Council Directive 95/64/EC

of 8 December 1995

on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea (repealed)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 213 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission(1),

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament(2),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee(3),

Whereas to carry out the tasks entrusted to it in the context of the common maritime transport policy, the Commission must have at its disposal comparable, reliable, synchronized and regular statistical data on the scale and development of the carriage of goods and passengers by sea to and from the Community, between Member States and for domestic sea transport;

Whereas it is also important for Member States and economic operators to have a good knowledge of the maritime transport market;

Whereas there are currently no comprehensive Community-wide statistics on the transport of goods and passengers by sea;

Whereas Council Decision 93/464/EEC of 22 July 1993 on the framework programme for priority actions in the field of statistical information 1993 to 1997(4) stressed the need to compile comprehensive statistics;

Whereas the collection of Community statistical data on a comparable or harmonized basis makes it possible to establish an integrated system providing reliable, consistent and up-to-date information;

Whereas the data on the transport of goods and passengers by sea have to be made comparable between Member States and between the different modes of transport;

Whereas the Commission is to submit in due course a report reviewing the operation of this Directive;

Whereas provision should be made for a transitional period in order to enable Member States to adapt their statistics systems to the requirements of this Directive and to initiate a programme of pilot studies on specific problems posed by the collection of certain data;

Whereas the Community should therefore, for the start-up period, make a financial contribution to Member States in respect of the work involved;

Whereas for the application of this Directive, including the arrangements to adapt it to economic and technical developments, recourse should be had to the Statistical Programme Committee set up pursuant to Council Decision 89/382/EEC, Euratom(5);

Whereas, in accordance with the principle of subisidiarity, the creation of common statistical standards enabling the production of harmonized information can only be tackled efficiently at Community level; whereas data will be collected in each Member State under the authority of the bodies and institutions in charge of compiling official statistics,


Article 1U.K.

Member States shall collect Community statistics on the carriage of goods and passengers by seagoing vessels calling at ports in their territories.

Article 2U.K.Definitions

For the purposes of this Directive:


‘carriage of goods and passengers by sea’ means the movement of goods and passengers using seagoing vessels, on voyages which are undertaken wholly or partly at sea.

The scope of this Directive shall also include goods:


shipped to offshore installations;


reclaimed from the seabed and unloaded in ports.

Bunkers and stores supplied to vessels shall be excluded from the scope;


‘seagoing vessels’ means vessels other than those which navigate exclusively in inland waters or in waters within, or closely adjacent to, sheltered waters or areas where port regulations apply.

This Directive shall not apply to fish-catching vessels, fish-processing vessels, vessels for drilling and exploration, tugs, pusher craft, research and survey vessels, dredgers, naval vessels or vessels used solely for non-commercial purposes;


‘port’ means a place having facilities for merchant ships to moor and to load or unload cargo or to disembark or embark passengers to or from vessels;


‘nationality of the maritime transport operator’ means the country in which the effective centre of the transport operator's commercial activity is located;


‘maritime transport operator’ means any person by whom or on behalf of whom a contract for the transport for goods or persons by sea is concluded with a shipper or a passenger.

Article 3U.K.Data collection characteristics

1.Member States shall collect data relating to the following domains:

(a)cargo and passenger information;

(b)information on the vessel.

Vessels with a gross tonnage of less than 100 may be excluded from the data collection.

2.The characteristics of the data collection, namely the statistical variables in each domain and the nomenclatures for their classification, as well as their periodicity of observation, are set out in the Annexes to this Directive.

3.The data collection shall be based, in so far as possible, on available sources, limiting the burden on respondents.

Article 4U.K.Ports

1.For the purposes of this Directive, a list of ports, coded and classified according to countries and maritime coastal areas, shall be drawn up in accordance with the procedure specified in Article 13.

2.Each Member State shall select from this list any port handling mare than one million tonnes of goods or recording more than 200 000 passenger movements annually.

For a period of no more than tree years from the entry into force of this Directive, each Member State may select only ports handling more than two million tonnes of goods or recording more than 400 000 passenger movements annually.

For each port selected, detailed data are to be provided, in conformity with Annex VIII, for the domains (goods and passengers) in which that port meets the selection criterion, and with summary data, if appropriate, for the other domain.

3.For the ports which are not selected from the list, summary data are to be provided in conformity with Annex VIII, data set A3.

Article 5U.K.Accuracy of statistics

The methods of collecting data shall be such that Community sea transport statistics display the precision required for the statistical data sets described in Annex VIII. The standards of accuracy shall be drawn up in accordance with the procedure specified in Article 13.

Article 6U.K.Processing of the results of the collection of data

Member States shall process the statistical information collected pursuant to Article 3, in order to obtain comparable statistics, with the standard of accuracy provided for in Article 5.

Article 7U.K.Transmission of the results of the collection of data

1.Member States shall transmit the results referred to in Article 3 to the Statistical Office of the European Communities, including the data declared confidential by the Member States pursuant to domestic legislation or practice concerning statistical confidentiality, in accordance with Council Regulation (Euratom, EEC) No 1588/90 of 11 June 1990 on the transmission of data subject to statistical confidentiality to the Statistical Office of the European Communities(6).

2.The results shall be transmitted in accordance with the structure of the statistical data sets defined in Annex VIII. The technical details for transmission of the results will be specified in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13.

3.The transmission of the results shall take place within five months of the end of the period of observation for data of quarterly periodicity and within eight months for data of annual periodicity.

The first transmission shall cover the first quarter of 1997.

Article 8U.K.Reports

1.Member States shall provide the Commission with all relevant information on the methods used in compiling the data. They shall also forward details of substantial changes in the methods used to collect the data.

2.After data have been collected over a period of three years, the Commission shall submit a report to the Council on experience acquired in the work carried out pursuant to this Directive.

Article 9U.K.Dissemination of statistical data

The Commission shall disseminate appropriate statistical data with a periodicity comparable to that of the results transmitted.

The arrangements for publication or dissemination of the statistical data by the Commission shall be adopted according to the procedure specified in Article 13.

Article 10U.K.Transitional period

1.During a transitional period of no more than three years, derogations may, in accordance with the procedure specified in Article 13, be granted pursuant to this Directive, in so far as the national statistical systems require major adaptation.

2.During the transitional period referred to in paragraph 1 a programme of pilot studies concerning the following shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure specified in Article 13:

(a)feasibility and the cost to Member States and the respondents of collecting the following items of information:

  • (a)description of the goods as defined in Annex III and in Annex VIII, data set B1,

  • passengers transported over short distances,

  • information concerning feeder services and transport chains,

  • data relating to the nationality of the maritime transport operator;

(b)the possibility of collecting data under the arrangements concluded in the context of the simplification of trade procedures, the International Standards Organization (ISO), the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and international customs rules.

The Commission shall inform the Council of the outcome of the pilot studies and shall submit to it proposals on the possibility of extending the system introduced by this Directive to set up a regular collection of these items of information.

Article 11U.K.Financial contribution

1.For the first three years in which the statistical returns provided for in this Directive are made, Member States shall receive a financial contribution from the Community towards the cost of the work involved.

2.The amount of the appropriations allocated annually for the financial contribution referred to in paragraph 1 shall be fixed as part of the annual budgetary procedures.

3.The budget authority shall determine the appropriations available for each year.

Article 12U.K.Detailed rules of implementation

The detailed rules for implementing this Directive, including measures for adapting it to economic and technical developments, and in particular:

  • adaptation of the data collection characteristics (Article 3) and of the content of the Annexes to this Directive in so far as such adaptation does not involve a substantial increase in cost for the Member States and/or the burden on respondents,

  • a list of ports, updated on a regular basis by the Commission, coded and classified by country and maritime coastal area (Article 4),

  • accuracy requirement (Article 5),

  • the description of the composition of a data file and codes for transmission of the results to the Commission (Article 7),

  • the arrangements for publication or dissemination of the data (Article 9),

  • derogations from the provisions of this Directive to be granted during the transitional period, and the pilot studies scheduled (Article 10),

  • the equivalent nomenclature in gross tonnage per group of vessels (Annex VII),

shall be laid down in accordance with the procedure specified in Article 13.

[F1Article 13 U.K.

1. The Commission shall be assisted by the Statistical Programme Committee, set up by Council Decision 89/382/EEC, Euratom, hereinafter referred to as the Committee .

2. Where reference is made to this Article, Articles 4 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC (7) shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.

The period laid down in Article 4(3) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.

3. The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.]

Article 14U.K.Implementation

1.The Member States shall adopt the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 1 January 1997 at the latest. They shall immediately inform the Commission thereof.

The provisions adopted by the Member States shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference when published officially. The procedure for making this reference shall be laid down by the Member States.

2.Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the main provisions of domestic law which they adopt in the field governed by the Directive.

Article 15U.K.

This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

Article 16U.K.

This Directive is addressed to the Member States.


1. Statistical Variables U.K.

(a) Cargo and passenger information U.K.

  • Gross weight of goods in tonnes,

  • type of cargo, according to the nomenclature shown in Annex II,

  • description of the goods, using the nomenclature shown in Annex III,

  • reporting port,

  • direction of movement, whether inwards or outwards,

  • for inward cargo: the port of loading (i.e. the port in which the cargo was loaded on to the ship in which it arrived in the reporting port) using individual ports in the European Economic Area (EEA) countries shown in the port list, and the maritime coastal areas outside the EEA countries, shown in Annex IV,

  • for outward cargo: the port of unloading (i. e. the port in which the cargo is to be unloaded from the ship in which it left the reporting port) using individual ports in the EEA countries shown in the port list, and the maritime coastal areas outside the EEA countries, shown in Annex IV,

  • number of passengers starting or finishing a voyage as well as number of cruise passengers on a cruise passenger excursion.

For goods carried in containers or ro-ro units, the following additional particulars shall be provided:

  • total number of containers (with and without cargo),

  • number of containers without cargo,

  • total number of mobile (ro-ro) units with and without cargo,

  • number of mobile (ro-ro) units without cargo.

(b) Information on the vessel U.K.

  • Number of vessels;

  • deadweight of vessels or gross tonnage;

  • country or territory of registration of vessels, using the nomenclature shown in Annex V;

  • type of vessels, using the nomenclature shown in Annex VI;

  • size of vessels, using the nomenclature shown in Annex VII.

2. Definitions U.K.


Freight container means an article of transport equipment:


of a permanent nature and accordingly strong enough to be suitable for repeated use;


specially designed to facilitate the carriage of goods by one or more modes of transport, without intermediate reloading;


fitted with devices permitting its ready handling, particularly its transfer from one mode of transport to another;


so designed as to be easy to fill and empty;


having a length of 20 feet or more.


Ro-ro unit means wheeled equipment for carrying cargo, such as a truck, trailer or semi-trailer, which can be driven or towed onto a vessel. Port or ships' trailers are included in this definition. Classifications should follow United Nations ECE Recommendation No 21 Codes for types of cargo, packages and packaging materials .


Container cargo means containers with or without cargo which are lifted on or off the vessels which carry them by sea.


Ro-ro cargo means goods, whether or not in containers, on ro-ro units, and ro-ro units which are rolled on and off the vessels which carry them by sea.


Gross weight of goods means the tonnage of goods carried, including packaging but excluding the tare weight of containers or ro-ro units.


Deadweight (DWT) means the difference in tonnes between the displacement of a ship on summer load-line in water with a specific gravity of 1,025 and the total weight of the ship, i. e. the displacement in tonnes of a ship without cargo, fuel, lubricating oil, ballast water, fresh water and drinking water in the tanks, usable supplies as well as passengers, crew and their possessions.


Gross tonnage means the measure of the overall size of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.


Cruise passenger means a sea passenger making a sea journey on a cruise ship. Passengers on day excursions are excluded.


Cruise ship means a passenger ship intended to provide passengers with a full tourist experience. All passengers have cabins. Facilities for entertainment aboard are included. Ships operating normal ferry services are excluded, even if some passengers treat the service as a cruise. In addition, cargo-carrying vessels able to carry a very limited number of passengers with their own cabins are also excluded. Ships intended solely for day excursions are also excluded.


Cruise passenger excursion means a short visit by a cruise passenger to a tourist attraction associated with a port while retaining a cabin on board.]



These categories are consistent with United Nations ECE Recommendation No 21.


The quantity recorded is the gross weight of the goods including packaging but excluding the tare weight of containers and ro-ro-units.


Only total number of units.]

Category a Code 1 digit Code 2 digits Description Tonnage Number
Liquid bulk 1 1X Liquid bulk goods (no cargo unit) X
11 Liquefied gas X
12 Crude oil X
13 Oil products X
19 Other liquid bulk goods X
Dry bulk 2 2X Dry bulk goods (no cargo unit) X
21 Ores X
22 Coal X
23 Agricultural products (e.g. grain, soya, tapioca) X
29 Other dry bulk goods X
Containers 3 3X Large containers X b X
31 20 ft freight units X b X
32 40 ft freight units X b X
33 Freight units > 20 ft and < 40 ft X b X
34 Freight units > 40 ft X b X

Roll-on roll-off


5 5X Mobile self-propelled units X X
51 Road goods vehicles and accompanying trailers X b X
52 Passenger cars, motorcycles and accompanying trailers/caravans X c
53 Passenger buses X c
54 Trade vehicles (including import/export motor vehicles) X X c
56 Live animals on the hoof X X c
59 Other mobile self-propelled units X X

Roll-on roll-off


6 6X Mobile non-self-propelled units X X
61 Unaccompanied road goods trailers and semi-trailers X b X
62 Unaccompanied caravans and other road, agricultural and industrial vehicles X X c
63 Rail wagons, shipborne port-to-port trailers, and shipborne barges engaged in goods transport X b X
69 Other mobile non-self-propelled units X X

Other general cargo

(including small containers)

9 9X Other cargo, not elsewhere specified X
91 Forestry products X
92 Iron and steel products X
99 Other general cargo X



The goods nomenclature used is that consisting of 24 groups of goods (first column below) based on the uniform nomenclature of goods for transport statistics (NST/R a until the Commission, having consulted the Member States, decides to replace it.



Published by the Statistical Office of the European Communities, 1968 edition. OJ L 151, 15.6.1990, p. 1 .

Group of goods NST/R chapter NST/R groups Description
1 0 01 Cereals
2 02, 03 Potatoes, other fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables
3 00, 06 Live animals, sugar beet
4 05 Wood and cork
5 04, 09 Textiles, textile articles and man-made fibres, other raw animal and vegetable materials
6 1 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 Foodstuff and animal fodder
7 18 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits and fats
8 2 21, 22, 23 Solid mineral fuels
9 3 31 Crude petroleum
10 32, 33, 34 Petroleum products
11 4 41, 46 Iron ore, iron and steel waste, and blast furnace dust
12 45 Non-ferrous ores and waste
13 5 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 Metal products
14 6 64, 69 Cement, lime, manufactured building materials
15 61, 62, 63, 65 Crude and manufactured minerals
16 7 71, 72 Natural and chemical fertilisers
17 8 83 Coal chemicals, tar
18 81, 82, 89 Chemicals other than coal chemicals and tar
19 84 Paper pulp and waste paper
20 9 91, 92, 93 Transport equipment, machinery, apparatus, engines, whether or not assembled, and parts thereof
21 94 Manufactures of metal
22 95 Glass, glassware, ceramic products
23 96, 97 Leather, textile, clothing, other manufactured articles
24 99 Miscellaneous articles


The nomenclature to be used is the Geonomenclature (the country nomenclature for the external trade statistics of the Community and statistics of trade between Member States, originally drawn up by Council Regulation (EEC) No 1736/75 (8) ) in force in the year to which the data refer.

The code consists of four digits: the ISO alpha 2 standard code for each country from the abovementioned nomenclature, followed by two zeros (e.g. code GR00 for Greece), except for countries which are divided into two or more maritime coastal areas, which are identified by a fourth digit other than zero (from 1 to 7), as below:

Code Maritime coastal areas
FR01 France: Atlantic and North Sea
FR02 France: Mediterranean
FR03 French overseas departments: French Guiana
FR04 French overseas departments: Martinique and Guadeloupe
FR05 French overseas departments: Réunion
DE01 Germany: North Sea
DE02 Germany: Baltic
DE03 Germany: Inland
GB01 United Kingdom
GB02 Isle of Man
GB03 Channels Islands
ES01 Spain: Atlantic (North)
ES02 Spain: Mediterranean and Atlantic (South), including the Balearic and Canary Islands
SE01 Sweden: Baltic
SE02 Sweden: North Sea
TR01 Turkey: Black Sea
TR02 Turkey: Mediterranean
RU01 Russia: Black Sea
RU02 Russia: Baltic
RU03 Russia: Asia
MA01 Morocco: Mediterranean
MA02 Morocco: West Africa
EG01 Egypt: Mediterranean
EG02 Egypt: Red Sea
IL01 Israel: Mediterranean
IL02 Israel: Red Sea
SA01 Saudi Arabia: Red Sea
SA02 Saudi Arabia: Gulf
US01 United States of America: Atlantic (North)
US02 United States of America: Atlantic (South)
US03 United States of America: Gulf
US04 United States of America: Pacific (South)
US05 United States of America: Pacific (North)
US06 United States of America: Great Lakes
US07 Puerto Rico
CA01 Canada: Atlantic
CA02 Canada: Great Lakes and Upper Saint Lawrence
CA03 Canada: West Coast
CO01 Colombia: North Coast
CO02 Colombia: West Coast

With the additional codes U.K.

ZZ01 Offshore installations
ZZ02 Aggregates and not elsewhere specified]


The nomenclature to be used is the Geonomenclature (the country nomenclature for the external trade statistics of the Community and statistics of trade between Member States originally drawn up by Council Regulation (EEC) No 1736/75 (9) ) in force in the year to which the data refer.

The code consists of four digits: the ISO alpha 2 standard code for each country from the above-mentioned nomenclature, followed by two zeros (e.g. code GR00 for Greece), except for countries with more than one register which are identified by a fourth digit other than zero, as below:

FR01 France
FR02 French Antarctic Territory (including the Kerguelen Islands)
IT01 Italy - first register
IT02 Italy - international register
GB01 United Kingdom
GB02 Isle of Man
GB03 Channel Islands
GB04 Gibraltar
DK01 Denmark
DK02 Denmark (DIS)
PT01 Portugal
PT02 Portugal (MAR)
ES01 Spain
ES02 Spain (Rebeca)
NO01 Norway
NO02 Norway (NIS)
US01 United States of America
US02 Puerto Rico] ]



Not covered by this Directive.]

Type Ship categories included
10 Liquid bulk

Oil tanker

Chemical tanker

LG tanker

Tanker barge

Other tanker

20 Dry bulk

Bulk/oil carrier

Bulk carrier

31 Container Full container
32 Specialized

Barge carrier

Chemical carrier

Irradiated fuel

Livestock carrier

Vehicle carrier

Other specialised

33 General cargo, non-specialized


Ro-ro passenger

Ro-ro container

Other ro-ro cargo

Combination carrier general cargo/passenger

Combination carrier general cargo/container

Single decker


34 Dry cargo barge

Deck barge

Hopper barge

Lash-seabee barge

Open dry cargo barge

Coverd dry cargo barge

Other dry cargo barge nes

35 Passenger Passenger (excluding cruise passengers)
36 Cruise Passenger Cruise ships only
41 Fishing a

Fish catching a

Fish processing a

42 Offshore activities

Drilling and exploration a

Offshore support a

43 Tugs

Tugs a

Pusher craft a

49 Miscellaneous

Dredgers a

Research/survey a

Other vessel nes a

XX Unknown Unknown type of vessel

[F3ANNEX VII U.K. VESSEL SIZE CLASSES in deadweight (DWT) or in gross tonnage (GT)

This classification applies only to vessels with a gross tonnage of 100 or more.

NB: If vessels with a gross tonnage of less than 100 were to be included pursuant to this Directive, they would be allocated class code 99.

Class Lower limit Upper limit
01 100 up to 499 up to 499
02 500 500 999 999
03 1 000 1 000 1 999 1 999
04 2 000 2 000 2 999 2 999
05 3 000 3 000 3 999 3 999
06 4 000 4 000 4 999 4 999
07 5 000 5 000 5 999 5 999
08 6 000 6 000 6 999 6 999
09 7 000 7 000 7 999 7 999
10 8 000 8 000 8 999 8 999
11 9 000 9 000 9 999 9 999
12 10 000 10 000 19 999 19 999
13 20 000 20 000 29 999 29 999
14 30 000 30 000 39 999 39 999
15 40 000 40 000 49 999 49 999
16 50 000 50 000 79 999 79 999
17 80 000 80 000 99 999 99 999
18 100 000 100 000 149 999 149 999
19 150 000 150 000 199 999 199 999
20 200 000 200 000 249 999 249 999
21 250 000 250 000 299 999 299 999
22 ≥  300 000 ≥  300 000


The data sets specified in this Annex define the periodicity for the maritime transport statistics required by the Community. Each data set defines a cross classification of a limited set of dimensions at different levels of the nomenclatures, aggregated across all other dimensions, for which statistics of good quality are required.

The conditions for collecting data set B1 will be decided by the Council on a proposal from the Commission in the light of the results of the pilot study during a three-year transitional period as defined in Article 10 of this Directive.


  • The data sets to be provided for selected ports for goods and passengers are A1, A2, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1 and/or F2.

  • The data sets to be provided for selected ports for goods but not for passengers are A1, A2, A3, B1, C1, E1, F1 and/or F2.

  • The data sets to be provided for selected ports for passengers but not for goods are A3, D1, F1 and/or F2.

  • The data set to be provided for selected ports and for ports which are not selected (for neither goods nor passengers) is A3.

Data set A1: Seaborne transport in the main European ports by port, type of cargo and relation U.K. Periodicity: U.K. quarterly U.K.

Data: Gross weight of goods in tonnes.

Variables Coding detail Nomenclature
Dimensions Data set Two-character alphanumeric A1
Reference year Four-character alphanumeric (e.g. 1997)
Reference quarter One-character alphanumeric (1, 2, 3, 4)
Reporting port Five-character alphanumeric Selected EEA ports in the port list
Direction One-character alphanumeric Inwards, outwards (1, 2)
Port of loading/unloading Five-character alphanumeric EEA-ports in the port list
Relation Four-character alphanumeric Maritime coastal areas, Annex IV
Type of cargo One-character alphanumeric Type of cargo, Annex II

Data set A2: Non-unit-load seaborne transport in the main European ports, by port, type of cargo and relation U.K. Periodicity: U.K. quarterly U.K.

Data: Gross weight of goods in tonnes.

Variables Coding detail Nomenclature
Dimensions Data set Two-character alphanumeric A2
Reference year Four-character alphanumeric (e.g. 1997)
Reference quarter One-character alphanumeric (1, 2, 3, 4)
Reporting port Five-character alphanumeric Selected EEA ports in the port list
Direction One-character alphanumeric Inwards, outwards (1, 2)
Port of loading/unloading Five-character alphanumeric EEA-ports in the port list
Relation Four-character alphanumeric Maritime coastal areas, Annex IV
Type of cargo Two-character alphanumeric Type of cargo, (non-unit-load only) Annex II (subcategories 1X, 11, 12, 13, 19, 2X, 21, 22, 23, 29, 9X, 91, 92 and 99)

Data set A3: Data required for both selected ports and ports for which detailed statistics are not required (see Article 4(3)) U.K. Periodicity: U.K. annual U.K.

Data: Gross weight of goods in tonnes.

Number of passengers (excluding cruise passengers). Number of cruise passengers starting and ending a cruise. Number of cruise passengers on cruise passenger excursion: direction: inwards (1) only - (optional).
Variables Coding detail Nomenclature
Dimensions Data set Two-character alphanumeric A3
Reference year Four-character alphanumeric (e.g. 1997)
Reference quarter One-character alphanumeric (0)
Reporting port Five-character alphanumeric All ports in the port list
Direction One-character alphanumeric Inwards, outwards (1, 2)

Data set B1: Seaborne transport in the main European ports, by port, type of cargo, goods and relation U.K. Periodicity: U.K. annual U.K.

Data: Gross weight of goods in tonnes.

Variables Coding detail Nomenclature
Dimensions Data set Two-character alphanumeric B1
Reference year Four-character alphanumeric (e.g. 1997)
Reference quarter One-character alphanumeric (0)
Reporting port Five-character alphanumeric Selected EEA ports in the port list
Direction One-character alphanumeric Inwards, outwards (1, 2)
Port of loading/unloading Five-character alphanumeric EEA-ports in the port list
Relation Four-character alphanumeric Maritime coastal areas, Annex IV
Type of cargo One-character alphanumeric Type of cargo, Annex II
Commodity Two-character alphanumeric Goods nomenclature, Annex III

Data set C1: Unit-load seaborne transport in the main European ports, by port, type of cargo, relation and loaded status U.K. Periodicity: U.K. quarterly U.K.

Data: Gross weight of goods in tonnes (type of cargo: subcategories 3X, 31, 32, 33, 34, 51, 54, 56, 59, 6X, 61, 62, 63 and 69).

Number of units (type of cargo: subcategories 3X, 31, 32, 33, 34, 5X, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 59, 6X, 61, 62, 63 and 69). Number of units without cargo (type of cargo: subcategories 3X, 31, 32, 33, 34, 5X, 51, 59, 6X, 61, 63 and 69).
Variables Coding detail Nomenclature
Dimensions Data set Two-character alphanumeric C1
Reference year Four-character alphanumeric (e.g. 1997)
Reference quarter One-character alphanumeric (1, 2, 3, 4)
Reporting port Five-character alphanumeric Selected EEA ports in the port list
Direction One-character alphanumeric Inwards, outwards (1, 2)
Port of loading/unloading Five-character alphanumeric EEA-ports in the port list
Relation Four-character alphanumeric Maritime coastal areas, Annex IV
Type of cargo Two-character alphanumeric Type of cargo (container, ro-ro only) Annex II (subcategories 3X, 31, 32, 33, 34, 5X, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 59, 6X, 61, 62, 63 and 69)

Data set D1: Passenger transport in the main European ports, by relation and nationality of registration of vessel U.K. Periodicity: U.K. quarterly U.K.

Data: Number of passengers excluding cruise passengers starting and ending a cruise and cruise passengers on excursion

Variables Coding detail Nomenclature
Dimensions Data set Two-character alphanumeric D1
Reference year Four-character alphanumeric (e.g. 1997)
Reference quarter One-character alphanumeric (1, 2, 3, 4)
Reporting port Five-character alphanumeric Selected EEA ports in the port list
Direction One-character alphanumeric Inwards, outwards (1, 2)
Port of loading/unloading Five-character alphanumeric EEA-ports in the port list
Relation Four-character alphanumeric Maritime coastal areas, Annex IV
Nationality of registration of vessel Four-character alphanumeric Nationality of registration of vessels, Annex V

Data set E1: Seaborne transport in the main European ports, by port, type of cargo, relation and nationality of registration of vessels U.K. Periodicity: U.K. annual U.K.

Data: Gross weight of goods in tonnes.

Variables Coding detail Nomenclature
Dimensions Data set Two-character alphanumeric E1
Reference year Four-character alphanumeric (e.g. 1997)
Reference quarter One-character alphanumeric (0)
Reporting port Five-character alphanumeric Selected EEA ports in the port list
Direction One-character alphanumeric Inwards, outwards (1, 2)
Port of loading/unloading Five-character alphanumeric EEA-ports in the port list
Relation Four-character alphanumeric Maritime coastal areas, Annex IV
Type of cargo One-character alphanumeric Type of cargo, Annex II
Nationality of registration of vessel Four-character alphanumeric Nationality of registration of vessels, Annex V

Data set F1: European port vessel traffic in the main European ports, by port, type and size of vessels loading or unloading cargo, embarking or disembarking passengers (including cruise passengers on cruise passenger excursion) U.K. Periodicity: U.K. quarterly U.K.

Data: Number of vessels;

Dead weight of vessels in tonnes.
Variables Coding detail Nomenclature
Dimensions Data set Two-character alphanumeric F1
Reference year Four-character alphanumeric (e.g. 1997)
Reference quarter One-character alphanumeric (1, 2, 3, 4)
Reporting port Five-character alphanumeric Selected EEA ports in the port list
Direction One-character alphanumeric Inwards, outwards (1, 2)
Type of vessel Two-character alphanumeric Type of ship, Annex VI
Size of vessel DWT Two-character alphanumeric Dead weight size classes, Annex VII

Data set F2: European port vessel traffic in the main European ports, by port, type and size of vessels loading or unloading cargo, embarking or disembarking passengers (including cruise passengers on cruise passenger excursion) U.K. Periodicity: U.K. quarterly U.K.

Data: Number of vessels;

Gross tonnage of vessels.] ]
Variables Coding detail Nomenclature
Dimensions Data set Two-character alphanumeric F2
Reference year Four-character alphanumeric (e.g. 1997)
Reference quarter One-character alphanumeric (1, 2, 3, 4)
Reporting port Five-character alphanumeric Selected EEA ports in the port list
Direction One-character alphanumeric Inwards, outwards (1, 2)
Type of vessel Two-character alphanumeric Type of ship, Annex VI
Size of vessel GT Two-character alphanumeric Gross tonnage size classes, Annex VII