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1.If the ECB decides to carry out a tender procedure in accordance with the rules laid down in this Chapter, it shall publish a contract notice in the Official Journal and on the ECB's website. Whenever appropriate, the ECB may place advertisements in other relevant media. Announcements on the ECB's website and other media shall not precede publication of the notice in the Official Journal. In the case of discrepancies between different versions of the notice, the version published in the Official Journal shall be considered authentic and take precedence over other versions.
2.The ECB may publish a prior information notice indicating the estimated total value of contracts, by category of service or groups of products, and the essential characteristics of works contracts, which it intends to award during a budgetary year.
3.Notwithstanding any other provision of this Decision, any notice published in the Official Journal shall contain at least the information specified in the relevant part of Annex V to Directive 2014/24/EU. Contract notices shall state whether or not the contract will be awarded according to the lowest price.