Article 3Criteria for the adoption of delegated decisions on the transmission of confidential statistical information to the Single Resolution Board


A decision on the transmission of confidential statistical information to the Single Resolution Board shall only be taken by means of a delegated decision where this information is, pursuant to Article 8(4a) of Regulation (EC) No 2533/98, necessary for the exercise of the tasks of the Single Resolution Board. The confidential statistical information to be transmitted to the Single Resolution Board must be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to those tasks.


A decision on the transmission of confidential statistical information to the Single Resolution Board shall only be taken by means of a delegated decision


where the information is necessary for the Single Resolution Board to run a Public Interest Test in order to assess whether and how resolution measures would impact the counterparties from a financial stability perspective and to assess financial interconnectedness with other financial institutions and counterparties;


where the transmission of this information would not be prejudicial to the performance of the tasks of the ESCB.