Decision (EU) 2016/245 of the European Central BankShow full title

Decision (EU) 2016/245 of the European Central Bank of 9 February 2016 laying down the rules on procurement (ECB/2016/2) (recast)

Article 29U.K.General principles

1.Applications and tenders shall not be opened before the expiry of the date for submission. The applications and tenders shall be opened in the presence of at least two members of ECB staff and the opening shall be minuted. Unless specified otherwise, candidates or tenderers may not attend the opening.

2.The ECB shall evaluate all tenders against the award criteria set out in Article 32 after having:

  • verified compliance with the formal tender requirements,

  • verified the eligibility of tenderers in line with Article 30, and

  • assessed the fulfilment of the selection criteria in line with Article 31.

3.The ECB shall award the contract to the tenderer whose tender best meets the award criteria.

4.The evaluation process and outcome shall be documented in an evaluation report.