[F1B. Method for antigen standardization U.K.
Solutions and materials required U.K.
1. 40 ml of 1,6 % agarose in 0,05 M Tris/HCl buffer, pH 7,2 with 8,5 % NaCl; U.K.
2. 15 ml of a bovine leukosis serum, having antibody only to bovine leukosis virus glycoproteins, diluted 1:10 in 0,05 M Tris/HCl buffer, pH 7,2 with 8,5 % NaCl; U.K.
3. 15 ml of a bovine leukosis serum, having antibody only to bovine leukosis virus glycoproteins, diluted 1:5 in 0,05 M Tris/HCl buffer, pH 7,2 with 8,5 % NaCl; U.K.
4. four plastic petri dishes with a diameter of 85 mm; U.K.
5. a punch with a diameter of 4 to 6 mm; U.K.
6. a reference antigen; U.K.
7. the antigen which is to be standardized; U.K.
8. a water bath (56 o C). U.K.
Procedure U.K.
Dissolve the agarose (1,6 %) in the Tris/HCl buffer by carefully heating to 100 o C. Place in 56 o C water bath for approximately one hour. Also, place the bovine leukosis serum dilutions in a 56 o C water bath.
Now mix 15 ml of the 56 o C agarose solution with the 15 ml bovine leukosis serum (1:10), quickly shake and pour 15 ml into each of two petri dishes. Repeat this procedure with the bovine leukosis serum diluted 1:5.
When the agarose has hardened, holes are made in it as follows:
Addition of antigen U.K.
Petri dishes 1 and 3:
well A — undiluted reference antigen,
well B — 1:2 diluted reference antigen,
wells C and E — reference antigen,
well D — undiluted test antigen.
Petri dishes 2 and 4:
well A — undiluted test antigen,
well B — 1:2 diluted test antigen,
well C — 1:4 diluted test antigen,
well D — 1:8 diluted test antigen.