[F1Article 2 U.K.


The definitions given in Article 2 of Directive 90/425/EEC and in Article 2 of Directive 91/628/EEC of 19 November 1991 on the protection of animals during transport and amending Directives 90/425/EEC and 91/496/EEC (1) shall apply as far as applicable.


In addition, the following definitions apply for the purposes of this Directive:


ovine or caprine animals for slaughter means animals of the ovine or caprine species intended to be taken either directly or via an approved assembly centre to a slaughterhouse in order to be slaughtered;


ovine or caprine animals for breeding means ovine and caprine animals other than those mentioned in points 1 and 3 intended to be transported to the place of destination, either directly or via an approved assembly centre, for breeding and production purposes;


ovine or caprine animals for fattening means ovine and caprine animals other than those mentioned in points 1 and 2 intended to be transported to the place of destination, either directly or via an approved assembly centre, in order to be fattened for subsequent slaughter;


officially brucellosis-free ovine or caprine holding means a holding which satisfies the conditions laid down in Section I of Chapter 1 of Annex A;


brucellosis-free ovine or caprine holding means a holding which satisfies the conditions laid down in Chapter 2 of Annex A;


compulsorily notifiable disease means a disease listed under Section I of Annex B;


official veterinarian means a veterinarian designated by the competent central authority of the Member State;


holding of origin means any holding on which the ovine and caprine animals have been continuously present as required by this Directive and on which records are maintained demonstrating the residence of the animals which may be audited by the competent authorities;


assembly centre means collection centres and markets, at which under the supervision of the official veterinarian ovine and caprine animals originating from different holdings are grouped together to form consignments of animals for national movement;


approved assembly centre means premises on which ovine or caprine animals originating from different holdings are grouped together to form consignments of animals intended for intra-Community trade;


dealer means any natural or legal person who buys and sells animals commercially either directly or indirectly, who has a turnover of these animals and who within a maximum of 29 days of purchasing animals resells them or relocates them from the first premises to other premises or directly to a slaughterhouse not within his ownership;


approved dealer's premises means premises operated by a dealer as defined in point 11 and approved by the competent authorities at which ovine or caprine animals originated from different holdings are grouped together to form consignments of animals intended for intra-Community trade;


transporter means any natural or legal person referred to in Article 5 of Directive 91/628/EEC;


regionmeans that part of a Member State's territory which is at least 2 000 km 2 in area and which is subject to inspection by the competent authorities and includes at least one of the following administrative regions:

— Belgium: province/provincie
— Germany: Regierungsbezirk
— Denmark: amt or island
— France: département
— Italy: provincia
— Luxembourg
— Netherlands: RVV-kring
— United Kingdom:
England, Wales and Northern Ireland: county
Scotland: district or island area
— Ireland: county
— Greece: νομός
— Spain: provincia
— Portugal:
continent: distrito
other parts of Portugal's territory: região autónoma
— Austria: Bezirk
— Sweden: län
— Finland: lääni/län [F2.]
[F3— Bulgaria: област
— Romania: județ [F4.] ]
[F5— Croatia: županija.] ]