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EU Directives are published on this site to aid cross referencing from UK legislation. Since IP completion day (31 December 2020 11.00 p.m.) no amendments have been applied to this version.
The pass must include the following sections:
identity of the holder;
identification of the weapon or firearm, including a reference to the category within the meaning of the Directive;
period of validity of the pass;
section for use by the Member State issuing the pass (type and references of authorizations, etc.);
section for entries by other Member States (authorizations to enter their territory, etc.);
the statements:
‘The right to travel to another Member State with one or more of the firearms in categories B, C or D mentioned in this pass shall be subject to one or more prior corresponding authorizations from the Member State visited. This or these authorizations may be recorded on the pass.
The prior authorization referred to above is not in principle necessary in order to travel with a firearm in categories C or D with a view to engaging in hunting or with a firearm in categories B, C or D for the purpose of taking part in target shooting, on condition that the traveller is in possession of the firearms pass and can establish the reason for the journey.’
Where a Member State has informed the other Member States, in accordance with Article 8 (3), that the possession of certain firearms in categories B, C or D is prohibited or subject to authorization, one of the following statements shall be added:
‘A journey to ... (State(s) concerned) with the firearm ... (identification) shall be prohibited.’
‘A journey to ... (State(s) concerned) with the firearm ... (identification) shall be subject to authorization.’
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