CHAPTER 2U.K.Universal service

Article 3U.K.

1.Member States shall ensure that users enjoy the right to a universal service involving the permanent provision of a postal service of specified quality at all points in their territory at affordable prices for all users.

2.To this end, Member States shall take steps to ensure that the density of the points of contact and of the access points takes account of the needs of users.

[F13. Member States shall take steps to ensure that the universal service is guaranteed not less than five working days a week, save in circumstances or geographical conditions deemed exceptional, and that it includes as a minimum:

  • one clearance,

  • one delivery to the home or premises of every natural or legal person or, by way of derogation, under conditions at the discretion of the national regulatory authority, one delivery to appropriate installations.]

Any exception or derogation granted by a national regulatory authority in accordance with this paragraph must be communicated to the Commission and to all national regulatory authorities.

4.Each Member State shall adopt the measures necessary to ensure that the universal service includes the following minimum facilities:

  • the clearance, sorting, transport and distribution of postal items up to two kilograms,

  • the clearance, sorting, transport and distribution of postal packages up to 10 kilograms,

  • services for registered items and insured items.

[F15. The national regulatory authorities may increase the weight limit of universal service coverage for postal parcels to any weight not exceeding 20 kilograms and may lay down special arrangements for the door-to-door delivery of such parcels.

Notwithstanding the weight limit of universal service coverage for postal parcels established by a given Member State, Member States shall ensure that postal parcels received from other Member States and weighing up to 20 kilograms are delivered within their territory.]

[F16. The minimum and maximum dimensions for the postal items in question shall be those as laid down in the relevant provisions adopted by the Universal Postal Union.]

7.The universal service as defined in this Article shall cover both national and cross-border services.

[F1Article 4 U.K.

1. Each Member State shall ensure that the provision of the universal service is guaranteed and shall notify the Commission of the steps it has taken to fulfil this obligation. The Committee referred to in Article 21 shall be informed of the measures established by Member States to ensure the provision of the universal service.

2. Member States may designate one or more undertakings as universal service providers in order that the whole of the national territory can be covered. Member States may designate different undertakings to provide different elements of universal service and/or to cover different parts of the national territory. When they do so, they shall determine in accordance with Community law the obligations and rights assigned to them and shall publish these obligations and rights. In particular, Member States shall take measures to ensure that the conditions under which universal services are entrusted are based on the principles of transparency, non-discrimination and proportionality, thereby guaranteeing the continuity of the universal service provision, by taking into account the important role it plays in social and territorial cohesion.

Member States shall notify the Commission of the identity of the universal service provider(s) they designate. The designation of a universal service provider shall be subject to a periodic review and be examined against the conditions and principles set out in this Article. However, Member States shall ensure that the duration of this designation provides a sufficient period for return on investments.]

Article 5U.K.

1.Each Member State shall take steps to ensure that universal service provision meets the following requirements:

  • it shall offer a service guaranteeing compliance with the essential rerquirements,

  • it shall offer an identical service to users under comparable conditions,

  • it shall be made available without any form of discrimination whatsoever, especially without discrimination arising from political, religious or ideological considerations,

  • it shall not be interrupted or stopped except in cases of force majeure,

  • it shall evolve in response to the technical, economic and social environment and to the needs of users.

[F12. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not preclude measures which the Member States take in accordance with requirements relating to the public interest recognised in the Treaty, in particular Articles 30 and 46 thereof, concerning, inter alia , public morality, public security, including criminal investigations, and public policy.]

[F1Article 6 U.K.

Member States shall take steps to ensure that users and postal service providers are regularly given sufficiently detailed and up-to-date information by the universal service provider(s) regarding the particular features of the universal service offered, with special reference to the general conditions of access to these services as well as to prices and quality standard levels. This information shall be published in an appropriate manner.

Member States shall notify the Commission, of how the information to be published in accordance with the first paragraph is to be made available.]