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3.Quality systemU.K.

3.1.The manufacturer lodges an application for assessment of his quality system with a notified body.U.K.

The application must include:

3.2.Under the quality system, each product or a representative sample of each batch is examined and the appropriate tests defined in the relevant standard(s) referred to in Article 5 or equivalent tests are carried out to ensure that the products conform to the type described in the EC type-examination certificate and fulfil the provisions of this Directive which apply to them. All the elements, requirements and provisionsadopted by the manufacturer must be documented in a systematic and orderly manner in the form of written measures, procedures and instructions. This quality system documentation must permit uniform interpretation of the quality programmes, quality plans, quality manuals and quality records.U.K.

It must include in particular an adequate description of:

The aforementioned checks do not apply to those aspects of the manufacturing process designed to secure sterility.

3.3.The notified body audits the quality system to determine whether it meets the requirements referred to in section 3.2. It must presume that quality systems which implement the relevant harmonized standards conform to these requirements.U.K.

The assessment team must include at least one member with past experience of assessments of the technology concerned. The assessment procedure must include an inspection on the manufacturer's premises and, in duly substantiated cases, on the premises of the manufacturer's suppliers to inspect the manufacturing processes.

The decision must be notified to the manufacturer. It must contain the conclusions of the inspection and a reasoned assessment.

3.4.The manufacturer must inform the notified body which approved the quality system of any plan for substantial changes to the quality system.U.K.

The notified body must assess the changes proposed and verify whether after these changes the quality system will still meet the requirements referred to in Section 3.2.

After receiving the abovementioned information it must notify the manufacturer of its decision. This decision must contain the conclusions of the inspection and a reasoned assessment.