CHAPTER I LEGAL UNITS OF MEASUREMENT REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 1 (a) 1.SI UNITS AND THEIR DECIMAL MULTIPLES AND SUBMULTIPLES 1.1.SI base units Definitions of SI base units: Unit of length Unit of mass Unit of time Unit of electric current Unit of thermodynamic temperature Unit of amount of substance Unit of luminous intensity 1.1.1.Special name and symbol of the SI derived unit of...1.2.SI derived units 1.2.1.SI supplementary units Definitions of SI supplementary units: Unit of plane angle Unit of solid angle 1.2.2.General rule for SI derived units 1.2.3.SI derived units with special names and symbols 1.3.Prefixes and their symbols used to designate certain decimal multiples...1.4.Special authorized names and symbols of decimal multiples and submultiples...Note: 2.UNITS WHICH ARE DEFINED ON THE BASIS OF SI UNITS...Note: 3.UNITS USED WITH THE SI, WHOSE VALUES IN SI ARE...4.UNITS AND NAMES OF UNITS PERMITTED IN SPECIALIZED FIELDS ONLY...Note: 5.COMPOUND UNITS CHAPTER II LEGAL UNITS OF MEASUREMENT REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 1 (b), PERMITTED FOR SPECIFIC USES ONLY CHAPTER III LEGAL UNITS OF MEASUREMENT REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 1 (c) CHAPTER IV LEGAL UNITS OF MEASUREMENT REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE I (d), PERMITTED IN SPECIALIZED FIELDS ONLY

Council Directive

of 20 December 1979

on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to units of measurement and on the repeal of Directive 71/354/EEC



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particluar Article 100 thereof,

Having regard to Council Directive 71/354/EEC of 18 October 1971 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to units of measurement1, as last amended by Council Directive 76/770/EEC2,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission3,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament4,

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee5,

Whereas units of measurement are essential in the use of all measuring instruments, to express measurements or any indication of quantity; whereas units of measurement are used in most fields of human activity; whereas it is necessary to ensure the greatest possible clarity in their use; whereas it is therefore necessary to make rules for their use within the Community for economic, public health, public safety or administrative purposes;

Whereas, however, there exist international conventions or agreements in the field of international transport which bind the Community or the Member States; whereas these conventions or agreements have to be respected;

Whereas the laws which regulate the use of units of measurement in the Member States differ from one Member State to another and as a result hinder trade; whereas, in these circumstances, it is necessary to harmonize laws, regulations and administrative provisions in order to overcome such obstacles;

Whereas units of measurement are the subject of international resolutions adopted by the General Conference of Weights and Measures (CGPM) set up by the Metre Convention signed in Paris on 20 May 1875, to which all the Member States adhere; whereas the ‘International System of Units’(SI) was drawn up as a result of these resolutions;

Whereas the Council on 18 October 1971 adopted Directive 71/354/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States in order to eliminate obstacles to trade by adopting the international system of units at Community level; whereas Directive 71/354/EEC was amended by the Act of Accession and by Directive 76/770/EEC;

Whereas these Community provisions have not overcome all the obstacles in this field; whereas Directive 76/770/EEC provides for the review before 31 December 1979 of the situation regarding units of measurement, names and symbols listed in Chapter D of the Annex thereto; whereas it has also proved necessary to review the situation regarding certain other units of measurement;

Whereas it is necessary, in order to avoid serious difficulties, to provide for a transitional period during which units of measurement which are not compatible with the international system can be phased out; whereas it is nevertheless essential to allow the Member States wishing to do so to bring into force as quickly as possible, on their territory, the provisions of Chapter I of the Annex; whereas it is therefore necessary to limit the duration of this transitional period at Community level while, at the same time, leaving the Member States free to curtail that period;

Whereas, during the transitional period, it is essential, particularly in order to protect the consumer, to maintain a clear position on the use of units of measurement in trade between the Member States; whereas the obligation on the Member States to allow use of supplementary indications on products and equipment imported from other Member States during this transitional period seems to serve this purpose well;

Whereas the systematic adoption of a solution of this kind for all measuring instruments, including medical instruments, is however not necessarily desirable; whereas the Member States should therefore be able to require that, on their territory, measuring instruments bear indications of quantity in a single legal unit of measurement;

Whereas this Directive does not affect the continued manufacture of products already on the market; whereas it does, however, affect the placing on the market and use of products and equipment bearing indications of quantity in units of measurement which are no longer legal units of measurement, when such products and equipment are necessary to supplement or replace components or parts of such products, equipment and instruments already on the market; whereas it is therefore necessary for Member States to authorize the placing on the market and the use of such products and equipment to complete and replace components, even when they bear indications of quantity in units of measurement which are no longer legal units of measurement, so that products, equipment or instruments already on the market may continue to be used;

Whereas the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) on 1 March 1974 adopted an international standard on the representation of SI and other units for use in systems with limited sets of characters; whereas it is advisable for the Community to adopt the solutions which have already been approved on a wider international level by ISO Standard 2955 of 1 March 1974;

Whereas Community provisions relating to units of measurement are to be found in several Community texts; whereas the question of units of measurement is so important that it is essential that reference may be made to a single Community text; whereas this Directive thereby consolidates all the Community provisions on the subject and repeals Directive 71/354/EEC,