F1Article 4a


Member States shall ensure that ovine and caprine animals for slaughter, breeding and fattening are not dispatched to another Member State, unless the animals:


have been continuously resident on the holding of origin for at least 30 days, or since birth if the animals are younger than 30 days of age,


do not come from a holding into which ovine or caprine animals have been introduced during the 21 days prior to dispatch,


do not come from a holding into which biungulate animals imported from a third country have been introduced during the 30 days prior to dispatch.


By way of derogation from paragraphs 1(b) and (c), Member States may authorise the dispatch of ovine and caprine animals to another Member State, if the animals referred to in paragraphs 1(b) and (c) have been completely isolated from all other animals on the holding.