Table 1A a
Stocks in Union waters
a This Table replaces Table 1A of Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251. | ||
b International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. | ||
c International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission. | ||
d Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations. | ||
e To be reported at species level. | ||
Species (common name) | Species (scientific name) | Area (ICESb, IBSFCc or FAOd area code) where the stock is located/stock code |
East Arctic, Norwegian sea and Barentsz sea | ||
European Eel | Anguilla anguilla | I, II |
Tusk | Brosme brosme | I, II |
Atlanto-Scandian herring | Clupea harengus | I, II, |
Cod | Gadus morhua | I, II |
Capelin | Mallotus villosus | I, II |
Haddock | Melanogrammus aeglefinus | I, II |
Blue whiting | Micromesistius poutassou | I-II |
Northern shrimp | Pandalus borealis | I, II |
Saithe | Pollachius virens | I, II |
Greenland halibut | Reinhardtius hippoglossoides | I, II |
Salmon | Salmo salar | I, II |
Mackerel | Scomber scombrus | II, |
Golden Redfish | Sebastes marinus | I, II |
Deep sea Redfish | Sebastes mentella | I, II |
Horse mackerel | Trachurus trachurus | IIa, |
Skagerrak and Kattegat | ||
Sand eel | Ammodytidae | IIIa |
European Eel | Anguilla anguilla | IIIa |
Herring | Clupea harengus | IIIa/22-24, IIIa |
Roundnose grenadier | Coryphaenoides rupestris | IIIa |
Grey gurnard | Eutrigla gurnardus | IIIa |
Red gurnard | Aspitrigla cuculus | IIIa, |
Cod | Gadus morhua | IIIaN |
Cod | Gadus morhua | IIIaS |
Witch flounder | Glyptocephalus cynoglossus | IIIa |
Dab | Limanda limanda | IIIa |
Haddock | Melanogrammus aeglefinus | IIIa |
Whiting | Merlangius merlangus | IIIa |
Hake | Merluccius merluccius | IIIa, |
Blue whiting | Micromesistius poutassou | IIIa |
Norway lobster | Nephrops norvegicus | Functional unit |
Northern shrimp | Pandalus borealis | IIIa |
Plaice | Pleuronectes platessa | IIIa |
Saithe | Pollachius virens | IIIa |
Salmon | Salmo salar | IIIa |
Turbot | Psetta maxima | IIIa |
Mackerel | Scomber scombrus | IIIa |
Brill | Scophthalmus rhombus | IIIa |
Sole | Solea solea | IIIa |
Sprat | Sprattus sprattus | IIIa |
Norway pout | Trisopterus esmarki | IIIa |
All commercial Sharks, rays & skatese | Selachii, Rajidae | IIIa |
Baltic Sea — | ||
European Eel | Anguilla anguilla | 22-32 |
Herring | Clupea harengus | 22-24/25-29, 32/30/31/Gulf of Riga |
Common Whitefish/houting | Coregonus lavaretus | IIId |
Vendace | Coregonus albula | 22-32 |
Cod | Gadus morhua | 22-24/25-32 |
Dab | Limanda limanda | 22-32 |
Perch | Perca fluviatilis | IIId |
Flounder | Platichtys flesus | 22-32 |
Plaice | Pleuronectes platessa | 22-32 |
Turbot | Psetta maxima | 22-32 |
Salmon | Salmo salar | 22-31/32 |
Sea trout | Salmo trutta | 22-32 |
Pike-perch | Sander lucioperca | IIId |
Brill | Scophthalmus rhombus | 22-32 |
Sole | Solea solea | 22 |
Sprat | Sprattus sprattus | 22-32 |
North Sea and Eastern Channel | ||
Sand eel | Ammodytidae | IV |
Catfish | Anarhichas spp. | IV |
European Eel | Anguilla anguilla | IV, VIId |
Argentine | Argentina spp. | IV |
Grey gurnard | Eutrigla gurnardus | IV |
Tusk | Brosme brosme | IV |
Herring | Clupea harengus | IV, VIId |
Common Shrimp | Crangon crangon | IV, VIId |
Sea bass | Dicentrarchus labrax | IV, VIId |
Grey gurnard | Eutrigla gurnardus | IV |
Cod | Gadus morhua | IV, VIId |
Witch flounder | Glyptocephalus cynoglossus | IV |
Blue-mouth rockfish | Helicolenus dactylopterus | IV |
Four-spot megrim | Lepidorhombus boscii | IV, VIId |
Megrim | Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis | IV, VIId |
Dab | Limanda limanda | IV, VIId |
Black-bellied angler | Lophius budegassa | IV, VIId |
Anglerfish | Lophius piscatorius | IV |
Roughhead grenadier | Macrourus berglax | IV |
Haddock | Melanogrammus aeglefinus | IV |
Whiting | Merlangius merlangus | IV, VIId |
Hake | Merluccius merluccius | IV VII |
Blue whiting | Micromesistius poutassou | IV, VIId |
Lemon sole | Microstomus kitt | IV, VIId |
Blue ling | Molva dypterygia | IV |
Ling | Molva molva | IV |
Red mullet | Mullus barbatus | IV, VIId |
Striped red mullet | Mullus surmuletus | IV, VIId |
Norway lobster | Nephrops norvegicus | all functional units |
Northern shrimp | Pandalus borealis | IVa East/IVa/IV |
Common scallop | Pecten maximus | VIId |
Greater Forkbeard | Phycis blennoides | IV |
Forkbeard | Phycis phycis | IV |
Flounder | Platichthys flesus | IV |
Plaice | Pleuronectes platessa | IV |
Plaice | Pleuronectes platessa | VIId |
Saithe | Pollachius virens | IV |
Turbot | Psetta maxima | IV, VIId |
Greenland halibut | Reinhardtius hippoglossoides | IV |
Salmon | Salmo salar | IV, VIId |
Mackerel | Scomber scombrus | IV, VIId |
Brill | Scophthalmus rhombus | IV, VIId |
Redfish | Sebastes mentella. | IV |
Sole | Solea solea | IV |
Sole | Solea solea | VIId |
Sprat | Sprattus sprattus | IV/VIId |
Horse mackerel | Trachurus trachurus. | IV, VIId |
Tub gurnard | Trigla lucerna | IV |
Norway pout | Trisopterus esmarki | IV |
John Dory | Zeus faber | IV, VIId |
All commercial Sharks, rays & skatese | Selachii, Rajidae | IV, VIId |
North East Atlantic and Western Channel | ||
Smoothhead | Alepocephalus bairdii | VI, XII |
Sand eel | Ammodytidae | VIa |
Boarfish | Capros aper | V, VI,VII |
Scallop | Pecten maximus | IV, VI, VII |
Queen scallop | Aequipecten opercularis | VII |
Spider crab | Maja squinado | V, VI,VII |
European Eel | Anguilla anguilla | all areas |
Scabbardfish | Aphanopus spp. | all areas |
Argentine | Argentina spp. | all areas |
Meagre | Argyrosomus regius | all areas |
Red gurnard | Aspitrigla cuculus | all areas |
Alfonsinos | Beryx spp. | all areas, excluding X and IXa |
Alfonsinos | Beryx spp. | IXa and X |
Edible crab | Cancer pagurus | all areas |
Herring | Clupea harengus | VIa/VIaN/ VIa S, VIIbc/VIIa/VIIj |
Conger | Conger conger | all areas, excluding X |
Conger | Conger conger | X |
Roundnose grenadier | Coryphaenoides rupestris | all areas |
Kitefin shark | Dalatias licha | All areas |
Common stingray | Dasyatis pastinaca | VII, VIII |
Birdbeak dogfish | Deania calcea | V, VI, VII, IX, X, XII |
Sea bass | Dicentrarchus labrax | all areas, excluding IX |
Sea bass | Dicentrarchus labrax | IX |
Wedge sole | Dicologlossa cuneata | VIIIc, IX |
Anchovy | Engraulis encrasicolus | IXa (only Cádiz) |
Anchovy | Engraulis encrasicolus | VIII |
Velvet belly | Etmopterus spinax | VI, VII, VIII |
Grey gurnard | Eutrigla gurnardus | VIId,e |
Cod | Gadus morhua | Va/Vb/VIa/VIb/VIIa/VIIe-k |
Witch | Glyptocephalus cynoglossus | VI, VII |
Bluemouth rockfish | Helicolenus dactylopterus | all areas |
Lobster | Homarus gammarus | all areas |
Orange roughy | Hoplostethus atlanticus | all areas |
Silver scabbardfish | Lepidopus caudatus | IXa |
Four-spot megrim | Lepidorhombus boscii | VIIIc, IXa |
Megrim | Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis | VI/VII, VIIIabd/VIIIc, IXa |
Dab | Limanda limanda | VIIe/VIIa,f-h |
Common squid | Loligo vulgaris | all areas, excluding VIIIc, IXa |
Common squid | Loligo vulgaris | VIIIc, IXa |
Black-bellied angler | Lophius budegassa | IV, VI/VIIb-k, VIIIabd |
Black-bellied angler | Lophius budegassa | VIIIc, IXa |
Anglerfish | Lophius piscatorious | IV, VI/VIIb-k, VIIIabd |
Anglerfish | Lophius piscatorious | VIIIc, IXa |
Capelin | Mallotus villosus | XIV |
Haddock | Melanogrammus aeglefinus | Va/Vb |
Haddock | Melanogrammus aeglefinus | VIa/VIb/VIIa/VIIb-k |
Whiting | Merlangius merlangus | VIII/IX, X |
Whiting | Merlangius merlangus | Vb/VIa/VIb/VIIa/VIIe-k |
Hake | Merluccius merluccius | IIIa, IV, VI, VII, VIIIab/VIIIc, IXa |
Wedge sole | Microchirus variegatus | all areas |
Blue whiting | Micromesistius poutassou | I-IX, XII, XIV |
Lemon sole | Microstomus kitt | all areas |
Blue ling | Molva dypterygia | all areas, excluding X |
Spanish ling | Molva macrophthalma | X |
Ling | Molva molva | all areas |
Striped red mullet | Mullus surmuletus | all areas |
Starry smooth-hound | Mustelus asterias | VI, VII, VIII, IX |
Smooth-hound | Mustelus mustelus | VI, VII, VIII, IX |
Blackspotted smooth-hound | Mustelus punctulatus | VI, VII, VIII, IX |
Norway lobster | Nephrops norvegicus | VI Fuctional unit |
Norway lobster | Nephrops norvegicus | VII Functional unit |
Norway lobster | Nephrops norvegicus | VIII, IX Functional unit |
Common octopus | Octopus vulgaris | all areas, excluding VIIIc, IXa |
Common octopus | Octopus vulgaris | VIIIc, IXa |
Blackspot sea bream | Pagellus bogaraveo | IXa, X |
Pandalid shrimps | Pandalus spp. | all areas |
Deepwater rose shrimp | Parapenaeus longirostris | IXa |
Greater Forkbeard | Phycis blennoides | all areas |
Forkbeard | Phycis phycis | all areas |
Plaice | Pleuronectes platessa | VIIa/VIIe/VIIfg |
Plaice | Pleuronectes platessa | VIIbc/VIIh-k/VIII, IX, X |
Pollack | Pollachius pollachius | all areas except IX, X |
Pollack | Pollachius pollachius | IX, X |
Saithe | Pollachius virens | Va/Vb/IV, IIIa, VI |
Saithe | Pollachius virens | VII, VIII |
Wreckfish | Polyprion americanus | X |
Turbot | Psetta maxima | all areas |
Greenland halibut | Reinhardtius hippoglossoides | V, XIV/VI |
Atlantic halibut | Hippoglossus hippoglossus | V, XIV |
Salmon | Salmo salar | all areas |
Sardine | Sardina pilchardus | VIIIabd/VIIIc, IXa |
Spanish mackerel | Scomber colias | VIII, IX, X |
Mackerel | Scomber scombrus | II, IIIa, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX |
Brill | Scophthalmus rhombus | all areas |
Golden Redfish | Sebastes marinus | ICES Sub areas V, VI, XII, XIV & NAFO SA 2 + (Div. 1F + 3K). |
Deep sea Redfish | Sebastes mentella | ICES Sub areas V, VI, XII, XIV & NAFO SA 2 + (Div. 1F + 3K) |
Cuttlefish | Sepia officinalis | all areas |
Sole | Solea solea | VIIa/VIIfg |
Sole | Solea solea | VIIbc/VIIhjk/IXa/VIIIc |
Sole | Solea solea | VIIe |
Sole | Solea solea | VIIIab |
Sea breams (in plural) | Sparidae | all areas |
Mediterranean horse mackerel | Trachurus mediterraneus | VIII, IX |
Blue jack mackerel | Trachurus picturatus | VIII, IX, X |
Horse mackerel | Trachurus trachurus | IIa, IVa, Vb, VIa, VIIa-c, e-k, VIIIabde/X |
Horse mackerel | Trachurus trachurus | VIIIc, IXa |
Pouting | Trisopterus spp. | all areas |
John Dory | Zeus faber | all areas |
All commercial Sharks, rays & skatese | Selachii, Rajidae | IV, VIId |
Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea | ||
European Eel | Anguilla anguilla | all areas in the Med |
Giant red shrimp | Aristeomorpha foliacea | all areas in the Med |
Red shrimp | Aristeus antennatus | all areas in the Med |
Bogue | Boops boops | 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 |
Dolphinfish | Coryphaena equiselis | all areas in the Med |
Dolphinfish | Coryphaena hippurus | all areas in the Med |
Sea bass | Dicentrarchus labrax | all areas in the Med |
Horned/curled octopus | Eledone cirrhosa | 1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 |
Musky octopus | Eledone moschata | 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 |
Anchovy | Engraulis encrasicolus | all areas in the Med |
Anchovy | Engraulis encrasicolus | Black Sea GSA 29 |
Grey gurnard | Eutrigla gurnardus | 2.2, 3.1 |
Squid | Illex spp., Todarodes spp. | all areas in the Med |
Billfish | Istiophoridae | all areas in the Med |
Common squid | Loligo vulgaris | all areas in the Med |
Black-bellied angler | Lophius budegassa | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1 |
Anglerfish | Lophius piscatorius | 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1 |
Whiting | Merlangius merlangus | Black Sea GSA 29 |
Hake | Merluccius merluccius | all areas in the Med |
Blue whiting | Micromesistius poutassou | 1.1, 3.1 |
Grey mullets | Mugilidae | 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 |
Red mullet | Mullus barbatus | all areas in the Med |
Red mullet | Mullus barbatus | Black Sea GSA 29 |
Striped red mullet | Mullus surmuletus | all areas in the Med |
Common octopus | Octopus vulgaris | all areas in the Med |
Norway lobster | Nephrops norvegicus | all areas in the Med |
Pandora | Pagellus erythrinus | all areas in the Med |
Deepwater rose shrimp | Parapenaeus longirostris | all areas in the Med |
Caramote prawn | Penaeus kerathurus | 3.1 |
Turbot | Psetta maxima | Black Sea GSA 29 |
Sardine | Sardina pilchardus | all areas in the Med |
Mackerel | Scomber spp. | all areas in the Med |
Cuttlefish | Sepia officinalis | all areas in the Med |
Sole | Solea vulgaris | 1.2, 2.1, 3.1 |
Gilthead sea bream | Sparus aurata | 1.2, 3.1 |
Picarels | Spicara smaris | 2.1, 3.1, 3.2 |
Sprat | Sprattus sprattus | Black Sea GSA 29 |
Mantis shrimp | Squilla mantis | 1.3, 2.1, 2.2 |
Mediterranean horse mackerel | Trachurus mediterraneus | All areas in the Med |
Mediterranean horse mackerel | Trachurus mediterraneus | Black Sea GSA 29 |
Horse mackerel | Trachurus trachurus | all areas in the Med |
Horse mackerel | Trachurus trachurus | Black Sea GSA 29 |
Tub gurnard | Trigla lucerna | 1.3, 2.2, 3.1 |
Clam | Veneridae | 2.1, 2.2 |
Transparent gobid | Aphia minuta | GSA 9, 10, 16 and 19 |
Sand smelt | Atherina spp. | GSA 9, 10, 16 and 19 |
Poor cod | Trisopterus minutus | All Regions |
All commercial Sharks, rays & skatese | Selachii, Rajidae | All Regions |