F1Article 6


Animals for breeding or production must, in addition to the requirements of Articles 3, 4 and 5:

  • have remained in a single holding of origin for a period of 30 days prior to loading, or since birth in the holding of origin where the animals are less than 30 days old. The official veterinarian must, on the basis of the official identification provided for in Article 3 (2) (c) and official records, be satisfied that the animals have complied with this condition and furthermore that the animals have originated in the Community or have been imported from a third country in compliance with Community animal health legislation.

    However, in the case of animals transiting through an approved assembly centre in the Member State of origin, the period during which the assembly of these animals takes place outside the holding of origin shall not exceed six days,

  • with regard to animals imported from a third country into a Member State which is not that of ultimate destination, be transported to the Member State of destination as quickly as practicable under cover of a certificate issued under Article 7 of Directive 91/496/EEC,

  • with regard to animals imported from a third country upon arrival at destination and before any further movements satisfy the requirements of this Directive, and in particular the residency requirement in the first indent, and may not be brought into the herd until the veterinarian responsible for that holding has ascertained that the animals in question are not likely to jeopardize the health status of the holding.

    If an animal from a third country is introduced into a holding no animal from the holding may be traded for 30 days following introduction unless the imported animal is isolated from all other animals on the holding.


Bovine animals for breeding and production must, in addition to the requirements in Articles 3, 4 and 5:


F2come from an officially tuberculosis-free bovine herd, and in the case of animals more than six weeks old, have reacted negatively to an intradermal tuberculin test carried out in accordance with the provisions of point 2.2 of Annex B either during the 30 days prior to leaving the herd of origin or in a place and under conditions to be defined in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 17.

This intradermal tuberculin test is not required if the animals originate in a Member State or part of a Member State recognized as officially tuberculosis free or in a Member State or part of a Member State with an approved surveillance network;


in the case of uncastrated animals which come from an officially brucellosis-free bovine herd and more than 12 months old, have shown a brucella count lower that 30 international units (IU) of agglutination per millilitre when given a serum agglutination test (or any test approved by Standing Veterinary Committee (SVC) procedure following the adoption of the relevant protocols) carried out during the 30 days prior the leaving the herd of origin and complying with the provisions of Annex C Section A.

This serum agglutination test (or any test approved by SVC procedure following the adoption of the relevant protocols) is not required if the animals originate in a Member State or part of a Member State recognized as officially brucellosis free or in a Member State or part of a Member State with an approved surveillance network;


come from an officially enzootic-bovine-leukosis-free herd and, if more than 12 months old, have reacted negatively to an individual test carried out during the 30 days prior to leaving the herd of origin and complying with the provisions of Annex D.

The test is not required if the animals originate in a Member State or part of a Member State recognized as officially enzootic-bovine-leukosis free or in a Member State or part of a Member State with an approved surveillance network;


at no time between leaving the holding of origin and arriving at destination come into contact with bovine animals which meet only the requirements in paragraph 3 F3;


until 31 December 2000 , not be subject to the test requirements laid down in (a) or (b) in the case of bovine animals aged less than 30 months intended for meat production which:

  • come from a beef holding officially tuberculosis-free and officially brucellosis-free,

  • are accompanied by an animal health certificate with paragraph 7 in Section A of Annex F Model 1 duly completed,

  • remain under supervision until their slaughter,

  • have not come into contact during transport with bovine animals not coming from herds officially free from those diseases,

and provided that:

  • these arrangements are restricted to trade between Member States or regions of Member States with the same health status with regard to tuberculosis or brucellosis,

  • the Member State of destination takes all necessary measures to avoid any contamination of indigenous herds,

  • the Member States put in place a proper system of random sampling, inspections and controls designed to ensure the efficient implementation of these rules,

  • the Commission monitors the proper operation of this Directive so as to ensure that Member States comply fully with the rules;


Bovine animals for slaughter must, in addition to the requirements in Articles 3, 4 and 5, come from herds that are officially tuberculosis free, officially enzootic-bovine-leukosis free and in the case of uncastrated bovines, from herds that are officially brucellosis free.

However, until F331 December 2000 , the destination countries may grant to Spain general or limited licences to introduce into their territories animals for slaughter from herds which are not officially free of tuberculosis, enzootic bovine leukosis and brucellosis, provided such animals:

  • have in the 30 days prior to embarkation undergone the appropriate tests laid down in Annexes B, C and D, with negative results,

  • are taken on arrival in the country of destination directly to a slaughterhouse and are slaughtered there as soon as possible but at least within 72 hours of arrival, in accordance with animal health requirements.