| SOEC code number |
Cereals (excluding rice) |
Wheat and spelt | 10.01.11
| 1
Winter vheat and spelt | — | |
Spring wheat | — | |
Durum wheat | 10.01.51
| |
Winter wheat | — | |
Spring wheat | — | |
Rye and meslin |
Rye | 10.02.00 | |
Winter rye | — | |
Spring rye | — | |
Meslin | 10.01.11
| 2
Barley | 10.03.10
| |
Spring barley | — | |
Winter barley | — | |
Oats and summer meslin |
Oats | 10.04.10
| |
Summer meslin | — | |
Maize | 10.05.10
| |
Other cereals (excluding rice) | | |
Buckwheat | 10.07.10 | |
Millet | 10.07.91 | |
Grain sorghum | 10.07.95 | |
Canary seed | 10.07.96 | |
Cereals, not elsewhere specified (excluding rice) | 10.07.99 | |
Rice (in the husk or paddy) | 10.06.11 | |
Pulses |
Dried peas and fodder peas | 07.05.11 | |
Dried peas (other than for fodder) | — | |
Dried peas (excluding chick peas) | — | |
Chick peas | — | |
Fodder peas | — | |
Haricot beans, broad and field beans |
Haricot beans | 07.05.15 | |
Broad and field beans | 07.05.95 | |
Other pulses |
Lentils | 07.05.91 | |
Vetches | 12.03.31 | 2 |
Lupins | 12.03.49 | 2 |
Dried pulses not elsewhere specified, pulse mixtures and cereal and pulse mixtures | 07.05.97 | |
Roots (brassicas group for fodder) |
Potatoes |
Potatoes (excluding seed potatoes) |
New potatoes | 07.01.13
| |
Main crop potatoes | 07.01.17
| |
Seed potatoes | 07.01.11 | |
Sugar beet | 12.04.11 | |
Mangolds and fodder beet; swedes, fodder carrots and fodder turnips; other roots and fodder brassicas |
Mangolds and fodder beet | 12.10.10 | |
Swedes, fodder carrots, fodder turnips | |
Swedes | |
Fodder carrots, fodder turnips | |
Fodder cabbages and kales | 12.10.99 | 2 |
Other roots and fodder brassicas |
Jerusalem artichokes | 07.06.10 | |
Sweet potatoes | 07.06.50 | |
Roots and fodder brassicas not elsewhere specified | 07.06.30
| 3 |
Industrial crops |
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruit (excluding olives) |
Colza and rape seed | 12.01.91 | |
Winter colza | — | |
Summer colza | — | |
Rape | — | |
Sunflower seed | 12.01.95 | |
Soya beans | 12.01.40 | |
Castor seed | 12.01.50 | |
Linseed | 12.01.61
| |
Sesame, hemp, mustard and poppy seed |
Sesame seed | 12.01.97 | |
Hemp seed | 12.01.94 | |
Mustard seed | 12.01.92 | |
Oil poppy and poppy seed | 12.01.93 | |
Fibre plants |
Flax | 54.01.10 | |
Hemp | 57.01.10 | |
Unmanufactured tobacco (including dried tobacco) | 24.01.10
| |
Hops | 12.06.00 | |
Other industrial crops |
Chicory roots | 12.05.00 | |
Medicinal plants, aromatics, spices and plants for perfume extraction |
Saffron | 09.10.31 | |
Caraway | 07.01.82 | |
Medicinal plants, aromatics, spices and plants for perfume extraction not elsewhere specified | 09.09 (11-13-15-17-18)
09.10 (11-20-51-55-71)
12.07 (10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-91-99)
| |
Fresh vegetables |
Cabbages for human consumption |
Cauliflowers | 07.01.21
| |
Other cabbages |
Brussels sprouts | 07.01.26 | |
White cabbages | 07.01.23 | |
Red cabbages | |
Savoy cabbages | 07.01.27 | 1 |
Green cabbages |
Cabbages not elsewhere specified |
Leaf and stalk vegetables other than cabbages |
Celery and celeriac | 07.01.51
| 2 |
Leeks | 07.01.68 | |
Cabbage lettuces | 07.01.31
| |
Endives | 07.01.36 | 1 |
Spinach | 07.01.29 | |
Asparagus | 07.01.71 | |
Witloof chicory | 07.01.34 | |
Artichokes | 07.01.73 | |
Other leaf and stalk vegetables |
Corn salad | 07.01.36 | 2 |
Cardoons and edible thistle | 07.01.37 | |
Fennel | 07.01.91 | |
Rhubarb | 07.01.97 | 1 |
Cress |
Parsley |
Broccoli |
Leaf and stalk vegetables not elsewhere specified |
Vegetables grown for fruit |
Tomatoes | 07.01.75
| |
Cucumbers and gherkins | 07.01.83
| |
Melons | 08.09.10 | |
Aubergines, marrows and pumpkins, courgettes | 07.01.95 | |
Sweet capsicum | 07.01.93 | |
Other vegetables grown for fruit | 07.01.97 | 3 |
Root and tuber crops |
Kohlrabi | 07.01.27 | 2 |
Turnips | 07.01.54 | |
Carrots | |
Garlic | 07.01.67 | |
Onions and shallots | 07.01 (62-63-66) | |
Beetroot (red beet) | 07.01.56
| |
Salsify and scorzonera | |
Other root and tuber crops (chives, radishes, French turnips, horse radishes) | |
Pod vegetables |
Green peas | 07.01.41
| |
Beans | 07.01.45
| |
Other pod vegetables | 07.01.49 | |
Cultivated mushrooms | 07.01.87 | |
Fresh fruit, including citrus fruit (excluding grapes andolives) |
Dessert apples and pears |
Dessert apples | 08.06 (13-15-17) | |
Dessert pears | 08.06 (36-38) | |
Cider apples and perry pears | | |
Cider apples | 08.06.11 | |
Perry pears | 08.06.32 | |
Stone fruit |
Peaches | 08.07.32 | |
Apricots | 08.07.10 | |
Cherries | 08.07 (51-55) | |
Plums (including greengages, mirabelles and quetsches) | 08.07 (71-75) | |
Other stone fruit | 08.07.90 | |
Nuts |
Walnuts | 08.05.31 | |
Hazelnuts | 08.05.91 | |
Almonds | 08.05.11
| |
Chestnuts | 08.05.50 | |
Other nuts (excluding tropical nuts) |
Pistaches | 08.05.70 | |
Nuts not elsewhere specified | 08.05.97 | 1 |
Other tree fruits |
Figs | 08.03.10 | |
Quinces | 08.06.50 | |
Other tree fruits, not elsewhere specified (excluding tropical fruit) | 08.09.90 | 1 |
Strawberries | 08.08 (11-15) | |
Berries |
Blackcurrants and red currants |
Blackcurrants | 08.08.41 | |
Red currants | 08.08.49 | 1 |
Raspberries | | |
Gooseberries | 08.08.90 | 1 |
Other berries (e.g. cultivated blackberries) | 08.09.90 | 2 |
Citrus fruit |
Oranges | 08.02 (21-22-24-27) | |
Mandarins and clementines | 08.02 (32-36) | |
Lemons | 08.02.50 | |
Grapefruit | 08.02.70 | |
Other citrus fruit | 08.02.90 | |
Citrons | — | |
Limes | — | |
Bergamots | — | |
Citrus fruit not elsewhere specified | — | |
Grapes and olives |
Grapes |
Table grapes | 08.04 (21-23) | |
Other grapes (for wine-making, fruit juice production and processing into raisins) | 08.04 (25-27) | |
Olives |
Table olives | 07.01.78 | |
Other olives (for olive oil production) | 07.01.79
| |
Other crop products |
Fodder crops | 12.10.99 | 1 |
Nursery products |
Fruit trees and bushes | 06.02 (19-40-51-55) | |
Vine slips | 06.02 (10-30) | |
Ornamental trees and shrubs | 06.02 (71-75-79-98) | |
Forest seedlings and cuttings | 06.02.60 | |
Vegetable materials used primarily for plaiting |
Osier, rushes, rattans | 14.01 (11-19-51-59) | |
Reeds, bamboos | 14.01 (31-39) | |
Other vegetable materials used primarily for plaiting | 14.01.90 | |
Flowers, ornamental plants and Christmas trees |
Flower bulbs, corms and tubers | 06.01.10 | |
Ornamental plants | 06.01 (31-39)
06.03 (11-15-90)
06.04 (20-40-0)
| |
Cut flowers, branches and foliage | |
Christmas trees | |
Perennial plants | 06.02.92 | |
Seeds |
Agricultural seeds (1) | 06.02.95
12.03 (11-19-35-39-44-46-84-86-89)
| |
| 12.03.31 | 1 |
| 12.03.49 | 1 |
Flower seeds | 12.03.81 | |
Products gathered in the wild | 07.01 (88 — 89) | |
| 08.05.97 | 2 |
| 08.08.31 | |
| 08.08.35 | |
| 08.08.49 | 2 |
| 08.08.90 | 2 |
| 23.06.10 | 1 |
By-products from cultivation of: | 12.08 (10 — 31)
14.02 (10-21-23-25-29)
14.05 (11 — 19)
| |
Cereals (excluding rice) | |
Rice | |
Pulses | |
Root crops | |
Industrial crops | |
Fresh vegetables | |
Fruit and citrus fruit | 2 |
Grapes and olives | |
Other crops | |
Crop products not elsewhere specified | |
Grape must and wine |
Grape must | 22.04.00 | |
Wine | 22.05 (21-25-31-35-41-44-45-47-51-57-59-61-69) | |
By-products of wine production | 23.05.00 | |
Olive oil |
Pure olive oil | 15.07.06 | |
Olive oil, unrefined | 15.07 (07 — 08) | |
By-products of olive oil extraction | 23.04.05 | |
Cattle |
Domestic cattle | 01.02 (11-13-14-15-17) | |
Calves | — | |
Other cattle, less than one year old | — | |
Heifers | — | |
Cows | — | |
Male breeding animals |
One to two years old | — | |
More than two years old | — | |
Cattle for slaughtering and fattening |
One to two years old | — | |
More than two years old | — | |
Pigs |
Domestic pigs | 01.03 (11 — 15 — 17) | |
Piglets | — | |
Young pigs | — | |
Pigs for fattening | — | |
Sows and gilts for breeding | — | |
Breeding boars | — | |
Equines |
Horses | 01.01 (11 — 15 — 19) | |
Donkeys | 01.01.31 | |
Mules and hinnies | 01.01.50 | |
Sheep and goats |
Domestic sheep | 01.04 (11 — 13) | |
Domestic goats | 01.04.15 | |
Poultry, rabbits, pigeons and other animals |
Hens, cocks, cockerels, pullets, chicks | 01.05 (10 — 91) | |
Ducks | 01.05.93 | |
Geese | 01.05.95 | |
Turkeys | 01.05.97 | |
Guinea fowl | 01.05.98 | |
Domestic rabbits | 01.06.10 | |
Domestic pigeons | 01.06.30 | |
Other animals |
Bees | — | |
Silkworms | — | |
Animals reared for fur | — | |
Snails (excluding sea-snails) | 03.03.66 | |
Animals not elsewhere specified | 01.06.99
| 1 |
Game and game meat |
Game | 01.01.39
| |
Game meat | 02.04.30 | |
Milk, untreated |
Cows' milk | — | |
Ewes' milk | — | |
Goats' milk | — | |
Buffalo milk | — | |
Eggs |
Hens' eggs |
Hatching eggs | 04.05.12 | 1 |
Other | 04.05.14 | |
Other eggs |
Hatching eggs | 04.05.12 | 2 |
Other | 04.05.16
| |
Other livestock products |
Raw wool (including animal hair | 53.01 (10 — 20)
53.02 (93 — 95)
| |
Honey | 04.06.00 | |
Silkworm cocoons | 50.01.00 | |
By-products of livestock production | 15.15.10
43.01. (10 — 20 — 30 — 90)
| |
Livestock products not elsewhere specified | |
Agricultural services | | |
Agricultural products almost exclusively imported |
Tropical oil seeds and oleaginous fruit |
Groundnuts | 12.01.11
| |
Copra | 12.01.20 | |
Palm nuts and kernels | 12.01.30 | |
Cotton seed | 12.01.96 | |
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruit not elsewhere specified | 12.01.99 | |
Tropical fibre plants |
Cotton | 55.01.00 | |
Other fibre plants |
Manila hemp | 57.02.00 | |
Jute | 57.03.10 | |
Sisal | 57.04.10 | |
Coir | 57.04.30 | |
Ramie | 54.02.00 | |
Fibre plants, not elsewhere specified | 57.04.50 | |
Other tropical plants for industrial use |
Coffee | 09.01.11 | |
Cocoa | 18.01.00 | |
Sugar cane | 12.04.30 | |
Tropical fruit |
Tropical nuts |
Coconuts | 08.01.75 | |
Cashew nuts | 08.01.77 | |
Brazil nuts | 08.01.80 | |
Pecans | 08.05.80 | |
Other tropical fruit |
Dates | 08.01.10 | |
Bananas | 08.01 (31 — 35) | |
Pineapples | 08.01.50 | |
Papaws | 08.08.50 | |
Tropical fruit, not elsewhere specified | 08.01 (60 — 99) | |
Ivory, unpolished | 05.10.00 | |