

3. General reporting instructions

(a)Structure of the template

The template includes an indication of the period to which the data refer and groups the indicators into two blocks: loans to euro area non-financial corporations and loans to euro area households , excluding loans for house purchase . The data in all cells highlighted in yellow are calculated automatically from the data entered in the other cells, based on the formulas provided. Data validation is also performed in the template, by verifying the consistency between outstanding amounts and transactions. Data must be reported in terms of thousands of euro.

(b)Definition of the ‘reporting period’

The reporting period denotes the date range to which the data refer. Indicators relating to outstanding amounts must be reported as at the end of the month preceding the start of the reporting period and at the end of the reporting period; i.e. for the reporting period 1 May 2013 to 30 April 2014, outstanding amounts must be reported as at 30 April 2013 and 30 April 2014. In turn, data on transactions and adjustments must cover all relevant effects that take place during the reporting period.

(c)Reporting in respect of TLTRO groups

In respect of group participation in the TLTROs, data should be reported, as a rule, on an aggregated basis. However, national central banks (NCBs) have the option of collecting the information on an individual institution basis, if deemed appropriate.

(d)Transmission of the template

The completed reporting template should be transmitted to the relevant NCB as specified in the general rules and in accordance with the official calendar, which also stipulates the reference periods to be covered in each transmission and which data vintages should be used for the completion of the template.