Commission Implementing Decision

of 13 February 2014

as regards measures to prevent the spread within the Union of Xylella fastidiosa (Well and Raju)

(notified under document C(2014) 726)

(2014/87/EU) (repealed)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Council Directive 2000/29/EC of 8 May 2000 on protective measures against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the Community1, and in particular the third sentence of Article 16(3) thereof,



Xylella fastidiosa (Well and Raju) (hereinafter ‘the specified organism’) is listed in Section I of Part A of Annex I to Directive 2000/29/EC as a harmful organism not known to occur in the Union, the introduction of which into, and spread within, all Member States is prohibited.


On 21 October 2013 Italy informed the other Member States and the Commission of the presence of the specified organism in its territory, in two separate areas of the province Lecce, in the region of Apulia. Subsequently two further separate outbreaks have been identified in the same province. The presence of the specified organism was confirmed in respect of several plants species, including Olea europaea L., Prunus amygdalus Batsch, Nerium oleander L. and Quercus sp. L. showing leaf scorching and rapid decline symptoms. This is the first time the presence of the specified organism in the territory of the Union is confirmed. For several other plants species checks concerning its presence have not yet been concluded. The identification of the vector of the specified organism in Apulia is pending.

On 29 October 2013 the region Apulia took emergency measures for the prevention and eradication of the specified organism2 in accordance with Article 16(1) of Directive 2000/29/EC.

Italy reported that the inspections it had carried out showed no presence of the specified organism in the neighbouring provinces of Brindisi and Taranto.

In response to a request by the Commission, the European Food Safety Authority, ‘the Authority’, adopted a statement on 25 November 20133 which contains the following conclusions. The specified organism has probably a very broad range of host plants, including many cultivated and spontaneous plants common in Europe.

The main entry pathway for the specified organism is the movement of plants for planting, excluding seeds. The pathway of infective vectors of the specified organism transported on plant consignments is also of concern. Fruit and wood are minor pathways with negligible likelihood of introduction. Seeds, cut flowers and ornamental foliage are minor pathways with low likelihood of introduction. The movement of infected plants for planting is the most efficient way for long-distance dispersal of the specified organism.


In view of the nature of the specified organism, it is likely to spread rapidly and widely. In order to ensure that the specified organism does not spread to the rest of the Union, it is necessary to take measures immediately. Until more specific information becomes available concerning host range, vectors, pathways and risk reduction options, it is appropriate to prohibit movement out of areas possibly containing infected plants.


Taking into consideration the locations of the presence of the specified organism, the particular geographical situation of the administrative province of Lecce and the uncertainties concerning the criteria for demarcation, that entire province should be the subject of that prohibition, in order to apply that prohibition rapidly and effectively.


That prohibition should concern plants for planting, other than seeds, as those plants are the main pathway for the specified organism. However, extensive sampling and testing in the province of Lecce have found that plants for planting belonging to certain genera and species, and originating in infected parts of Lecce, are not infected by the specified organism. Based on that evidence the prohibition should not concern lots of plants for planting of those genera and species that have been sampled and tested concerning the presence of the specified organism. Moreover, it would be appropriate to also exempt from that prohibition plants for planting which have been grown in sites with complete physical protection against the introduction of the specified organism and which belong to genera and species subject to a certification scheme requiring them to be subject to official testing concerning the specified organism and found free from that organism.


In view of the limited information on the possible presence of the specified organism in the rest of the Union, Member States should conduct annual surveys concerning the presence of that organism in their territories. In view of the broad range of potential host plants, those surveys should be adapted to the specificities of each area, host plant and plant products, and the characteristics of the potential vectors.


In order to gather as much information as possible on the specified organism and its presence, Member States should ensure that relevant information is communicated to them.


Member States should immediately inform the Commission of the measures they have taken to comply with this Decision, to ensure an effective overview of the implementation of this Decision.


It is appropriate that the measures be reviewed by 30 April 2014, at the latest, in order to take into account more precise scientific and technical information that will become available, as well as the results of the ongoing inspections and tests carried out by the Italian authorities.


The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Plant Health,