Decision (EU) 2015/929 of the European Central BankShow full title

Decision (EU) 2015/929 of the European Central Bank of 26 May 2015 amending Decision ECB/2007/7 concerning the terms and conditions of TARGET2-ECB (ECB/2015/22)

Article 16Moment of entry, moment of irrevocability

1.For the purposes of the first sentence of Article 3(1) and Article 5 of Directive 98/26/EC, and the third sentence of Section 116, Section 96(2), Section 82 and Section 340(3) of the German Insolvency Code (Insolvenzordnung) and the last sentence of Section 46(2) of the KWG, DCA to DCA liquidity transfer orders or DCA to PM liquidity transfer orders are deemed entered into TARGET2-ECB and are irrevocable at the moment that the relevant DCA holder's DCA is debited. PM to DCA liquidity transfer orders are governed by the Harmonised Conditions for the Opening and Operation of a PM account in TARGET2 applicable to the TARGET2 component system from which they originate.

2.For the purposes of the first sentence of Article 3(1) and Article 5 of Directive 98/26/EC, and the third sentence of Section 116, Section 96(2), Section 82 and Section 340(3) of the German Insolvency Code (Insolvenzordnung) and the last sentence of Section 46(2) of the KWG, and for all transactions settling on DCAs and which are subject to matching of two separate transfer orders, such transfer orders are deemed entered into TARGET2-ECB and are irrevocable at the moment that the relevant DCA holder's DCA is debited.

3.The rules provided for in paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the rules below two weeks after the Governing Council of the ECB has determined that an agreement has been signed between the Eurosystem CBs and the Connected NCBs, on the one hand, and all CSDs participating in T2S at the date of such agreement, on the other hand, on the provision of information and liability.

(a)For all transactions settling on DCAs and which are subject to matching of two separate transfer orders, such transfer orders are deemed entered into TARGET2-ECB at the moment at which they have been declared compliant with the technical rules of T2S by the T2S Platform and irrevocable at the moment the transaction has been given the status “matched” on the T2S Platform; or

(b)As an exception to point (a), for transactions involving one participating CSD having a separate matching component where transfer orders are sent directly to that participating CSD to be matched in its separate matching component, transfer orders are deemed entered into TARGET2-ECB at the moment at which they have been declared compliant with the technical rules of T2S by that participating CSD and irrevocable from the moment the transaction has been given the status “matched” on the T2S Platform. A list of CSDs for which this point (b) applies is available on the website of the ECB.