouro of MacedoniaGrape Marc Spirit
GRΤσίπουρο Θεσσαλίας / Tsipouro of ThessalyGrape Marc Spirit
GRΤσίπουρο Τυρνάβου / Tsipouro of TyrnavosGrape Marc Spirit
LUEau-de-vie de marc de marque nationale luxembourgeoiseGrape Marc Spirit
CYΖιβανία / Τζιβανία /Ζιβάνα / ZivaniaGrape Marc Spirit
HUTörkölypálinkaGrape Marc Spirit
DESchwarzwälder KirschwasserFruit Spirit
DESchwarzwälder MirabellenwasserFruit Spirit
DESchwarzwälder WilliamsbirneFruit Spirit
DESchwarzwälder ZwetschgenwasserFruit Spirit
DEFränkisches ZwetschgenwasserFruit Spirit
DEFränkisches KirschwasserFruit Spirit
DEFränkischer ObstlerFruit Spirit
FRMirabelle de LorraineFruit Spirit
FRKirsch d'AlsaceFruit Spirit
FRQuetsch d'AlsaceFruit Spirit
FRFramboise d'AlsaceFruit Spirit
FRMirabelle d'AlsaceFruit Spirit
FRKirsch de FougerollesFruit Spirit
FRWilliams d'OrléansFruit Spirit
ITSüdtiroler Williams / Williams dell'Alto AdigeFruit Spirit
ITSüdtiroler Aprikot / Aprikot dell'Alto AdigeFruit Spirit
ITSüdtiroler Marille / Marille dell'Alto AdigeFruit Spirit
ITSüdtiroler Kirsch / Kirsch dell'Alto AdigeFruit Spirit
ITSüdtiroler Zwetschgeler / Zwetschgeler dell'Alto AdigeFruit Spirit
ITSüdtiroler Obstler / Obstler dell'Alto AdigeFruit Spirit
ITSüdtiroler Gravensteiner / Gravensteiner dell'Alto AdigeFruit Spirit
ITSüdtiroler Golden Delicious / Golden Delicious dell'Alto AdigeFruit Spirit
ITWilliams friulano / Williams del FriuliFruit Spirit
ITSliwovitz del VenetoFruit Spirit
ITSliwovitz del Friuli-Venezia GiuliaFruit Spirit
ITSliwovitz del Trentino-Alto AdigeFruit Spirit
ITDistillato di mele trentino / Distillato di mele del TrentinoFruit Spirit
ITWilliams trentino / Williams del TrentinoFruit Spirit
ITSliwovitz trentino / Sliwovitz del TrentinoFruit Spirit
ITAprikot trentino / Aprikot del TrentinoFruit Spirit
PTMedronho do AlgarveFruit Spirit
PTMedronho do BuçacoFruit Spirit
ITKirsch Friulano / Kirschwasser FriulanoFruit Spirit
ITKirsch Trentino / Kirschwasser TrentinoFruit Spirit
ITKirsch Veneto / Kirschwasser VenetoFruit Spirit
PTAguardente de pera da LousãFruit Spirit
LUEau-de-vie de pommes de marque nationale luxembourgeoiseFruit Spirit
LUEau-de-vie de poires de marque nationale luxembourgeoiseFruit Spirit
LUEau-de-vie de kirsch de marque nationale luxembourgeoiseFruit Spirit
LUEau-de-vie de quetsch de marque nationale luxembourgeoiseFruit Spirit
LUEau-de-vie de mirabelle de marque nationale luxembourgeoiseFruit Spirit
LUEau-de-vie de prunelles de marque nationale luxembourgeoiseFruit Spirit
ATWachauer MarillenbrandFruit Spirit
HUSzatmári SzilvapálinkaFruit Spirit
HUKecskeméti BarackpálinkaFruit Spirit
HUBékési SzilvapálinkaFruit Spirit
HUSzabolcsi AlmapálinkaFruit Spirit
HUGönci BarackpálinkaFruit Spirit
HU, AT (for apricot spirits solely produced in the Länder of: Niederösterreich, Burgenland, Steiermark, Wien)PálinkaFruit Spirit
SKBošácka slivovicaFruit Spirit
SIBrinjevecFruit Spirit
SIDolenjski sadjevecFruit Spirit
BGТроянска сливова ракия / Сливова ракия от Троян / Troyanska slivova rakya / Slivova rakya from TroyanFruit Spirit
BGСилистренска кайсиева ракия / Кайсиева ракия от Силистра / Silistrenska kaysieva rakya / Kaysieva rakya from SilistraFruit Spirit
BGТервелска кайсиева ракия / Кайсиева ракия от Тервел / Tervelska kaysieva rakya / Kaysieva rakya from TervelFruit Spirit
BGЛовешка сливова ракия / Сливова ракия от Ловеч / Loveshka slivova rakya / Slivova rakya from LovechFruit Spirit
ROPălincăFruit Spirit
ROȚuică Zetea de Medieșu AuritFruit Spirit
ROȚuică de Valea MilcovuluiFruit Spirit
ROȚuică de BuzăuFruit Spirit
ROȚuică de ArgeșFruit Spirit
ROȚuică de ZalăuFruit Spirit
ROȚuică Ardelenească de BistrițaFruit Spirit
ROHorincă de MaramureșFruit Spirit
ROHorincă de CămârzanaFruit Spirit
ROHorincă de SeiniFruit Spirit
ROHorincă de ChioarFruit Spirit
ROHorincă de LăpușFruit Spirit
ROTurț de OașFruit Spirit
ROTurț de MaramureșFruit Spirit
FRCalvadosCider Spirits & Perry Spirits
FRCalvados Pays d'AugeCider Spirits & Perry Spirits
FRCalvados DomfrontaisCider Spirits & Perry Spirits
FREau-de-vie de cidre de BretagneCider Spirits & Perry Spirits
FREau-de-vie de poiré de BretagneCider Spirits & Perry Spirits
FREau-de-vie de cidre de NormandieCider Spirits & Perry Spirits
FREau-de-vie de poiré de NormandieCider Spirits & Perry Spirits
FREau-de-vie de cidre du MaineCider Spirits & Perry Spirits
ESAguardiente de sidra de AsturiasCider Spirits & Perry Spirits
FREau-de-vie de poiré du MaineCider Spirits & Perry Spirits
SESvensk Vodka / Swedish VodkaVodka
FISuomalainen Vodka / Finsk Vodka / Vodka of FinlandVodka
PLPolska Wódka / Polish VodkaVodka
SKLaugarício vodkaVodka
LTOriginali lietuviška degtinė/ Original Lithuanian vodkaVodka
PLHerbal vodka from the North Podlasie Lowland aromatised with an extract of bison grass / Wódka ziołowa z Niziny Północnopodlaskiej aromatyzowana ekstraktem z trawy żubrowejVodka
LVLatvijas DzidraisVodka
LVRīgas DegvīnsVodka
EEEstonian vodkaVodka
DESchwarzwälder HimbeergeistGeist
DEBayerischer GebirgsenzianGentian
ITSüdtiroler Enzian / Genziana dell'Alto AdigeGentian
ITGenziana trentina / Genziana del TrentinoGentian
BE, NL, FR (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62)), DE (German Bundesländer Nordrhein-Westfalen and Niedersachsen)Genièvre / Jenever / GeneverJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
BE, NL, FR (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62))Genièvre de grains, Graanjenever, GraangeneverJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
BE, NLJonge jenever, jonge geneverJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
BE, NLOude jenever, oude geneverJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
BE (Hasselt, Zonhoven, Diepenbeek)Hasseltse jenever / HasseltJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
BE (Balegem)Balegemse jeneverJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
BE (Oost-Vlaanderen)O' de Flander-Oost-Vlaamse GraanjeneverJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
BE (Région wallonne)Peket-Pékêt / Peket-Pékêt de WallonieJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
FR (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62))Genièvre Flandres ArtoisJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
DEOstfriesischer KorngeneverJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
DESteinhägerJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
UKPlymouth GinJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
ESGin de MahónJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
LTVilniaus džinas / Vilnius GinJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
SKSpišská borovičkaJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
SKSlovenská borovička JuniperusJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
SKSlovenská borovičkaJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
SKInovecká borovičkaJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
SKLiptovská borovičkaJuniper-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
DKDansk Akvavit / Dansk AquavitAkvavit/ Aquavit
SESvensk Aquavit / Svensk Akvavit / Swedish AquavitAkvavit/ Aquavit
ESAnis españolAniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
ESAnís Paloma Monforte del CidAniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
ESHierbas de MallorcaAniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
ESHierbas IbicencasAniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
PTÉvora anisadaAniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
ESCazallaAniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
ESChinchónAniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
ESOjénAniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
ESRuteAniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
SIJaneževecAniseed-Flavoured Spirit Drinks
CY, GROuzo / OύζοDistilled Anis
GRΟύζο Μυτιλήνης / Ouzo of MitileneDistilled Anis
GRΟύζο Πλωμαρίου / Ouzo of PlomariDistilled Anis
GRΟύζο Καλαμάτας / Ouzo of KalamataDistilled Anis
GRΟύζο Θράκης / Ouzo of ThraceDistilled Anis
GRΟύζο Μακεδονίας / Ouzo of MacedoniaDistilled Anis
SKDemänovka bylinná horkáBitter tasting Spirit Drinks/ Bitter
DERheinberger KräuterBitter tasting Spirit Drinks/ Bitter
LTTrejos devyneriosBitter tasting Spirit Drinks/ Bitter
SISlovenska travaricaBitter tasting Spirit Drinks/ Bitter
DEBerliner KümmelLiqueur
DEHamburger KümmelLiqueur
DEMünchener KümmelLiqueur
DEChiemseer KlosterlikörLiqueur
DEBayerischer KräuterlikörLiqueur
IEIrish CreamLiqueur
ESPalo de MallorcaLiqueur
PTGinjinha portuguesaLiqueur
PTLicor de SingevergaLiqueur
ITMirto di SardegnaLiqueur
ITLiquore di limone di SorrentoLiqueur
ITLiquore di limone della Costa d'AmalfiLiqueur
ITGenepì del PiemonteLiqueur
ITGenepì della Valle d'AostaLiqueur
DEBenediktbeurer KlosterlikörLiqueur
DEEttaler KlosterlikörLiqueur
FRRatafia de ChampagneLiqueur
ESRatafia catalanaLiqueur
PTAnis portuguêsLiqueur
FISuomalainen Marjalikööri / Suomalainen Hedelmälikööri / Finsk Bärlikör / Finsk Fruktlikör / Finnish berry liqueur / Finnish fruit liqueurLiqueur
ATGrossglockner AlpenbitterLiqueur
ATMariazeller MagenlikörLiqueur
ATMariazeller JagasaftlLiqueur
ATPuchheimer BitterLiqueur
ATSteinfelder MagenbitterLiqueur
ATWachauer MarillenlikörLiqueur
ATJägertee / Jagertee / JagateeLiqueur
LVAllažu ĶimelisLiqueur
SKDemänovka bylinný likérLiqueur
PLPolish CherryLiqueur
CZKarlovarská HořkáLiqueur
ESCantueso AlicantinoLiqueur
ESLicor café de GaliciaLiqueur
ESLicor de hierbas de GaliciaLiqueur
FR, ITGénépi des Alpes / Genepì degli AlpiLiqueur
GRΜαστίχα Χίου / Masticha of ChiosLiqueur
GRΚίτρο Νάξου / Kitro of NaxosLiqueur
GRΚουμ κουάτ Κέρκυρας / Koum kouat of CorfuLiqueur
GRΤεντούρα / TentouraLiqueur
PTPoncha da MadeiraLiqueur
FRCassis de BourgogneCrème de Cassis
FRCassis de DijonCrème de Cassis
FRCassis de SaintongeCrème de Cassis
FRCassis du DauphinéCrème de Cassis
LUCassis de BeaufortCrème de Cassis
ITNocino di ModenaNocino
FRPommeau de BretagneOther Spirit Drinks
FRPommeau du MaineOther Spirit Drinks
FRPommeau de NormandieOther Spirit Drinks
SESvensk Punsch / Swedish PunchOther Spirit Drinks
ESPacharán navarroOther Spirit Drinks
ESPacharánOther Spirit Drinks
ATInländerrumOther Spirit Drinks
DEBärwurzOther Spirit Drinks
ESAguardiente de hierbas de GaliciaOther Spirit Drinks
ESAperitivo Café de AlcoyOther Spirit Drinks
ESHerbero de la Sierra de MariolaOther Spirit Drinks
DEKönigsberger BärenfangOther Spirit Drinks
DEOstpreußischer BärenfangOther Spirit Drinks
ESRonmielOther Spirit Drinks
ESRonmiel de CanariasOther Spirit Drinks
BE, NL, FR (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62)), DE (German Bundesländer Nordrhein-Westfalen and Niedersachsen)Genièvre aux fruits / Vruchtenjenever / Jenever met vruchten / FruchtgeneverOther Spirit Drinks
SIDomači rumOther Spirit Drinks
IEIrish Poteen / Irish PóitínOther Spirit Drinks
LTTrauktinėOther Spirit Drinks
LTTrauktinė PalangaOther Spirit Drinks
LTTrauktinė DainavaOther Spirit Drinks

Spirits drinks of the Republic of Moldova to be protected in the European Union



Aromatised wines of the European Union to be protected in the Republic of Moldova

EU-Member StateName to be protected
ITVermouth di Torino
FRVermouth de Chambéry
DENürnberger Glühwein
DEThüringer Glühwein

Aromatised wines of the Republic of Moldova to be protected in the European Union



Subject to the finalization of the registration of the following Moldovan geographical terms as geographical indications under the relevant Moldovan legislation on geographical indications:

  • Cricova,

  • Mileștii Mici,

  • Divin,

the Contracting Parties convene to consider, following the provisions for the addition of new geographical indications laid down in Article 3 of the Agreement, the geographical terms referred to above in the first meeting of the Joint Committee established pursuant to Article 11 of the Agreement, to be held no later than two months after the date of entry into force of this Agreement.


Is considered an evocation, notably, the use in any way for products falling under heading No 20.09 of the Harmonised System of the International Convention on the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System, done at Brussels on 14 June 1983, although only insofar as those products refer to wines falling under heading 22.04, aromatised wines falling under heading 22.05 and spirits falling under heading 22.08 of that system.