Council Directive of 26 June 1964 on animal health problems affecting intra-Community trade in bovine animals and swine (64/432/EEC)

[F1 [F22.2. Test procedures U.K.

2.2.1. The following shall be recognised as official intradermal tuberculin tests: U.K.
  • the single intradermal test: this test requires a single injection of bovine tuberculin,

  • the intradermal comparative test: this test requires one injection of bovine tuberculin and one injection of avian tuberculin given simultaneously.

2.2.2. The dose of tuberculin injected shall be: U.K.
  • not less than 2 000 IU of bovine tuberculin,

  • not less than 2 000 IU of avian tuberculin.

2.2.3. The volume of each injection dose shall not exceed 0,2 ml. U.K.
2.2.4. Tuberculin tests shall be carried out by injecting tuberculin(s) into the skin of the neck. The injection sites shall be situated at the border of the anterior and middle thirds of the neck. When both avian and bovine tuberculins are injected in the same animal, the site for injection of avian tuberculins shall be about 10 cm from the crest of the neck and the site for the injection of bovine tuberculin about 12,5 cm lower on a line roughly parallel with the line of the shoulder or on different sides of the neck; in young animals in which there is not room to separate the sites sufficiently on one side of the neck, one injection shall be made on each side of the neck at identical sites in the centre of the middle third of the neck. U.K.
2.2.5. The technique of tuberculin testing and interpretation of reactions shall be as follows: U.K. Technique: U.K.

Injection sites shall be clipped and cleansed. A fold of skin within each clipped area shall be taken between the forefinger and thumb and measured with callipers and recorded. The dose of tuberculin shall then be injected by a method that ensures that the tuberculin is delivered intradermically. A short sterile needle, bevel edge outwards, with graduated syringe charged with tuberculin, inserted obliquely into the deeper layers of the skin may be used. A correct injection shall be confirmed by palpating a small pea-like swelling at each site of injection. The skin-fold thickness of each injection site shall be remeasured 72 hours (± 4 hours) after injection and recorded. Interpretation of reactions U.K.

The interpretation of reactions shall be based on clinical observations and the recorded increase(s) in skin-fold thickness at the sites of injection 72 hours after injection of tuberculin(s).


Negative reaction: if only limited swelling is observed, with an increase of not more than 2 mm in the thickness of the fold of skin without clinical signs such as diffuse or extensive oedema, exudation, necrosis, pain or inflammation of the lymphatic ducts in that region or of the lymph nodes.


Inconclusive reaction: if no clinical signs such as mentioned in a) are observed and if the increase in skin-fold thickness is more than 2 mm and less than 4 mm.


Positive reaction: if clinical signs such as mentioned in a) are observed or there is an increase of 4 mm or more in the thickness of the fold of skin at the injection site. The interpretation of official intradermal tuberculin tests shall be as follows: U.K. Single intradermal test: U.K.

positive: a positive bovine reaction as defined in paragraph;


inconclusive: an inconclusive reaction as defined in paragraph;


negative: a negative bovine reaction as defined in paragraph

Animals inconclusive to the single intradermal test shall be subjected to another test after a minimum of 42 days.

Animals which are not negative to this second test shall be deemed to be positive to the test.

Animals positive to the single intradermal test may be subjected to an intradermal comparative test if false positive reaction or interference reaction is suspected. Intradermal comparative test for the establishment and maintenance of officially tuberculosis-free herd status: U.K.

positive: a positive bovine reaction which is more than 4 mm greater than the avian reaction, or the presence of clinical signs;


inconclusive: a positive or inconclusive bovine reaction which is from 1 to 4 mm greater than the avian reaction, and the absence of clinical signs;


negative: a negative bovine reaction, or a positive or inconclusive bovine reaction but which is equal to or less than a positive or inconclusive avian reaction and the absence of clinical signs in both cases.

Animals inconclusive to the intradermal comparative test shall be subjected to another test after a minimum of 42 days. Animals, which are not negative to this second test, shall be deemed to be positive to the test. Officially tuberculosis-free herd status may be suspended and animals from the herd shall not be allowed to enter intra-Community trade until such time as the status of the following animals is resolved: U.K.

animals which have been deemed to be inconclusive to the single intradermal tuberculin test;


animals which have been deemed to be positive to the single intradermal tuberculin test but are awaiting retest with an intradermal comparative test;


animals which have been deemed to be inconclusive to the intradermal comparative test. Where animals are required by Community legislation to be subjected to an intradermal test prior to movement, the test shall be interpreted so that no animal which shows an increase in skin-fold thickness greater than 2 mm or the presence of clinical signs is entered into intra-Community trade. U.K. To enable detection of the maximum number of infected and diseased animals in a herd or in a region, Member States may modify the criteria for the interpretation of the test in order to achieve improved test sensitivity considering all inconclusive reactions referred in and as positive reactions.] ] U.K.