Article 2U.K.

For the purposes of this Directive, the following definitions shall apply:


holding: any establishment (agricultural or other), situated in the territory of a Member State, in which animals are kept or bred;


animal: any domestic animal of a species liable to be directly affected by the disease in question, or any wild vertebrate animal likely to participate in the epidemiology of the disease, by acting as a carrier or reservoir of infection;


[X1vector: any vertebrate or invertebrate animal which, by mechanical or biological means, is liable to transmit and spread the agent of the disease in question;]


owner or keeper: any person or persons, either natural or legal, having ownership of the animals, or charged with keeping the said animals, whether or not for financial reward;


incubation period: the period of time likely to elapse between exposure to the agent of the disease and the onset of clinical symptoms. The duration of this period shall be that indicated in Annex I for the disease in question;


confirmation of infection: the declaration by the competent authority of the presence of any of the diseases listed in Annex I based on laboratory results; however, in the event of an epidemic, the competent authority may also confirm the presence of the disease on the basis of clinical and/or epidemiological results;


competent authority: the central authority of a Member State responsible for carrying out veterinary checks or any veterinary authority to which it has delegated that responsibility;


official veterinarian: the veterinarian appointed by the competent authority.