%PDF-1.4 %���� 1 0 obj << /Title (Commission Implementing Decision \(EU\) 2020/2239 of 23 December 2020 concerning the extension of the action taken by the United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive permitting the making available on the market and use of hand disinfection products following the WHO-recommended Formulation 2 in accordance with Regulation \(EU\) No 528/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council \(Only the English text is authentic\) \(revoked\)) /Author (www.legislation.gov.uk) /Subject () /Creator (FOP 1.0) /Producer (Apache FOP Version 2.1) /CreationDate (D:20240317230107Z) >> endobj 2 0 obj << /N 3 /Length 3 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream x���wTT��Ͻwz��0�z�m �]@z�af��0� "6DT ���` 0�Ċ(����%��PɌ���������{�����]�Z �w*+-� �'�{��#����~ <� 3 �����P ���=K��E��$~�2��?I�2� �@[�9Y,�85G�!�ϊ��"f%f��"�s�"~�Ydg1��xl�Ϝ�Nc��G�[��#~".��rrD|[Ě��4��ߊc�8LQ(��.ఒDl*b?4�M�K�����/X����rK�X��&& �,=���-����I�F�LV �Ϧ���e0y�X���dĵ���lmfkmmdnl�E����ߔ����2�s� Z����K��1'�͎?l�{���ܽ?l�� ���������$dؙ����s9,cqA��t���{���~/ݝ��� �⺱�SӅ|zV�š�y��q�_��0����sx��pєqy��v��\7�G���S�a؟�8�"Q�?j�1��A��} E!$�h��o~�p �y���s�Yп� ��Y���qn��t�����&�� @P�