Table 1Ea

Freshwater anadromous and catadromous species


This Table replaces Table 1E of Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.


Council Regulation (EC) No 1100/2007 of 18 September 2007 establishing measures for the recovery of the stock of European eel (OJ L 248, 22.9.2007, p. 17).

Species (common name)Species (Scientific name)Non marine Areas where the Stock is located/stock code
European EelAnguilla anguillaEel Management Units as defined in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 1100/2007b
SalmonSalmo salarall areas of natural distribution
Sea troutSalmo truttaAll inland waters that exit in the Baltic Sea

Table 2a

Fishing activity (metier) by Region


This Table replaces Table 2 of Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.

(a) according to existing coding in relevant Regulations.
(b) according to existing coding in relevant Regulations.
(c) with Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs)/in free schools.
(d) in the Mediterranean < 6 m and 6-12 m.
Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6LOA classes (m) (d)
ActivityGear classesGear groupsGear typeTarget assemblage (a)Mesh size and other selective devices< 1010 - < 1212 - < 1818 - < 2424 - < 4040 & +
Fishing activityDredgesDredgesBoat dredge [DRB]

Anadromous species (ANA)

Catadromous species (CAT)

Cephalopods (CEP)

Crustaceans (CRU)

Demersal species (DEF)

Deep-Water species (DWS)

Finfish (FIF)

Freshwater species (no code)

Miscellaneous (MIS)

Mixed Cephalopod and Demersal (MCF)

Mixed Crustaceans and Demersal (MCD)

Mixed Deep-water species and Demersal (MDD)

Mixed Pelagic and Demersal (MPD)

Molluscs (MOL)

Large Pelagic fish (LPF)

Small Pelagic fish (SPF)

Large Pelagic fish (LPF) and

Small Pelagic fish (SPF)

Mechanised/Suction dredge [HMD](b)
TrawlsBottom trawlsBottom otter trawl [OTB](b)
Multi-rig otter trawl [OTT](b)
Bottom pair trawl [PTB](b)
Beam trawl [TBB](b)
Pelagic trawlsMidwater otter trawl [OTM](b)
Midwater pair trawl [PTM](b)
Hooks and LinesRods and LinesHand and Pole lines [LHP] [LHM](b)
Trolling lines [LTL](b)
LonglinesDrifting longlines [LLD](b)
Set longlines [LLS](b)
TrapsTrapsPots and Traps [FPO](b)
Fyke nets [FYK](b)
Stationary uncovered pound nets [FPN](b)
Fixed installations for fences and weirs (code needed)(b)
NetsNetsTrammel net [GTR](b)
Set gillnet [GNS](b)
Driftnet [GND](b)
SeinesSurrounding netsPurse seine [PS](b)
Lampara nets [LA](b)
Seines (c)Fly shooting seine [SSC](b)
Anchored seine [SDN](b)
Pair seine [SPR](b)
Beach and boat seine [SB] [SV](b)
Other gearOther gearGlass eel fishing (no code)Glass eel(b)
Misc. (Specify)Misc. (Specify)(b)
Other activity than fishingOther activity than fishing

Table 3a

Species to be collected for recreational fisheries


This Table replaces Table 3 of Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.

1Baltic Sea (ICES Subdivisions 22-32)Salmon, eels and seatrout (including in fresh water) and cod.
2North Sea (ICES areas IIIa, IV and VIId)Salmon and eels (including in fresh water). Seabass, cod, pollack and elasmobranchs.
3Eastern Arctic (ICES areas I and II)Salmon and eels (including in fresh water). Cod, pollack and elasmobranchs.
4North Atlantic (ICES areas V-XIV and NAFO areas)Salmon and eels (including in fresh water). Seabass, cod, pollack, elasmobranchs and highly migratory ICCAT species.
5Mediterranean SeaEels (including in fresh water), elasmobranchs and highly migratory ICCAT species.
6Black SeaEels (including in fresh water), elasmobranchs and highly migratory ICCAT species.

Table 4b

Fishing activity variables


Collection of these variables for vessels less than 10 metres is to be agreed at marine region level


This Table replaces Table 4 of Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251.


All variables to be reported at the aggregation level (metiers and fleet segment) specified in Table 3 and Table 5B. and by Sub-region/Fishing ground as specified in table 5C.

Number of vesselsNumber
GT, kW, Vessel AgeNumber
Days at seaDays
Hours fished (optional)Hours
Fishing daysDays
kW * Fishing DaysNumber
GT * Fishing daysNumber
Number of tripsNumber
Number of fishing operationsNumber
Number of nets/LengthaNumber/metres
Number of hooks, Number of linesaNumber
Numbers of pots, trapsaNumber
Value of landings total and per commercial species [F1Pounds sterling]
Live Weight of landings total and per speciesTonnes
Prices by commercial species[F1Pounds sterling]/kg

Textual Amendments