Article 6Informing interested parties


Where the possible implication of a participant in the decision-making and other bodies or a relevant person in fraud, corruption and any other illegal activity within the meaning of Article 3(1) emerges, the interested party shall be informed rapidly provided that this will not be harmful to the investigation16. In any event, conclusions referring by name to a participant in the decision-making or other bodies or a relevant person may not be drawn without the interested party being given the opportunity to express their views on all the facts relating to them, including any evidence existing against them. Interested parties have the right to remain silent, to refrain from incriminating themselves and to seek personal legal assistance.


In cases necessitating the maintenance of absolute secrecy for the purpose of the investigation and/or requiring the use of investigative procedures falling within the remit of a national judicial authority, compliance with the obligation to invite a participant in the decision-making or other bodies or a relevant person to express their views may be deferred for a limited period in agreement with the President or Vice-President.