Preliminary note PART ACommon minimum requirements applicable to the on-shore and off-shore sectors...1.Stability and solidity 2.Organization and supervision 2.1.Organization of the workplace 2.1.1.Workplaces must be so organized as to provide adequate protection...2.1.2.Workstations must be designed and constructed according to ergonomic principles...2.1.3.Areas within which there is a special hazard must be...2.2.Person in charge 2.3.Supervision 2.4.Competent workers 2.5.Information, instructions and training 2.6.Written instructions 2.7.Safe working methods 2.8.Work permits 2.9.Regular review of safety and health measures 3.Mechanical and electrical equipment and plant 3.1.General 3.2.Specific provisions 4.Maintenance 4.1.General maintenance 4.2.Safety equipment maintenance 5.Well control 6.Protection from harmful atmospheres and explosion risks 6.1.Measures must be taken for assessing the presence of harmful...6.2.Protection from harmful atmospheres 6.2.1.Where harmful substances accumulate or may accumulate in the atmosphere,...6.2.2.Without prejudice to Directive 89/656/EEC, appropriate and sufficient breathing and...6.2.3.Where hydrogen sulphide or other toxic gases are or may...6.3.Prevention of risks of explosion 6.3.1.All necessary measures must be taken to prevent the occurrence...6.3.2.In areas where there are risks of explosion, all necessary...6.3.3.An explosion prevention plan detailing the equipment and measures required...7.Emergency routes and exits 7.1.Emergency routes and exits must remain clear and lead by...7.2.In the event of danger, it must be possible for...7.3.The number, distribution and dimensions of the emergency routes and...7.4.Emergency doors must open outwards or, if this is impossible,...7.5.Specific emergency routes and exits must be indicated by signs...7.6.Emergency doors must not be locked. 7.7.Emergency routes and exits requiring illumination must be provided with...8.Ventilaton of enclosed workplaces 8.1.Steps shall be taken to ensure that there is sufficient...8.2.If air-conditioning or mechanical ventilation installations are used, they must...9.Room temperature 9.1.During working hours, the temperature in rooms containing workplaces must...9.2.The temperature in rest areas, rooms for duty staff, sanitary...9.3.Windows, skylights and glass partitions should allow excessive effects of...10.Floors, walls, ceilings and roofs of rooms 10.1.The floors of workplaces must have no dangerous bumps, holes...10.2.The surfaces of floors, walls and ceilings in rooms must...10.3.Transparent or translucent walls, in particular all-glass partitions, in rooms...10.4.Access to roofs made of materials of insufficient strength must...11.Natural and artificial lighting 11.1.Every workplace must be provided throughout with lighting capable of...11.2.Workplaces must as far as possible receive sufficient natural light...11.3.Lighting installations in rooms containing workplaces and in passageways must...11.4.Workplaces in which workers are especially exposed to risks in...11.5.Lighting installations must be designed to ensure that operational control...12.Windows and skylights 12.1.Windows, skylights and ventilation devices which are meant to be...12.2.It must be possible to clean windows and skylights without...13.Doors and gates 13.1.The position, number and dimensions of doors and gates, and...13.2.Transparent doors must be appropriately marked at a conspicuous level....13.3.Swing doors and gates must be transparent or have see-through...13.4.If transparent or translucent surfaces in doors and gates are...13.5.Slidings doors must be fitted with a safety device to...13.6.Doors and gates opening upwards must be fitted with a...13.7.Doors along escape routes must be appropriately marked. 13.8.Doors for pedestrians must be provided in the immediate vicinity...13.9.Mechanical doors and gates must function without risk of accident...13.10.Where chains or similar devices are used to prevent access...14.Traffic routes 14.1.It must be possible to reach workplaces without danger and...14.2.Traffic routes, including stairs, fixed ladders and loading bays and...14.3.Routes used for pedestrian traffic and/or goods traffic must be...14.4.Sufficient clearence must be allowed between vehicle traffic routes and...14.5.Traffic and access routes must be clearly identified for the...15.Danger areas 15.1.If the workplaces contain danger areas in which, owing to...15.2.Appropriate measures must be taken to protect workers authorized to...15.3.Danger areas must be clearly indicated. 16.Room dimensions and air space in rooms — freedom of...16.1.Workrooms must have sufficient surface area, height and air space...16.2.The dimensions of the unoccupied area at the workstation must...17.Rest rooms 17.1.Where the safety or health of workers, in particular because...17.2.Rest rooms must be large enough and equipped with an...17.3.In rest rooms appropriate measures must be introduced for the...17.4.If working hours are regularly and frequently interrupted and there...18.Outdoor workplaces 18.1.Workstations, traffic routes and other areas or installations outdoors which...18.2.Workplaces outdoors must be adequately lit by artificial lighting if...18.3.When workers are employed at workstations outdoors, such workstations must...19.Pregnant women and nursing mothers 20.Handicapped workers PART BSpecial minimum requirements applicable to the on-shore sector 1.Fire detection and fire fighting 1.1.Wherever workplaces are designed, constructed, equipped, commissioned, operated or maintained,...1.2.Workplaces must be equipped with appropriate fire-fighting equipment and, as...1.3.Non-automatic fire-fighting equipment must be easily accessible and simple to...1.4.A fire protection plan detailing the precautions to be taken,...1.5.The fire-fighting equipment must be indicated by signs in accordance...2.Remote control in emergencies 3.Communication, general and emergency 3.1.Where required by the safety and health document, every workplace...3.2.Facilities for raising the alarm must be provided at suitable...3.3.When workers are present at workplaces which are not normally...4.Safe assembly points and muster list 5.Means of evacuation and escape 5.1.Workers must be trained in the appropriate actions to be...5.2.Rescue equipment must be provided at readily accessible and appropriately...5.3.Where escape routes are difficult and where irrespirable atmospheres are...6.Safety drills 7.Sanitary equipment 7.1.Changing rooms and lockers 7.1.1.Appropriate changing rooms must be provided for workers if they...7.1.2.Changing rooms must be sufficiently large and have facilities to...7.1.3.Provision must be made for separate changing rooms or separate...7.1.4.If changing rooms are not required under point 7.1.1. each...7.2.Showers and washbasins 7.2.1.Adequate and suitable showers must be provided for workers if...7.2.2.The shower rooms must be sufficiently large to permit each...7.2.3.Where showers are not required under the first subparagraph of...7.2.4.Where the rooms housing the showers or washbasins are separate...7.3.Lavatories and washbasins 8.First aid rooms and equipment 8.1.First aid equipment must be appropriate to the type of...8.2.First aid rooms must be fitted with essential first aid...8.3.In addition, first aid equipment must be available in all...8.4.A sufficient number of workers must be trained in the...9.Traffic routes PART CSpecial minimum requirements applicable to the off-shore sector 1.Preliminary remark 1.1.Without prejudice to Article 3 (2), the employer who, in...1.2.The employer shall observe the procedures and arrangements laid down...1.3.Different employers who are responsible for different workplaces shall cooperate,...2.Fire detection and fire fighting 2.1.Appropriate precautions, as identified by the safety and health document...2.2.Adequate fire detection and protection systems, fire-fighting systems and alarms...2.3.Non-automatic fire-fighting equipment must be easily accessible, simple to use...2.4.A fire protection plan detailing the precautions to protect against,...2.5.Emergency systems must be segregated or otherwise afforded protection from...2.6.The equipment must be indicated by signs in accordance with...3.Remote control in emergencies 3.1.Where required by the safety and health document referred to...3.2.Equipment capable of remote control as referred to in point...4.Communication: general and emergency 4.1.Where required by the safety and health document referred to...4.2.Such system must be capable of remaining operational in the...4.3.Facilities for raising the alarm must be installed at suitable...4.4.When workers are present at workplaces which are not normally...5.Safe assembly points and muster list 5.1.Adequate measures must be taken to protect evacuation points and...5.2.Where required by the safety and health document referred to...5.3.Safe assembly points and evacuation points must be readily accessible...5.4.For each individual safe assembly point, a list containing the...5.5.A list of persons assigned special duties in the event...6.Means of evacuation and escape 6.1.Workers must be trained in the appropriate actions to be...6.2.Workers must be given suitable training in survival techniques, taking...6.3.Suitable and sufficient means of evacuation in an emergency and...6.4.An emergency plan for sea rescue and workplace evacuation situations...6.5.The minimum requirement for every survival craft (lifeboat), life-raft, life-buoy...6.6.Adequate life-saving appliances must be available for immediate use. 7.Safety drills 8.Sanitary equipment 8.1.Changing rooms and lockers 8.1.1.Appropriate changing rooms must be provided for workers if they...8.1.2.Changing rooms must be sufficiently large and have facilities to...8.1.3.Provision must be made for separate changing rooms or separate...8.1.4.If changing rooms are not required under point 8.1.1, each...8.2.Showers and washing facilities 8.3.Lavatories and washbasins 9.First-aid rooms and equipment 9.1.One or more first-aid rooms must be provided according to...9.2.The first-aid rooms must have suitable equipment, facilities and medicines...9.3.In addition, first-aid equipment must be available in all places...10.Accommodation 10.1.If the nature, scale and duration of operations so require,...10.2.Such accommodation must contain sufficient beds or bunks for the...10.3.Such accommodation must include a sufficient number of showers and...10.4.The accommodation must be equipped with a sufficient number of...10.5.The accommodation and its equipment must be maintained to adequate...11.Helicopter operations 11.1.Helicopter decks at workplaces must be of sufficient size and...11.2.There should be provided, and stored in the immediate vicinity...11.3.On installations with a resident workforce, a sufficient number of...12.Positioning of installations at sea — safety and stability 12.1.All the necessary measures must be taken to ensure the...12.2.Operations in preparation for the positioning of off-shore installations must...12.3.Equipment used and procedures followed for the activities referred to...

Council Directive 92/91/EEC

of 3 November 1992

concerning the minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers in the mineral-extracting industries through drilling (eleventh individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 118a thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission1, drawn up after consultation with the Safety and Health Commission for the Mining and other Extractive Industries,

In cooperation with the European Parliament2,

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee3,

Whereas Article 118a of the EEC Treaty provides that the Council shall adopt, by means of Directives, minimum requirements for encouraging improvements, especially in the working environment, to guarantee a better level of protection of the safety and health of workers;

Whereas, pursuant to that Article, such Directives must avoid imposing administrative, financial and legal constraints which would hold back the creation and development of small and medium-sized undertakings;

Whereas the improvement of workers’ safety, hygiene and health at work is an objective which should not be subordinated to purely economic considerations;

Whereas Council Directive 89/654/EEC of 30 November 1989 concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for the workplace (first individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC4) does not apply to the extractive industries;

Whereas compliance with the minimum requirements designed to guarantee a better standard of safety and health for the mineral-extracting industries through drilling is essential to ensure the safety and health of workers;

Whereas the mineral-extracting industries through drilling constitute an area of activity likely to expose workers to particularly high levels of risk;

Whereas this Directive is an individual directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Council Directive 89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work5; whereas, therefore, the provisions of the said Directive apply in full to the mineral-extracting industries through drilling without prejudice to more stringent and/or specific provisions contained in this Directive;

Whereas this Directive is a practical contribution towards creating the social dimension of the internal market,