Council Directive of 20 January 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making-up by weight or by volume of certain prepackaged products (76/211/EEC)

2.3.Checking of the average actual contents of the individual prepackages making up a batchU.K.

2.3.1.A batch of prepackages shall be considered acceptable for the purpose of this check if the mean value of the actual contents xi of n prepackages in a sample is greater than the value:U.K.

In this formula:



the nominal quantity of the prepackage,



the number of prepackages in the sample for this check,



the estimated standard deviation of the actual contents of the batch,

t(1 — α)


0.995 confidence level of a Student distribution with ν = n — 1 degree of freedom.

2.3.2.If xi is the measured value for the actual contents of the i-th item in the sample containing n items then:U.K. mean of the measured values for the sample is obtained by the following calculation:U.K. the estimated value of the standard deviation s by the following calculation:U.K.
  • the sum of the squares of the measured values:

  • the square of the sum of the measured values:


  • the corrected sum

  • the estimated variance:

the estimated value of the standard deviation is:

2.3.3.Criteria for acceptance or rejection of the batch of prepackages for checking the mean:U.K. for non-destructive testingU.K.
Number in batchNumber in sampleCriteria
100 to 500 (inclusive)30
> 50050 for destructive testingU.K.
Number in batchNumber in sampleCriteria
Whatever the number (≥100)20