CHAPTER IIU.K.Exercise of the right to vote and the right to stand as a candidate

Article 9U.K.

1.When he submits his application to stand as a candidate, a person entitled to stand as a candidate within the scope of Article 3 shall produce the same supporting documents as a candidate who is a national. The Member State of residence may require him to produce a formal declaration stating his nationality and his address in the Member State of residence.

2.The Member State of residence may also require a person entitled to stand as a candidate within the scope of Article 3 to:

(a)state in the formal declaration which he produces in accordance with paragraph 1 when submitting his application to stand as a candidate that he has not been deprived of the right to stand as a candidate in his home Member State;

(b)in case of doubt regarding the content of the declaration pursuant to (a), or where required under the legal provisions of a Member State, to produce before or after the election an attestation from the competent administrative authorities in his home Member State certifying that he has not been deprived of the right to stand as a candidate in that State or that no such disqualification is known to those authorities;

(c)produce a valid identity document;

(d)state in the formal declaration he produces in accordance with paragraph 1 that he holds no office which is incompatible within the meaning of Article 6 (2);

(e)indicate his last address in his home Member State, in so far as he has had one.