1. Fields and information included in notifications (1) U.K.

Fields that will be published on the web are shaded.

* Indicates a mandatory field.

Notification Form
Section 1: General information
Case number
Creation date
Validation/distribution date
Notification type *
Notifying country
Full Contact details of the Notifying Authority *
Section 2: Product
Professional / Consumer Product
Product category *
OECD Portal category (if known)
Product (what the product is) *
Name *
Brand *
Type/number of model: *
Batch number/Bar code *
Customs code *
Product and packaging description *
Total number of items covered by the notification (if known) *
Section 3: Regulations and standards applicable
Legal provisions (directive, decision, regulation, etc.) *
Standards *
Proof of conformity *
Is the product counterfeit? *
Section 4: Traceability
Country of origin (where the product manufactured) *
Countries of destination *
Full Contact details of the manufacturer or its representative(s) *
Full Contact details of the exporter(s) *
Full Contact details of the importer(s) *
Full Contact details of the distributor(s) *
Full Contact details of the retailer(s) *
Is the product (also) sold online?
Please give details: URL
Section 5: Risk assessment
Risk category *
Risk level
Summary of test results *
Description of the technical issue that leads to the highest risk level
Risk description (how the technical defect leads to the risk) *
EU Legal provisions and /or Standards against which the product was tested and did not comply with *
Information on known incidents and accidents *
Section 6: Measures
Type of measures adopted *
If Voluntary:Type of economic operator taking notified measure(s) *
Name of economic operator taking notified measure(s) *
If Compulsory:Name of authority ordering the notified measure(s) *
Type of economic operator to whom the measure(s) were ordered *
Category of measures *
Date of entry into force *
Duration *
Scope *
Has the notification been sent by a producer or a distributor under Article 5(3) of the GPSD? *
URL link to company recall page (if available)
Section 7: Confidentiality
Is the notification confidential? *
Scope of confidentiality
Section 8: Other
Additional information
Justification for sending ‘Notification for information’
Photos (products, packaging and label)
Test report and risk assessment
Notification sent by an economic operator through ‘Business Gateway’
Adopted measures
2. Fields and information included in follow-up notifications (2) U.K.

Fields that will be published on the web are shaded.

* Indicates a mandatory field

Section 1: General information
Case number
Validated notification type
Notifying country
Creation date
Validation/distribution date
Submission number
Follow up notification number
Reacting country
Full contact details of the notifying authority
Validated notification product category
Notified product
Notified name
Product (what the product is)
Name (on the product or the packaging)
Brand (on the product or the packaging)
Type/number of model
Batch number/Bar code (or other information to identify which products are affected)
Photos (products, packaging and label)
Section 2: Type of follow-up notification
Product found *
Total number of items found (if known) *
Measures adopted / Measures not adopted
Type of measures adopted *
If Voluntary:Type of economic operator taking notified measure(s) *
Name of economic operator taking notified measure(s) *
If Compulsory:Name of authority ordering the notified measure(s) *
Type of economic operator to whom the measure(s) were ordered *
Category of measures *
Date of entry into force *
Duration *
Scope *
Adopted measures
URL link to company recall page (if available):
Different risk assessment *
Risk category *
Summary of the test results (description of technical defects) *
Indication of legal provisions and standards (with clauses) against which the product was tested *
Different risk assessment *
Information on known incidents and accidents *
Attachments (certificates, test report and risk assessment …)
Additional information *
Complementary information on distribution channels and/or product's origin
Complementary information on the risk assessment
Other complementary information
Section 3: Confidentiality
Is the follow-up confidential? *
Scope of confidentiality
Photos (product, packaging and label)
Test reports and risk assessments
Adopted measures
3. Notification scheme U.K.

4. Deadlines for member states U.K.

Member States are required to act within the deadlines indicated unless duly justified

Notification procedureActionDeadline
NotificationsSend ‘Article 12 notification requiring emergency action’

Within 3 days after:

  • adoption or decision to adopt ‘Compulsory measures’, or

  • receipt of information on ‘Voluntary measures’.

Send ‘Article 12 notification’ or Article 22 Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 notification

Within 10 days after:

  • adoption or decision to adopt ‘Compulsory measures’, or

  • receipt of information on ‘Voluntary measures’.

Confirm measures if the notification was sent before deciding to adopt measuresWithin 45 days after submission of the notification
Update to a notificationWithin 5 days after receipt of the information on developments requiring changes to a notification
Follow-up notificationsEnsure follow-up activities to:‘Article 12 notification requiring emergency action’Within 20 days after receipt of a notification
‘Article 12 notification’ and to ‘Notification sent by the European Commission’ as well as Article 22 of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 notificationWithin 45 days after receipt of a notification
Send follow-up notification to:‘Article 12 notification requiring emergency action’

Within 3 days after:

  • the notified product was found on the market, or

  • the completion of a risk assessment with different results, or

  • receipt of additional information

‘Article 12 notification’ and to ‘Notification sent by the European Commission’ as well as Article 22 of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 notification

Within 5 days after:

  • the notified product was found on the market, or

  • the completion of a risk assessment with different results, or

  • receipt of additional information

Update to a follow-up notificationWithin 5 days after receipt of information or developments requiring changes to a follow-up notification
Notification procedure established under Article 11 of the GPSDNotificationsSend ‘Article 11 notification’Within 10 days after adoption of ‘Compulsory measures’
Update to the notificationWithin 5 days after receipt of information on developments requiring changes to the notification
5. Deadlines for the Commission U.K.
Notification procedureActionDeadline
EU Rapid Information System ‘RAPEX’ established under Article 12 of the GPSDNotificationsValidate ‘Article 12 notification requiring emergency action’Within 3 days after receipt of a notification
Validate ‘Article 12 notification’ as well as Article 22 of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 notificationWithin 5 days after receipt of a notification
Validate ‘Notification for information’Within 10 days after receipt of a notification
Follow-up notificationsValidate follow-up notification sent to ‘Article 12 notification requiring emergency action’Within 3 days after receipt of a follow-up notification
Validate follow-up notification sent to ‘Article 12 notification’ and to ‘Notification sent by the European Commission’ as well as Article 22 of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 notificationWithin 5 days after receipt of a follow-up notification
Validate follow-up notification sent to ‘Notification for information’Within 10 days after receipt of a follow-up notification
Notification procedure established under Article 11 of the GPSDNotificationsValidate ‘Article 11 notification’Within 10 days after receipt of a notification
Follow-up notificationsValidate follow-up notifications sent to ‘Article 11 notification’Within 10 days after receipt of a follow-up notification

The fields contained in the template may be updated following developments agreed between the Commission and Member States.


The fields contained in the template may be updated following developments agreed between the Commission and Member States.