Council Directive 92/51/EEC (repealed)Show full title

Council Directive 92/51/EEC of 18 June 1992 on a second general system for the recognition of professional education and training to supplement Directive 89/48/EEC (repealed)

ANNEX DU.K.List of courses having a special structure as referred to in the third indent of point (b) of the first subparagraph of Article 3

In the United KingdomU.K.

Regulated courses leading to qualifications accredited as National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) [F1by the National Council for Vocational Qualifications ]or in Scotland accredited as Scottish Vocational Qualifications, at levels 3 and 4 of the United Kingdom National Framework of Vocational Qualifications.

These levels are defined as follows:

— Level 3


competence in a broad range of varied work activities performed in a wide variety of contexts and most of which are complex and non-routine. There is considerable responsibility and autonomy, and control or guidance of others is often required.

— Level 4


competence in a broad range of complex, technical or professional work activities performed in a wide variety of contexts and with a substantial degree of personal responsibility and autonomy. Responsibility for the work of others and the allocation of resources is often present.

[F2In Germany: U.K.

the following regulated courses,

  • regulated courses preparatory to the pursuit of the professions of technical assistant ( technische(r) Assistent(in) ), commercial assistant ( kaufmännische(r) Assistent(in) Assistent(in) ), social professions ( soziale Berufe ) and the profession of State-certified respiration and elocution instructor ( staatlich geprüfte(r) Atem-, Sprech- und Stimmlehrer(in) ), of a total duration of at least 13 years, which require successful completion of the secondary course of education ( mittlerer Bildungsabschluß ) and which comprise:

    • at least three years (1) of vocational training at a specialized school ( Fachschule ) culminating in an examination and, where applicable, supplemented by a one-year or two-year specialization course also culminating in an examination,

    • or at least two and a half years at a specialized school ( Fachschule ) culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience having a duration of not less than six months or a traineeship of not less than six months in an approved establishment,

    • or at least two years at a specialized school ( Fachschule ) culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience having a duration of not less than one year or a traineeship of not less than one year in an approved establishment,

  • regulated courses for the professions of State-certified ( staatlich geprüfte(r) ) technician ( Techniker(in) ), business economist ( Betriebswirt(in) ), designer ( Gestalter(in) ) and family assistant ( Familienpfleger(in) ), of a total duration of not less than 16 years, a prerequisite of which is successful completion of compulsory schooling or equivalent education and training (of a duration of not less than nine years) and successful completion of a course at a trade school ( Berufsschule ) of not less than three years, and comprising, upon completion of at least two years of work experience, full-time education and training having a duration of not less than two years or part-time education and training of equivalent duration,

  • regulated courses and regulated in-service training, of a total duration of not less than 15 years, a prerequisite of which is, generally speaking, successful completion of compulsory schooling (of a duration of not less than nine years) and of vocational training (noramlly three years) and generally comprising at least two years of work experience (three years in most cases) and an examination as part of in service training, preparation for which generally entails a training course which either runs concurrently with the work experience (at least 1 000 hours) or is attended on a full-tiume basis (at least one year).

The German authorities shall send to the Commission and to the other Member States a list of the training courses covered by this Annex.]

[F3In the Netherlands: U.K.

The following regulated courses:

  • Regulated training courses of a total duration of not less than 15 years, a prerequisite of which is successful completion of eight years of primary education plus four years of either intermediate general secondary education ( MAVO ) or Preparatory Vocational Education ( VBO ) or general secondary education of a higher level, and which require the completion of a three-year or four-year course at a college for intermediate vocational training ( MBO ), culminating in an examination,

  • regulated training courses of a total duration of not less than 16 years, a prerequisite of which is successful completion of eight years of primary education plus four years of at least preparatory vocational education ( VBO ) or a higher level of general secondary education, and which require the completion of at least four years of vocational training in the apprenticeship system, comprising at least one day of theoretical instruction at a college each week and on the other days practical training in a practical training centre or in a firm, and culminating in a secondary or tertiary level examination.

The Dutch authorities shall send to the Commission and to the other Member States a list of the training courses covered by this Annex.]

[F3In Austria: U.K.

  • Courses at higher vocational schools ( Berufsbildende Höhere Schulen ) and higher education establishments for agriculture and forestry ( Höhere Land- und Forstwirtschaftliche Lehranstalten ), including special types ( einschließlich der Sonderformen ), the structure and level of which are determined by law, regulations and administrative provisions.

    These courses have a total length of not less than 13 years and comprise five years of vocational training, which culminate in a final examination, the passing of which is a proof of professional competence.

  • Courses at master schools ( Meisterschulen ), master classes ( Meisterklassen ), industrial master schools ( Werkmeisterschulen ) or building craftsmen schools ( Bauhandwerkerschulen ), the structure and level of which are determined by law, regulations and administrative provisions.

    These courses have a total length of not less than 13 years, comprising nine years of compulsory education, followed by either at least three years of vocational training at a specialized school or at least three years of training in a firm and in parallel at a vocational training school ( Berufsschule ), both of which culminate in an examination, and are supplemented by successful completion of at least a one-year training course at a master school ( Meisterschule ), master classes ( Meisterklassen ), industrial master school ( Werkmeisterschule ) or a building craftsmen school ( Bauhandwerkerschulen ). In most cases the total duration is at least 15 years, comprising periods of work experience, which either precede the training courses at these establishments or are accompanied by part-time courses (at least 960 hours).

The Austrian authorities shall send to the Commission and the Member States a list of the training courses covered by this Annex.]


[F2The minimum duration may be reduced from three years if the person concerned has the qualification required to enter university ( Abitur ), i.e. 13 years of prior education and training, or the qualification needed to enter a Fachhochschule (a Fachhochschulreife ), i.e. 12 years of prior education and training]