Council Directive

of 21 December 1977

on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the wiper and washer systems of motor vehicles

(78/318/EEC) (repealed)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 100 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament1,
Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee2,

Whereas the technical requirements which motor vehicles must satisfy pursuant to national laws relate inter alia to their wipers and washers;

Whereas those requirements differ from one Member State to another; whereas it is therefore necessary that all Member States adopt the same requirements either in addition to or in place of their existing rules, in order, in particular, to allow the EEC type-approval procedure which was the subject of Council Directive 70/156/EEC of 6 February 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailers3, as amended by Directive 78/315/EEC4, to be introduced in respect of each type of vehicle;

Whereas it is desirable to draft the technical requirements so that they have the same aim as the work being carried out on the subject in the UN Economic Commission for Europe;

Whereas these requirements apply to motor vehicles in category M1 (the international classification of motor vehicles is given in Annex I to Directive 70/156/EEC);

Whereas the approximation of the national laws relating to motor vehicles entails reciprocal recognition by Member States of the checks carried out by each of them on the basis of the common requirements;

Whereas windscreen-washer systems are already marketed both separately and after being fitted to a vehicle; whereas if it is possible to check them before they are fitted to a vehicle, their free movement may be facilitated by the introduction of EEC type-approval for such systems, which are regarded as separate technical units within the meaning of Article 9a of Directive 70/156/EEC,