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PART AU.K.Chemical preparations

[F17. Toxicological studies U.K.

For proper evaluation of the toxicity of preparations sufficient information should be available on acute toxicity, irritation and sensitization of the active substance. If possible, additional information on mode of toxic action, toxicological profile and all other known toxicological aspects of the active substance should be submitted.

In the context of the influence that impurities and other components can have on toxicological behaviour, it is essential that for each study submitted, a detailed description (specification) of the material used, be provided. Tests must be conducted using the plant protection product to be authorized.

7.1. Acute toxicity U.K.

The studies, data and information to be provided and evaluated, must be sufficient to permit the identification of effects following a single exposure to the plant protection product, to be assessed, and in particular to establish, or indicate:

While the emphasis must be on estimating the toxicity ranges involved, the information generated must also permit the plant protection product to be classified in accordance with Council Directive 78/631/EEC. The information generated through acute toxicity testing is of particular value in assessing hazards likely to arise in accident situations.

7.1.1. Oral U.K.
Circumstances in which required U.K.

An acute oral test should always be carried out unless the applicant can justify to the satisfaction of the competent authority that Article 3.2 of Council Directive 78/631/EEC can be invoked.

Test guidelines U.K.

The test must be carried out in accordance with Directive 92/69/EEC Method B1 or B1 bis.

7.1.2. Percutaneous U.K.
Circumstances in which required U.K.

An acute percutaneous test should always be carried out unless the applicant can justify to the satisfaction of the competent authority that Article 3.2 of Council Directive 78/631/EEC can be invoked.

Test guideline U.K.

The test must be carried out in accordance with Directive 92/69/EEC Method B3.

7.1.3. Inhalation U.K.
Aim of the test U.K.

The test will provide the inhalation toxicity to rats of the plant protection product or of the smoke it generates.

Circumstances in which required U.K.

The test must be carried out where the plant protection product:

Test guideline U.K.

The test must be carried out in accordance with Directive 92/69/EEC Method B2.

7.1.4. Skin irritation U.K.
Aim of the test U.K.

The test will provide the potential of skin irritancy of the plant protection product including the potential reversibility of the effects observed.

Circumstances in which required U.K.

The skin irritancy of the plant protection product must be determined except where it is likely, as indicated in the test guideline, that severe skin effects may be produced or that effects can be excluded.

Test guideline U.K.

The test must be carried out in accordance with Directive 92/69/EEC Method B4.

7.1.5. Eye irritation U.K.
Aim of the test U.K.

The test will provide the protential for eye irritation of the plant protection product, including the potential reversibility of the effects observed.

Circumstances in which required U.K.

Eye irritation tests must be conducted except where it is likely, as indicated in the test guideline, that severe effects on the eyes may be produced.

Test guideline U.K.

The eye irritation must be determined in accordance with Directive 92/69/EEC Method B5.

7.1.6. Skin sensitization U.K.
Aim of the test U.K.

The test will provide sufficient information to assess the potential of the plant protection product to provoke skin sensitization reactions.

Circumstances in which required U.K.

The tests must always be carried out except where the active substance(s) or co-formulants are known to have sensitizing properties.

Test guideline U.K.

The tests have to be carried out in accordance with Directive 92/69/EEC Method B6.

7.1.7. Supplementary studies for combinations of plant protection products U.K.
Aim of the test U.K.

In certain cases it may be necessary to carry out the studies as referred to under points 7.1.1 to 7.1.6 for a combination of plant protection products where the product label includes requirements for use of the plant protection product with other plant protection products and/or with adjuvants as a tank mix. Decisions as to the need for supplementary studies must be made on a case by case basis, taking into account the results of the acute toxicity studies of the individual plant protection products, the possibility for exposure to the combination of the products concerned and available information or practical experience with the products concerned or similar products.

7.2. Data on exposure U.K.

[F2When measuring exposure to a plant protection product in the air within the breathing area of operators, bystanders or workers the requirements for measuring procedures described in Annex II A to Council Directive 80/1107/EEC of 27 November 1980 on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to chemical, physical and biological agents at work (1) have to be taken into account.]

7.2.1. Operator exposure U.K.

The risks for those using plant protection products depend on the physical, chemical and toxicological properties of the plant protection product as well as the type of the product (undiluted/diluted), and on the route, the degree and duration of exposure. Sufficient information and data must be generated and reported to permit an assessment of the extent of exposure to the active substance(s) and/or toxicologically relevant compounds in the plant protection product likely to occur under the proposed conditions of use. It must also provide a basis for the selection of the appropriate protective measures including personal protective equipment to be used by operators and to be specified on the label. Estimation of operator exposure U.K.
Aim of the estimation U.K.

An estimation shall be made, using where available a suitable calculation model, in order to permit an evaluation of the operator exposure likely to arise under the proposed conditions of use.

Circumstances in which required U.K.

An estimation of operator exposure must always be completed.

Estimation conditions U.K.

An estimation shall be made for each type of application method and application equipment proposed for use of the plant protection product taking account of the requirements resulting from the implementation of the classification and labelling provisions of Directive 78/631/EEC for handling the undiluted or diluted product as well as the different types and sizes of containers to be used, mixing, loading operations, application of the plant protection product, the climatic conditions and cleaning and routine maintenance of application equipment.

At first an estimation shall be made with the assumption that the operator is not using any personal protective equipment.

Where appropriate, a second estimation shall be made with the assumption that the operator is using effective and readily obtainable protective equipment which is feasible to be used by the operator. Where protective measures are specified on the label, the estimation will take these into account. Measurement of operator exposure U.K.
Aim of the test U.K.

The test shall provide sufficient data to permit an evaluation of the operator exposure likely to arise under the proposed conditions of use.

Circumstances in which required U.K.

Actual exposure data for the relevant exposure route(s) must be reported where the risk assessment indicates that a health-based limit value is exceeded. This will, for example, be the case when the results of the estimation of operator exposure provided for under point indicate that:

may be exceeded.

Actual exposure data must also be reported when no appropriate calculation model or no appropriate data are available to do the estimation provided for under point

In cases where dermal exposure is the most important exposure route, a dermal absorption test or the results of a sub-acute dermal study, if not already available, may be a useful alternative test to provide data in order to refine the estimate provided for under point

Test conditions U.K.

The test must be done under realistic exposure conditions taking into account the proposed conditions of use.

7.2.2. Bystander exposure U.K.

Bystanders can be exposed during the application of plant protection products. Sufficient information and data must be reported to provide a basis for the selection of appropriate conditions of use, including the exclusion of bystanders from treatment areas and separation distances.

Aim of the estimation U.K.

An estimation shall be made, using where available a suitable calculation model in order to permit an evaluation of the bystander exposure likely to arise under the proposed conditions of use.

Circumstances in which required U.K.

An estimation of bystander exposure must always be completed.

Estimation conditions U.K.

An estimation of bystander exposure must be made for each type of application method. The estimation shall be made with the assumption that bystanders do not use any personal protective equipment.

Measurement of bystander exposure may be required when estimates indicate a cause for concern.

7.2.3. Worker exposure U.K.

Workers can be exposed following application of plant protection products, when entering treated fields or premises or handling treated plants or plant products on which residues remain. Sufficient information and data must be reported to provide a basis for the selection of appropriate protective measures, including waiting and re-entry periods. Estimation of worker exposure U.K.
Aim of the estimation U.K.

An estimation shall be made using where available a suitable calculation model, in order to permit an evaluation of the worker exposure likely to arise under the proposed conditions of use.

Circumstances in which required U.K.

The estimation of worker exposure must always be completed.

Estimation conditions U.K.

An estimation of worker exposure must be made for each crop and task to be carried out.

At first the estimation shall be made using available data on the exposure to be expected with the assumption that the worker is not using any personal protective equipment.

Where appropriate, a second estimation shall be made with the assumption that the worker is using effective and readily obtainable protective equipment which is feasible to be used.

Where appropriate, a further estimation shall be made using data generated on the amount of dislodgeable residues under the proposed conditions of use. Measurement of worker exposure U.K.
Aim of the test U.K.

The test shall provide sufficient data to permit an evaluation of the worker exposure likely to arise under the proposed conditions of use.

Circumstances in which required U.K.

Actual exposure data for the relevant exposure route(s) must be reported where the risk assessment indicates that a health-based limit value is exceeded. This will, for example, be the case where the results of the estimation of worker exposure provided for under point indicate that:

may be exceeded.

Actual exposure data must also be reported when no appropriate calculation model or no appropriate data are available to do the estimation provided for under point

Where dermal exposure is the most important exposure route, a dermal absorption test, if not already available, may be a useful alternative test to provide data in order to refine the estimate provided for under point

Test conditions U.K.

The test must be done under realistic exposure conditions taking into account the proposed conditions of use.

7.3. Dermal absorption U.K.

Aim of the test U.K.

The test shall provide a measurement of the absorption of the active substance and toxicologically relevant compounds through the skin.

Circumstances in which required U.K.

The study must be conducted when dermal exposure is a significant exposure route and where the risk assessment indicates that a health-based limit value is exceeded. This will, for example, be the case where the results of the estimation or measurement of operator exposure provided for under points or indicate that:

Test conditions U.K.

In principle data of an in vivo rat skin absorption study must be reported. If, when the results of the estimation using these in vivo skin absorption data are incorporated in the risk assessment, there remains an indication of excessive exposure, it may be necessary to perform an in vivo comparative absorption study on rat and human skin.

Test guideline U.K.

Appropriate elements of OECD guideline 417 are to be used. For the design of the studies it may be necessary to take into account the results of the skin absorption studies with the active substance(s).

7.4. Available toxicological data relating to non-active substances U.K.

Where available, a copy of the notification and the safety data sheet submitted in the context of Directive 67/548/EEC and Commission Directive 91/155/EEC of 5 March 1991 defining and laying down the detailed arrangements for the system of specific information relating to dangerous preparations in implementation of Article 10 of Council Directive 88/379/EEC (3) must be submitted for each formulant. All other available information should be submitted.]