Article 6
1.Where a herd contains an animal suspected of having brucellosis, the competent authorities shall ensure that the official investigations are carried out as soon as possible to confirm or rule out the presence of that disease.
Pending the outcome of these investigations, the competent authorities shall order:
the herd to be placed under official surveillance,
the prohibition of all movement into or out of the herd unless authorized by the competent authorities for the purpose of slaughter without delay. However, movement of the castrated cattle on the farm may be authorized by the competent authorities after the isolation of the suspect animals, provided that the castrated animals are moved to fattening herds, and thence to the slaughterhouse,
Isolation within the herd of the suspect animals.
2.The orders referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be lifted until the presence or suspected presence of brucellosis in the herd concerned has been officially ruled out.
3.Where the presence of brucellosis is officially confirmed in a herd, the Member States shall take appropriate measures to prevent any spread of the disease and shall ensure in particular that:
all movement into or out of the herd in question is forbidden, unless authorized by the competent authorities for the purpose of slaughter without delay; however, movement of the castrated cattle on the farm may be authorized by the competent authorities after the isolation and the marking prior to slaughter of infected animals and of cattle regarded by the same authorities as infected, provided that the castrated animals are moved to fattening herds and thence to the slaughterhouse,
animals in which the presence of brucellosis has been officially confirmed, and animals which may have been infected by them, are isolated within the herd,
subject to observance of the terms of Directive 64/432/EEC, and those of Council Directive 78/51/EEC of 13 December 1977 prolonging certain derogation measures in respect of brucellosis and tuberculosis granted to Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom(1), the cattle are examined without delay for brucellosis,
animals in which the presence of brucellosis has been officially confirmed, animals which have been examined as stipulated in the third indent with unfavourable results, and animals considered by the competent authorities as infected are isolated and marked until their slaughter pursuant to Article 7,
milk from infected cows may only be fed to animals on the same farm after suitable heat treatment,
without prejudice to national provisions concerning foodstuffs, milk from cows from an infected herd, cannot be delivered to a dairy, except to undergo suitable heat treatment,
carcases, half-carcases, quarters, pieces and offal from infected animals intended for use as feed for animals are treated in such a way as to avoid contamination,
foetuses, still-born calves calves which have died from brucellosis after birth or placentae are carefully disposed of and destroyed immediately, unless they are to be examined,
straw, litter or any other matter and substance which has come into contact with the infected cow or calf or with the placenta is destroyed immediately, burnt or buried after soaking in disinfectant,
official regulations for the control of establishments such as carcase disposal plants ensure that there is no danger of the material produced spreading brucellosis,
manure from sheds or other quarters used by the animals is stored in a place inaccessible to farm animals, treated with a suitable disinfectant and stored for at least three weeks. Use of disinfectant is not required if the manure is covered with a layer of uninfected manure or earth. Liquid waste from sheds or other quarters used by the animals must be disinfected if it is not collected at the same time as the manure.
See page 32 of this Official Journal.