Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/910Show full title

Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/910 of 13 March 2019 establishing the multiannual Union programme for the collection and management of biological, environmental, technical and socioeconomic data in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors


Table 1A a

Stocks in Union waters


This Table replaces Table 1A of Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.


International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.


International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission.


Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations.


To be reported at species level.

Species (common name)Species (scientific name)Area (ICESb, IBSFCc or FAOd area code) where the stock is located/stock code
East Arctic, Norwegian sea and Barentsz sea
European Eel Anguilla anguillaI, II
Tusk Brosme brosmeI, II
Atlanto-Scandian herring Clupea harengusI, II,
Cod Gadus morhuaI, II
Capelin Mallotus villosusI, II
Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinusI, II
Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassouI-II
Northern shrimp Pandalus borealisI, II
Saithe Pollachius virensI, II
Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoidesI, II
Salmon Salmo salarI, II
Mackerel Scomber scombrusII,
Golden Redfish Sebastes marinusI, II
Deep sea Redfish Sebastes mentellaI, II
Horse mackerel Trachurus trachurusIIa,
Skagerrak and Kattegat
Sand eel AmmodytidaeIIIa
European Eel Anguilla anguillaIIIa
Herring Clupea harengusIIIa/22-24, IIIa
Roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestrisIIIa
Grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardusIIIa
Red gurnard Aspitrigla cuculusIIIa,
Cod Gadus morhuaIIIaN
Cod Gadus morhuaIIIaS
Witch flounder Glyptocephalus cynoglossusIIIa
Dab Limanda limandaIIIa
Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinusIIIa
Whiting Merlangius merlangusIIIa
Hake Merluccius merlucciusIIIa,
Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassouIIIa
Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicusFunctional unit
Northern shrimp Pandalus borealisIIIa
Plaice Pleuronectes platessaIIIa
Saithe Pollachius virensIIIa
Salmon Salmo salarIIIa
Turbot Psetta maximaIIIa
Mackerel Scomber scombrusIIIa
Brill Scophthalmus rhombusIIIa
Sole Solea soleaIIIa
Sprat Sprattus sprattusIIIa
Norway pout Trisopterus esmarkiIIIa
All commercial Sharks, rays & skatese Selachii, RajidaeIIIa
Baltic Sea —
European Eel Anguilla anguilla22-32
Herring Clupea harengus22-24/25-29, 32/30/31/Gulf of Riga
Common Whitefish/houting Coregonus lavaretusIIId
Vendace Coregonus albula22-32
Cod Gadus morhua22-24/25-32
Dab Limanda limanda22-32
Perch Perca fluviatilisIIId
Flounder Platichtys flesus22-32
Plaice Pleuronectes platessa22-32
Turbot Psetta maxima22-32
Salmon Salmo salar22-31/32
Sea trout Salmo trutta22-32
Pike-perch Sander luciopercaIIId
Brill Scophthalmus rhombus22-32
Sole Solea solea22
Sprat Sprattus sprattus22-32
North Sea and Eastern Channel
Sand eel AmmodytidaeIV
Catfish Anarhichas spp.IV
European Eel Anguilla anguillaIV, VIId
Argentine Argentina spp.IV
Grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardusIV
Tusk Brosme brosmeIV
Herring Clupea harengusIV, VIId
Common Shrimp Crangon crangonIV, VIId
Sea bass Dicentrarchus labraxIV, VIId
Grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardusIV
Cod Gadus morhuaIV, VIId
Witch flounder Glyptocephalus cynoglossusIV
Blue-mouth rockfish Helicolenus dactylopterusIV
Four-spot megrim Lepidorhombus bosciiIV, VIId
Megrim Lepidorhombus whiffiagonisIV, VIId
Dab Limanda limandaIV, VIId
Black-bellied angler Lophius budegassaIV, VIId
Anglerfish Lophius piscatoriusIV
Roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglaxIV
Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinusIV
Whiting Merlangius merlangusIV, VIId
Hake Merluccius merlucciusIV VII
Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassouIV, VIId
Lemon sole Microstomus kittIV, VIId
Blue ling Molva dypterygiaIV
Ling Molva molvaIV
Red mullet Mullus barbatusIV, VIId
Striped red mullet Mullus surmuletusIV, VIId
Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicusall functional units
Northern shrimp Pandalus borealisIVa East/IVa/IV
Common scallop Pecten maximusVIId
Greater Forkbeard Phycis blennoidesIV
Forkbeard Phycis phycisIV
Flounder Platichthys flesusIV
Plaice Pleuronectes platessaIV
Plaice Pleuronectes platessaVIId
Saithe Pollachius virensIV
Turbot Psetta maximaIV, VIId
Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoidesIV
Salmon Salmo salarIV, VIId
Mackerel Scomber scombrusIV, VIId
Brill Scophthalmus rhombusIV, VIId
Redfish Sebastes mentella.IV
Sole Solea soleaIV
Sole Solea soleaVIId
Sprat Sprattus sprattusIV/VIId
Horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus.IV, VIId
Tub gurnard Trigla lucernaIV
Norway pout Trisopterus esmarkiIV
John Dory Zeus faberIV, VIId
All commercial Sharks, rays & skatese Selachii, RajidaeIV, VIId
North East Atlantic and Western Channel
Smoothhead Alepocephalus bairdiiVI, XII
Sand eel AmmodytidaeVIa
Boarfish Capros aperV, VI,VII
Scallop Pecten maximusIV, VI, VII
Queen scallop Aequipecten opercularisVII
Spider crab Maja squinadoV, VI,VII
European Eel Anguilla anguillaall areas
Scabbardfish Aphanopus spp.all areas
Argentine Argentina spp.all areas
Meagre Argyrosomus regiusall areas
Red gurnard Aspitrigla cuculusall areas
Alfonsinos Beryx spp.all areas, excluding X and IXa
Alfonsinos Beryx spp.IXa and X
Edible crab Cancer pagurusall areas
Herring Clupea harengus



Conger Conger congerall areas, excluding X
Conger Conger congerX
Roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestrisall areas
Kitefin shark Dalatias lichaAll areas
Common stingray Dasyatis pastinacaVII, VIII
Birdbeak dogfish Deania calceaV, VI, VII, IX, X, XII
Sea bass Dicentrarchus labraxall areas, excluding IX
Sea bass Dicentrarchus labraxIX
Wedge sole Dicologlossa cuneataVIIIc, IX
Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolusIXa (only Cádiz)
Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolusVIII
Velvet belly Etmopterus spinaxVI, VII, VIII
Grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardusVIId,e
Cod Gadus morhuaVa/Vb/VIa/VIb/VIIa/VIIe-k
Witch Glyptocephalus cynoglossusVI, VII
Bluemouth rockfish Helicolenus dactylopterusall areas
Lobster Homarus gammarusall areas
Orange roughy Hoplostethus atlanticusall areas
Silver scabbardfish Lepidopus caudatusIXa
Four-spot megrim Lepidorhombus bosciiVIIIc, IXa
Megrim Lepidorhombus whiffiagonisVI/VII, VIIIabd/VIIIc, IXa
Dab Limanda limandaVIIe/VIIa,f-h
Common squid Loligo vulgarisall areas, excluding VIIIc, IXa
Common squid Loligo vulgarisVIIIc, IXa
Black-bellied angler Lophius budegassaIV, VI/VIIb-k, VIIIabd
Black-bellied angler Lophius budegassaVIIIc, IXa
Anglerfish Lophius piscatoriousIV, VI/VIIb-k, VIIIabd
Anglerfish Lophius piscatoriousVIIIc, IXa
Capelin Mallotus villosusXIV
Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinusVa/Vb
Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinusVIa/VIb/VIIa/VIIb-k
Whiting Merlangius merlangusVIII/IX, X
Whiting Merlangius merlangusVb/VIa/VIb/VIIa/VIIe-k
Hake Merluccius merlucciusIIIa, IV, VI, VII, VIIIab/VIIIc, IXa
Wedge sole Microchirus variegatusall areas
Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassouI-IX, XII, XIV
Lemon sole Microstomus kittall areas
Blue ling Molva dypterygiaall areas, excluding X
Spanish ling Molva macrophthalmaX
Ling Molva molvaall areas
Striped red mullet Mullus surmuletusall areas
Starry smooth-hound Mustelus asteriasVI, VII, VIII, IX
Smooth-hound Mustelus mustelusVI, VII, VIII, IX
Blackspotted smooth-hound Mustelus punctulatusVI, VII, VIII, IX
Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicusVI Fuctional unit
Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicusVII Functional unit
Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicusVIII, IX Functional unit
Common octopus Octopus vulgarisall areas, excluding VIIIc, IXa
Common octopus Octopus vulgarisVIIIc, IXa
Blackspot sea bream Pagellus bogaraveoIXa, X
Pandalid shrimps Pandalus spp.all areas
Deepwater rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostrisIXa
Greater Forkbeard Phycis blennoidesall areas
Forkbeard Phycis phycisall areas
Plaice Pleuronectes platessaVIIa/VIIe/VIIfg
Plaice Pleuronectes platessaVIIbc/VIIh-k/VIII, IX, X
Pollack Pollachius pollachiusall areas except IX, X
Pollack Pollachius pollachiusIX, X
Saithe Pollachius virensVa/Vb/IV, IIIa, VI
Saithe Pollachius virensVII, VIII
Wreckfish Polyprion americanusX
Turbot Psetta maximaall areas
Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoidesV, XIV/VI
Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossusV, XIV
Salmon Salmo salarall areas
Sardine Sardina pilchardusVIIIabd/VIIIc, IXa
Spanish mackerel Scomber coliasVIII, IX, X
Mackerel Scomber scombrusII, IIIa, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX
Brill Scophthalmus rhombusall areas
Golden Redfish Sebastes marinusICES Sub areas V, VI, XII, XIV & NAFO SA 2 + (Div. 1F + 3K).
Deep sea Redfish Sebastes mentellaICES Sub areas V, VI, XII, XIV & NAFO SA 2 + (Div. 1F + 3K)
Cuttlefish Sepia officinalisall areas
Sole Solea soleaVIIa/VIIfg
Sole Solea soleaVIIbc/VIIhjk/IXa/VIIIc
Sole Solea soleaVIIe
Sole Solea soleaVIIIab
Sea breams (in plural) Sparidaeall areas
Mediterranean horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneusVIII, IX
Blue jack mackerel Trachurus picturatusVIII, IX, X
Horse mackerel Trachurus trachurusIIa, IVa, Vb, VIa, VIIa-c, e-k, VIIIabde/X
Horse mackerel Trachurus trachurusVIIIc, IXa
Pouting Trisopterus spp.all areas
John Dory Zeus faberall areas
All commercial Sharks, rays & skatese Selachii, RajidaeIV, VIId
Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea
European Eel Anguilla anguillaall areas in the Med
Giant red shrimp Aristeomorpha foliaceaall areas in the Med
Red shrimp Aristeus antennatusall areas in the Med
Bogue Boops boops1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2
Dolphinfish Coryphaena equiselisall areas in the Med
Dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurusall areas in the Med
Sea bass Dicentrarchus labraxall areas in the Med
Horned/curled octopus Eledone cirrhosa1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1
Musky octopus Eledone moschata1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1
Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolusall areas in the Med
Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolusBlack Sea GSA 29
Grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardus2.2, 3.1
Squid Illex spp., Todarodes spp.all areas in the Med
Billfish Istiophoridaeall areas in the Med
Common squid Loligo vulgarisall areas in the Med
Black-bellied angler Lophius budegassa1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1
Anglerfish Lophius piscatorius1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.1
Whiting Merlangius merlangusBlack Sea GSA 29
Hake Merluccius merlucciusall areas in the Med
Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou1.1, 3.1
Grey mullets Mugilidae1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1
Red mullet Mullus barbatusall areas in the Med
Red mullet Mullus barbatusBlack Sea GSA 29
Striped red mullet Mullus surmuletusall areas in the Med
Common octopus Octopus vulgarisall areas in the Med
Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicusall areas in the Med
Pandora Pagellus erythrinusall areas in the Med
Deepwater rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostrisall areas in the Med
Caramote prawn Penaeus kerathurus3.1
Turbot Psetta maximaBlack Sea GSA 29
Sardine Sardina pilchardusall areas in the Med
Mackerel Scomber spp.all areas in the Med
Cuttlefish Sepia officinalisall areas in the Med
Sole Solea vulgaris1.2, 2.1, 3.1
Gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata1.2, 3.1
Picarels Spicara smaris2.1, 3.1, 3.2
Sprat Sprattus sprattusBlack Sea GSA 29
Mantis shrimp Squilla mantis1.3, 2.1, 2.2
Mediterranean horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneusAll areas in the Med
Mediterranean horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneusBlack Sea GSA 29
Horse mackerel Trachurus trachurusall areas in the Med
Horse mackerel Trachurus trachurusBlack Sea GSA 29
Tub gurnard Trigla lucerna1.3, 2.2, 3.1
Clam Veneridae2.1, 2.2
Transparent gobid Aphia minutaGSA 9, 10, 16 and 19
Sand smelt Atherina spp.GSA 9, 10, 16 and 19
Poor cod Trisopterus minutusAll Regions
All commercial Sharks, rays & skatese Selachii, RajidaeAll Regions