A Joint EPA Council will be established for each EPA, which will perform the following functions:
ensure that the EPA operates properly;
study the development of economic and trade co-operation between the parties;
seek appropriate methods of preventing problems which might arise in areas covered by the EPA, in particular with regard to the achievement of the EPA's development objectives;
exchange opinions and make recommendations on any issue of common interest relating to economic and trade co-operation, including future actions for the proper implementation of the EPA and, in particular, the need for development co-operation to be provided in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Cotonou Agreement and the relevant provisions of its successor agreement, once applicable.
The composition, frequency, agenda and venue of joint EPA Council meetings will be agreed on through consultation between the parties.
The EPA Council will have the power to take decisions in respect of all matters covered by the EPA. It will report to the Council of Ministers established in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of the Cotonou Agreement and the relevant provisions of its successor agreement, once applicable, on matters of common concern to the entire ACP Group of States and the European Union.
EPAs should provide for regular consultations and communication with civil society.