CHAPTER IIU.K.Rules for intra-Community trade
Article 3U.K.
Each Member State shall ensure that embryos shall not be sent from its territory to that of another Member State unless they meet the following conditions:
[they must have been conceived as a result of artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization with semen from a donor sire standing at a semen collection centre approved by the competent authority for the collection, processing and storage of semen or by semen imported in accordance with Directive 88/407/EEC () .]
In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18, the Commission may authorize trade in embryos of certain specific species conceived as a result of natural service by bulls whose health status complies with Annex B to that Directive;
they must have been collected from domestic animals of the bovine species whose health status complies with Annex B of this Directive;
they must have been collected, processed and stored by an embryo collection team approved in accordance with Article 5 (1);
they must have been collected, processed and stored by the embryo collection team in accordance with Annex A of this Directive;
they must be accompanied, during transport to the Member State of destination, by an animal health certificate complying with Article 6 (1).
Article 4U.K.
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Article 5U.K.
1.Approval of an embryo collection team as provided for in Article 3 (c) shall be granted only where the provisions of Annex A, Chapter I are observed and where the embryo collection team is able to satisfy the other provisions of this Directive.
Any major change in the organization of the team is to be notified to the competent authority.
The approval of the team shall be renewed whenever the team veterinarian is replaced or whenever any major changes are made in its organization or the laboratories or equipment at its disposal.
The official veterinarian shall supervise observance of the provisions outlined above. Approval shall be withdrawn where one or more of the provisions is no longer observed.
[2. The competent authority of each Member State concerned shall register embryo collection teams and give a veterinary registration number to each team.
Each Member State shall draw up and keep up to date a list of embryo collection teams and their veterinary registration numbers and make it available to the other Member States and to the public.]
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The veterinary experts must be nationals of a Member State other than those involved in the dispute.
[2a. Approval of an embryo production team for embryos derived by in vitro fertilization shall be granted only where the provisions of the relevant Annex to this Directive are observed and where the embryo production team is able to satisfy the other relevant provisions of this Directive and in particular the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, which shall apply mutatis mutandis .]
3.The detailed rules for applying this Article shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.
Article 6U.K.
1.An animal health certificate drawn up by an official veterinarian of the Member State of collection on a form conforming to the specimen in Annex C shall accompany each consignment of embryos. A separate certificate shall be issued for each consignment.
2.The animal health certificate must:
(a)consist of a single form and be drawn up in at least the official language(s) of the Member State of destination;
(b)be made out to a single consignee;
(c)accompany the consignment of embryos to its destination in its original form.