CHAPTER IIProvisions applicable to trade

Article 7


The rules on checks established by Directive 89/662/EEC and, as regards pathogenic agents, by Directive 90/425/EEC shall apply, in particular as regards the organization of and follow-up to the checks to be carried out, to the products covered by this Directive.


Article 10 of Directive 90/425/EEC shall apply to the products covered by this Directive.


For the purposes of trade, the provisions of Article 12 of Directive 90/425/EEC shall be extended to establishments supplying products of animal origin covered by this Directive.


Without prejudice to the specific provisions of this Directive, the competent authority shall carry out any checks it may deem appropriate where it is suspected that this Directive is not being complied with.


Member States shall take the appropriate administrative or penal measures to penalize any infringement of this Directive, in particular where it is found that the certificates or documents drawn up do not correspond to the actual state of the products referred to in F1X1Annex I, or that the products in question do not satisfy the requirements of this Directive or have not undergone the checks provided for therein.