

SECTION 7 Communication of the outcome

Article 34Notification of selection and award decisions

1.The ECB shall notify its decision in writing and without undue delay to all candidates or tenderers whose applications or tenders are rejected.

2.The notification of the award decision shall be sent at least 10 days prior to the signature of the contract by the ECB if the notification is sent by fax or electronic means, or at least 15 days prior to the signature of the contract if other means of communication are used.

3.Candidates and tenderers may, within 15 days of receipt of the notification, request the ECB to provide the reasons for rejecting their application or their tender and to provide copies of all documents relating to the evaluation of their application or tender. Unsuccessful tenderers whose tender was admissible may also ask for the name of the successful tenderer as well as the key characteristics and relative advantages of its tender. They may also request copies of all documents relating to the evaluation of the successful tender, subject to paragraph 4.

4.The ECB may decide to withhold certain information where its release would affect other suppliers' legitimate commercial interests, would hinder the application of the law, might prejudice fair competition between suppliers or would otherwise be contrary to the public interest.

5.The ECB shall publish a contract award notice in line with the requirements of Directive 2014/24/EU in the Official Journal. The notice shall be sent to the Official Journal within 30 days following signature of the contract.