II. Officially brucellosis-free and brucellosis-free bovine herds U.K.

8. Subject to paragraph 9, a Member State or a region of a Member State declared officially brucellosis-free is to retain this status if: U.K.


the conditions imposed by paragraph 7(a) and (b) are still fulfilled and notification of cases of abortion suspected of being due to brucellosis is mandatory and are investigated by the competent authority;


every year for the first five years after attaining status, all bovine animals over 24 months of age in not less than 20 % of herds have been tested and have reacted negatively to a serological test carried out in accordance with Annex C or, in the case of dairy herds, by examination of milk samples in accordance with Annex C;


every bovine animal suspected of being infected with brucellosis is notified to the competent authority and undergoes official epidemiological investigation for brucellosis comprising at least two serological blood tests, including the complement fixation test, and a microbiological examination of appropriate samples;


during the period of suspicion, which is to continue until negative results have been obtained from the tests provided for in (c), the officially brucellosis-free status of the herd of origin or transit of the suspected bovine animal and of the herds linked epidemiologically to it is to be suspended;


in the event of an outbreak of brucellosis that has spread, all bovine animals have been slaughtered. Animals of the remaining susceptible species will undergo appropriate tests and premises and equipment will be cleaned and disinfected.] ]