
Article 6Allocation of portfolios

1.Of the total value of purchased marketable debt securities eligible under PSPP, 12 % shall be purchased in securities issued by eligible international organisations and multilateral development banks, and 88 % shall be purchased in securities issued by eligible central governments and recognised agencies. This allocation is subject to revision by the Governing Council. Purchases in debt securities issued by eligible international organisations and multilateral development banks shall be conducted by NCBs only.

2.The NCBs' share of the total market value of purchases of marketable debt securities eligible under PSPP shall be 92 %, and the remaining 8 % shall be purchased by the ECB. The distribution of purchases across jurisdictions shall be according to the key for subscription of the ECB's capital as referred to in Article 29 of the Statute of the ESCB.

3.Eurosystem central banks shall apply a specialisation scheme for the allocation of marketable debt securities to be purchased under the PSPP. The Governing Council shall allow for ad hoc deviations from the specialisation scheme should objective considerations obstruct the achievement of the said scheme or otherwise render deviations advisable in the interests of attaining the overall monetary policy objectives of the PSPP. In particular, each NCB shall purchase eligible securities of issuers of its own jurisdiction. Securities issued by eligible international organisations and multilateral development banks may be purchased by all NCBs. The ECB shall purchase securities issued by central governments and recognised agencies of all jurisdictions.