1. Introductory Text

  2. Article 1.The format for submission by the European Chemicals Agency of...

  3. Article 2.The first report to be submitted by the European Chemicals...

  4. Article 3.This Decision is addressed to the European Chemicals Agency.

  5. Signature

    1. ANNEX


      1. Section 1: General information

        1. 1. Organisation:

        2. 2. Period covered:

      2. Section 2: Information on the Agency

        1. 3. Human resources in the Agency (in full-time equivalent) working on...

        2. 4. Is the Agency staff also involved in the implementation of...

        3. 5. Is the Agency's workload in line with the predicted workload?...

      3. Section 3: Support to exporters and importers

        1. 6. In which of the following activities has the Agency set...

        2. 7. Does the Agency consider that these support and communication activities...

        3. 8. What is the nature of the most frequent requests for...

        4. 9. Estimated amount of time spent on such support (expressed as...

      4. Section 4: Coordination between the Agency and the Commission/Designated National Authorities (DNAs)

        1. 10. Is the Agency satisfied with the collaboration with the Commission?...

        2. 11. Areas in which collaboration could be improved, if any:

        3. 12. Is the Agency satisfied with the collaboration with the DNAs?...

        4. 13. Areas in which collaboration could be improved, if any:

      5. Section 5: Export notifications forwarded to Parties to the Rotterdam Convention and other countries

        1. 14. How many export notifications and related tasks have been handled...

        2. 15. What are the information requirements requested in the export notification...

        3. 16. What is the number of export notifications sent back to...

        4. 17. Has the Agency noticed that the DNAs have experienced difficulties...

        5. 18. Has the Agency experienced difficulties in coping with the time...

        6. Article 8(5) of Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 on export of...

          1. 19. Has the Agency experienced difficulties when processing an export notification...

        7. Article 8(7) of Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 on available additional...

          1. 20. Was the Agency requested to provide additional information concerning exported...

      6. Section 6: Export notifications from Parties and other countries

        1. Article 9(1) of Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 on export notifications...

          1. 21. How many export notifications did the Agency receive from non-EU...

          2. 22. How many acknowledgements of receipt for export notifications from non-EU...

      7. Section 7: Information on export and import of chemicals

        1. Reporting of Designated National Authorities to the Agency (Article 10...

          1. 23. Did the Agency experience delays from Designated National Authorities in...

          2. 24. Other than the above, did the Agency experience any issues...

      8. Section 8: Obligations in relation to export of chemicals other than export notification

        1. Substances that cannot be exported unless certain conditions are fulfilled...

          1. 25. Has the Agency experienced difficulties in relation to its involvement...

        2. DNAs decision (in consultation with the Commission supported by the...

          1. 26. Has the Agency experienced difficulties in processing export notifications subject...

        3. Explicit consent reminders (Article 14(6) of Regulation (EU) No 649/2012)...

          1. 27. How many reminders for explicit consent requests did the Agency...

        4. Validity of explicit consent (Article 14(8) of Regulation (EU) no...

          1. 28. Has the Agency experienced difficulties in handling cases where the...

      9. Section 9: Exchange of information

        1. Exchange of information

          1. 29. In the context of Article 20(1) of Regulation (EU) No...

        2. Reporting on the information transmitted

          1. 30. Did the Agency experience difficulties in collecting the information from...

          2. 31. Did the Agency experience difficulties in compiling the report in...

      10. Section 10: Technical assistance

        1. Cooperation

          1. 32. Has the Agency been involved in cooperation with developing countries,...

        2. Capacity building

          1. 33. Has the Agency participated in projects/international activities related to capacity...

      11. Section 11: Enforcement of Regulation (EU) No 649/2012

        1. Role of the Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement...

          1. 34. Is there a regular exchange of information within the Forum...

          2. 35. Has the Forum coordinated enforcement of Regulation (EU) No 649/2012...

          3. 36. How could the activities of the Forum with regard to...

        2. Involvement of the Agency in enforcement activities

          1. 37. Has the Agency been involved in any enforcement activities related...

      12. Section 12: IT-related aspects

        1. The electronic system for implementation of Regulation (EU) No 649/2012...

          1. 38. How many external organisations/users are using ePIC for each of...

          2. 39. Which new/enhanced features have been included in ePIC compared to...

          3. 40. How many releases of the system were delivered in the...

          4. 41. Please provide details on the availability of the system to...

          5. 42. High-level summary of feedback received by the Agency on ePIC...

          6. 43. Please specify identified improvement needs for the IT system, if...

        2. Data dissemination

          1. 44. Which data originating from implementation of Regulation (EU) No 649/2012...

          2. 45. Which new data has been made available since the last...

          3. 46. Has the Agency received any feedback on the data relating...

      13. Section 13: Additional comments

        1. 47. Please provide any other information or comments related to the...