Decision (EU) 2016/456 of the European Central BankShow full title

Decision (EU) 2016/456 of the European Central Bank of 4 March 2016 concerning the terms and conditions for European Anti-Fraud Office investigations of the European Central Bank, in relation to the prevention of fraud, corruption and any other illegal activities affecting the financial interests of the Union (ECB/2016/3) (recast)

Article 5Assistance from the ECB in internal investigations

1.When initiating an internal investigation of the ECB, the Office's agents shall be granted access to the ECB's premises by the manager in charge of ECB security upon production of a written authorisation issued by the Director-General of the Office, which indicates the following:

(a)the agents' identity and job title in the Office;

(b)the subject matter and purpose of the investigation;

(c)the legal bases for conducting the investigation and the investigative powers arising from those bases.

The President, the Vice-President and the Director Internal Audit shall be informed immediately.

2.The Directorate Internal Audit shall assist the Office in the practical organisation of investigations.

3.Participants in the decision-making and other bodies and relevant persons shall supply any requested information to the Office's agents who are conducting an investigation, unless the requested information could be sensitive within the meaning of Article 4, in which case the Executive Board shall decide whether or not the information should be provided. The Directorate Internal Audit shall record all information supplied.