a Member States may permit the limit values they fix to be exceeded in the case of the use of sludge on land which at the time of notification of this Directive is dedicated to the disposal of sludge but on which commercial food crops are being grown exclusively for animal consumption. Member States must inform the Commission of the number and type of sites concerned. They must also seek to ensure that there is no resulting hazard to human health or the environment. | |
b Member States may permit the limit values they fix to be exceeded in respect of these parameters on soil with a pH consistently higher than 7. The maximum authorized concentrations of these heavy metals must in no case exceed those values by more than 50 %. Member States must also seek to ensure that there is no resulting hazard to human health or the environment and in particular to ground water. | |
c It is not possible at this stage to fix limit values for chromium. The Council will fix these limit values later on the basis of proposals to be submitted by the Commission, within one year following notification of this Directive. | |
Parameters | Limit valuesa |
Cadmium | 1 to 3 |
Copperb | 50 to 140 |
Nickelb | 30 to 75 |
Lead | 50 to 300 |
Zincb | 150 to 300 |
Mercury | 1 to 1,5 |
Chromiumc | — |
a It is not possible at this stage to fix limit values for chromium. The Council will fix these limit values later on the basis of proposals to be submitted by the Commission within one year following notification of this Directive. | |
Parameters | Limit values |
Cadmium | 20 to 40 |
Copper | 1 000 to 1 750 |
Nickel | 300 to 400 |
Lead | 750 to 1 200 |
Zinc | 2 500 to 4 000 |
Mercury | 16 to 25 |
Chromiuma | — |
a Member States may permit these limit values to be exceeded in the case of the use of sludge on land which at the time of notification of this Directive is dedicated to the disposal of sludge but on which commercial food crops are being grown exclusively for animal consumption. Member States must inform the Commission of the number and type of sites concerned. They must also ensure that there is no resulting hazard to human health or the environment. | |
b It is not possible at this stage to fix limit values for chromium. The Council will fix these limit values later on the basis of proposals to be submitted by the Commission within one year following notification of this Directive. | |
Parameters | Limit valuesa |
Cadmium | 0,15 |
Copper | 12 |
Nickel | 3 |
Lead | 15 |
Zinc | 30 |
Mercury | 0,1 |
Chromiumb | — |
dry matter, organic matter,
nitrogen and phosphorus,
cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, mercury, chromium.
cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, mercury and chromium.
The representative soil samples for analysis should normally be made up by mixing together 25 core samples taken over an area not exceeding 5 hectares which is farmed for the same purpose.
The samples must be taken to a depth of 25 cm unless the depth of the surface soil is less than that value; however, the sampling depth in the latter case must not be less than 10 cm.
Sludge must be sampled after processing, but before delivery to the user, and should be representative of the sludge production.
Analysis for heavy metals must be carried out following strong acid digestion. The reference method of analysis must be that of atomic absorption spectrometry and the limit of detection for each metal should be no greater than 10 % of the appropriate limit value.