Article 1

This Directive concerns weights of above-medium accuracy the nominal value of which is equal to 1 mg or more and less than or equal to 50 kg.

This Directive does not apply to metric carat weights or to special weights covered by other directives.

Article 2

Weights which may receive the EEC marks and signs are listed in the Annex. They are not subject to EEC pattern approval; they must undergo EEC initial verification.

Article 3

No Member State may prevent, prohibit or restrict the placing on the market or entry into service of weights referred to in Article 1 and bearing the EEC initial verification mark.

Article 4


Member States shall put into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions needed in order to comply with this Directive within eighteen months of its notification and shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.


Member States shall ensure that the texts of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive are communicated to the Commission.

Article 5

This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 4 March 1974.

For the Council

The President

W. Scheel