Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/10Show full title

Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/10 of 5 January 2017 amending Implementing Decision 2013/328/EU and Implementing Decision 2012/807/EU establishing specific control and inspection programmes for certain demersal and pelagic fisheries in the Union waters of the North Sea and in the Union waters of ICES Division IIa


I. Data on the control, inspection and enforcement activities carried out by [Member State concerned] at sea and on land

Table 1

Analysis of inspection activities at sea

Patrol daysNo of inspections (total/very high/high risk)No of confirmed serious infringements detected (total/very high/high risk)Serious infringement rate average (confirmed infringements/inspections)Serious infringement rate on low and medium risk vessels (infringements/inspections)Serious infringement rate on high and very high risk vessels (infringements/inspections)
30 (*)30100/70/304/3/14:100 = 4 %3:70 = 4,3 %1/30 = 3,3 %
Table 2

Analysis of inspection activities on land


2nd row in Tables 1 and 2 give an example aiming to facilitate completing the table.

Inspection men/days on landNo of inspections (total/very high/high risk)No of confirmed serious infringements detected (total/very high/high risk)Serious infringement rate average (confirmed infringements/inspections)Serious infringement rate on low and medium risk vessels (infringements/inspections)Serious infringement rate on high and very high risk vessels (infringements/inspections)
200a200400/350/5040/30/1040:400 = 10 %30:350 = 8,6 %10:50 = 20 %

II. Analysis of target benchmarks expressed in terms of improved compliance levels

If the Member State applies alternative target benchmarks, referred to in Article 8(3) of this Decision, the following information shall be reported:

Table 3

Achievement of improved compliance levels.

Description of the activity threat/risk/vessel segment

Very high risk/high risk/medium risk/low risk/very low risk

  • Level of the threat/risk at the beginning of the year, expressed in compliance level

  • Target improvement of the compliance level

  • Level of the threat/risk at the end of the year, expressed in compliance level

  • No of inspections

  • No of serious infringements detected

  • ex post analysis, explanation in case the target compliance level has not been reached

III. Analysis of other inspection and control activities: transhipment, aerial surveillance, importation/exportation, as well as other actions such as training or information sessions designed to have an impact on compliance by fishing vessels and other operators

IV. Proposal(s) for improving effectiveness of control, inspection and enforcement activities (for each Member State concerned)