Council Decision (EU) 2019/374

of 5 March 2019

appointing a member and six alternate members, proposed by the Kingdom of Sweden, of the Committee of the Regions


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 305 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal of the Swedish Government,



On 26 January 2015, 5 February 2015 and 23 June 2015, the Council adopted Decisions (EU) 2015/1161, (EU) 2015/1902 and (EU) 2015/9943 appointing the members and alternate members of the Committee of the Regions for the period from 26 January 2015 to 25 January 2020. On 20 July 2015, by Council Decision (EU) 2015/12034 Ms Carola GUNNARSSON, Ms Agneta LIPKIN and Mr Anders ROSÉN were replaced by Mr Jonny LUNDIN, Mr Erik PELLING and Mr Glenn NORDLUND as alternate members.


A member's seat on the Committee of the Regions has become vacant following the end of the term of office of Mr Paul LINDQUIST.


Two alternate members' seats on the Committee of the Regions have become vacant following the end of the terms of office of Mr Carl Fredrik GRAF and Mr Erik PELLING.


Four alternate members' seats on the Committee of the Regions have become vacant following the end of the mandates on the basis of which Ms Åsa ÅGREN WIKSTRÖM (Ledamot i kommunfullmäktige, Umeå kommun), Ms Marie SÄLLSTRÖM (Ledamot i landstingsfullmäktige, Blekinge läns landsting), Mr Jonny LUNDIN (Härnösands kommun) and Mr Glenn NORDLUND (Örnsköldsviks kommun) were proposed,